Let me give you an answer. Unity means we come to an agreement and profess the same faith and, thereby, are able to enter into communion with each other. It does not mean uniformity wherein we all worship the same way and express things with the same theology. An example would be the communion between the Western and Eastern Catholic Churches. The Catholic Church today is made up of 22 (or some claim 23) Churches that are in communion with each other. Each Church has its own head (Patriarch, Major Metropolitan or other bishop). Each Church has its own synod of bishops and the right to select and ordain their own deacons, priests and bishops.
Is that clear enough?
Deacon Ed
Let me give you an answer. Unity means we come to an agreement and profess the same faith and, thereby, are able to enter into communion with each other. It does not mean uniformity wherein we all worship the same way and express things with the same theology. An example would be the communion between the Western and Eastern Catholic Churches. The Catholic Church today is made up of 22 (or some claim 23) Churches that are in communion with each other. Each Church has its own head (Patriarch, Major Metropolitan or other bishop). Each Church has its own synod of bishops and the right to select and ordain their own deacons, priests and bishops.
Is that clear enough?
Deacon Ed