So - how the path to socialism looks like practically from the Marx point of view ideologically? Well - it is not about social acitivism, about enlightement, about writing and distributing phamlets, about critcial arts. It is about developing technologies that themselves will bring the new socio-economic phase transitions. That is why the Science, the open source programming of AI/AGI projects, the investment in technology stocks, the political push for investments in R&D, innovations and technical education - all those simple steps are the core activities towards the socialism.
What about Church? Well - there will be little that Church will be able to do when the social-economic phase transition will start to happen. She will have to adapt its teach, update its knowledge about social science and issue new edition of Catechism. My guess is that this will trigger the next Ecumenical Council.
Why it is timely to thinks and talk about this? Well - maybe such phase transition is already starting?
In its first edition after the Trump election The Economist magazine mentioned grave fact about America - 50% of the society (those under the income median) today is living worse than in 70ties (45 yearse ago). It is true, that now people can have cell phone, TV set, internet or whatever other toys. But the essential things like housing, education, healthcare etc are much more expensive w.r.t. salaries than 50 years ago. Why is that? My answer lies in Wage share - Wikipedia that reflects the advacement of technologies and the proximity to inevitable transition to the socialism.
What about Church? Well - there will be little that Church will be able to do when the social-economic phase transition will start to happen. She will have to adapt its teach, update its knowledge about social science and issue new edition of Catechism. My guess is that this will trigger the next Ecumenical Council.
Why it is timely to thinks and talk about this? Well - maybe such phase transition is already starting?
In its first edition after the Trump election The Economist magazine mentioned grave fact about America - 50% of the society (those under the income median) today is living worse than in 70ties (45 yearse ago). It is true, that now people can have cell phone, TV set, internet or whatever other toys. But the essential things like housing, education, healthcare etc are much more expensive w.r.t. salaries than 50 years ago. Why is that? My answer lies in Wage share - Wikipedia that reflects the advacement of technologies and the proximity to inevitable transition to the socialism.