
Sorry, but you are wrong. The child is killing no one. The child is growing, which kills the mother. There is no direct killing. The child is not cognizant of anything. There was a malfunction in the transferal of the child to the uterus, that is true. The malfunction will result in the death of the child. Since the child got stuck in the tube, which is a malfunction, the tube is suspect and should be removed. There is no attack, you should not emotionalize this, just look at the facts.Somewhat, but the analogy does fall short in one critical way. In the case of the ectopic pregnancy, the child is* killing* (present tense) the mother, as in the mother is already in a state of medical malfunction that will result in her death, and that state is directly caused by the developing child. The child does not just threaten the mother’s life; it is already attacking it. The child is like a suicide bomber, just getting ready to push “the button”. That the child is is such a state as to not know what it is doing is the tragedy in all this.

The same result, but not the same underlying motive. The motive is to remove a tube in which a deadly malfunction has occured. The death of the child is a sad result.The options are simple: remove the abnormal and fatal pregnancy and save the mother; spare the child initially and both mother and child die. Either outcome is tragic, and both involve the loss of life. Yet the choice is obvious – the pregnancy must end. Whether the tube is removed, or just the child, the same result comes from the same underlying motive: removal of the ectopic pregnancy.

God does see the truth, he knows our intentions. If there is a problem with the tube and you allow it to continue, then you value your future possible fertility over current and future lives of children.It is so obvious, in fact, that it is almost humorous how some moralists attempt to justify it. If it really was the case that the child’s life always takes precedence over the mother’s, then why is there any option other than allowing the fatal pregnancy to run its course and kill them both? Why is it somehow OK to remove the child via the fallopian tube? I would argue that the difference is man-made, and that God sees right through it to the true intention of the act.

Actually, the easy thing to do is remove the tube, why tie it up. Take out the section where the malfunction occurred. You should have been told. I am NOT saying your wife should have died, but you should have been given the information. If you did not get a choice, then you can not be held accountable.The other thing to consider is that many parents probably don’t even get the choice. I know I didn’t. My wife went in for exploratory surgery for severe abdominal pain and came out with the ectopic pregnancy removed, and neither of us were consulted. The doctor tried to save the fallopian tube, which was what doctors generally try to do. The “easy” thing would have been to just tie it up.