I want to give you all another perspective on this. I have been to that place, where none of us ever want to be. I have been days away from losing a house, no job or a substandard one and 4 mouths to feed. There are programs to help pay the morgage, heat and utilities. There is even a program with verizon to reduce the cost of a phone. There are state programs for food and money too. The problem is, they are administered by humans and they are flawed. Don’t get me wrong, they can be wonderful programs…and they have helped many, but they don’t meet everybody’s needs nor should they. Here is a biased opinion, mine. When my husband of 12 yrs just walked out the door then 6 months later I was laid off my job, I tried for 5 months to find a job unsuccessfully and finally had to get help. I found that in my state there is a bias in the midst of welfare reform. I was required to attend a meeting 20 miles from where I live, go through countless interviews with people that required the same information over and over, just to see if I qualified for food stamps. Do you know how much it costs to drive 20 miles and back at least 4 times to get money for food? If I had that money, it would be going for food. Then, to get help money wise, which is in the same office, I had to prove I had no job skills, to which they said I had too many job skills. Once I did fight and got it approved, I had 1 month to find a job, (like the last 5 months that I had been laid off were spent laying on a beach?) or I either lost the money or had to work for free with no daycare included at my local Human Services office. Also required was this meeting, that more resembled a tent revival, where they talked up the benefits of having a job. I had been working for the past 20 some years, didn’t they think I knew the benefits to working? Anyway, I go to this meeting, there I meet people of all races and creeds…alot of white women that looked so down trodden I could barely look their direction. About 1/3 of the women were moslem, all angry and combative saying that nobody was going to force them to work since they were going to college. Then there was a distinct minority of black women, most uhh-huhing to the revival meeting style talk. A few were grumbling about it “not bein a church meetin’” At that point, I wondered what the actual demographic was in my area for folks applying for aid. I went to the unemployment office and the local library and did some research. Then I called the Human Services office and asked for stats. WHat I found out shocked me. The state required 20% of all aid recipients to be put on the reform plan, but they didn’t say how that 20% were to be picked. So the county I lived in, the Human Services office was run by and employed mostly African -Americans, so they decided to administer it in a prejudicial way. I have never given a second thought to race before, now, I am thinking, “What, a white woman is less entitled to aid?” In the end, I took a substandard parttime job and did alot of babysitting to get by. I tried to get into their education program and was again told I had too many job skills, now just where were all those high tech electronic jobs in rural Illinois? So I then went to the unemployment office to see what educational plans they had there. Surprize! I qualified for 2 of the 3 programs they offered. So, I went back to school, worked parttime and struggled to pay for utilities. Then they recommended I get help from the Urban league. I went in there, and found out what I needed to do. Make an appointment, bring utility bills, proof of residency, and proof of all dependants living with me along with paystubs. So I took another day off work to do this, and it was worth it because in the end I did get approved, that is until they sent me a letter saying that they were out of money, but if they had some, this is how much I would get credited to my bills. I had to wait until my gas got shut off then they have emergency money to pay for it to be turned back on and pay my past due bill. All this time, I am trying to get child support from my ex so I don’t have to go to these places to get help. Nobody could help me with that though.