
Actually, I have no issue with a tube being removed, I have an issue with the drugs that are given to cause an abortion, or the removal of a child just to try and save the fertility of the mother.
Isn’t that just the dumbest irony ever? I’m going to get rid of this baby, so that I might have a chance to have another some day?? geez. I’m with you on that one.
What is your book called? It sounds like it could be very informative. (and hopefully you either have a pen-name on the book or don’t feel bad about people potentially knowing your real identity…I’ll understand if you you don’t give the book name out publically…)
OH NO! Sorry! I did not mean that I am the author of a pregnancy book!I meant that me, the pregnant woman, owns a book about pregnancy. It’s an old copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting! So sorry for the confusion in my grammar there.