Effect of 'Endrocrine Disrupters' on Human Sexuality; Pollution causes Homosexuality?

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I find this BBC article regarding the subtle behavior effects of enviornmental chemicals on animals very interesting. Please read the entire short article. It doesn’t specifically mention human homosexuality, but the behaviour changes mentioned are definately gender related ones.

Note, at the end of the article, a study done on humans and this chemical exposure seemed to effect both males and females, causing them to exhibit more behaviours usually associated with the opposite sex.

BBC ARTICLE: Animal tests raise chemical concern
You know, we are having problems here in the states where estrogen presumable spilt over in the urine of women taking the pill, is making its way into the water table. A number of fish species are showing male fish with female sex tissue and organs.

While it is true that certain lower life forms have the ability to change gender in environments where one gender out strips the other greatly, in those cases, they become fertile members of the opposite sex. In these cases, the fish are becoming infertile and the population is in steep decline.

Another study of blue ringed octopus in the Carribean (sorry, I can’t spell) found that as more and more bleaching occured, that population was in decline. What they were finding behaviorally though was increased male/2/male spawning. (Do I have to say “infertile” :rolleyes:) The finding was that male/2/male spawning (according to the experts there is no such thing as homosexual octopus) was the direct result of insufficient food, oxygen, mates and everything else that the Octopus population needs. (One bone head tried to call it “primitive birth control.”)

When homosexuals look for one another, I don’t think birth control is whats on their mind. Still, these studies do show homosexually is a biochemical dysfunction. I don’t think homosexuals choose to be homosexual.

On the otherhand, if someone is homosexual, that doesn’t mean they’re at the mercy of their sex organs either. Because homosexual sex acts are not open to the possibility of conception and do not take place within a sanctioned marriage, engaging in homosexual acts would be a sin.
Dear Antigen,
I really think these findings show that homosexuality is a disorder, which is probably on the rise in this age partially due to enviornmental pollution.

There was a link on this article, BTW, to an article about gender mutation in fish. I also found it very interesting. I think all this reminds us that this disorder has complex causes and we should have compassion for those afflicted by it.

Pollution ‘changes sex of fish’ A third of male fish in British rivers are in the process of changing sex due to pollution in human sewage, research by the Environment Agency suggests.
It seems to me that if British AND American scientists are independently finding the same things(increased human homosexuality and simultaneous sex morphing in lower life forms like fish and amphibians) and both countries have identifed endocine disrupters as the cause, that that is proof that the use of birth control pills is having a deleterious effect on the environment.

But that would be politically incorrect.

I have this brother who as a teen believed that he was homosexual. He had a very effeminate walk and voice, flaming dramatic way, cried and everything. This poor boy suffered more from PMS then I did.

He moved from the city to the country where he gets well water fed from the mountains only. (The city water was fed by the Potomac River, heavily populated on both sides.)

Within 6 months of the move, he began to change physically, lower voice, denser muscle mass and a more masculine gait. After a year he started dating women. After two years, he fell madly in love with his wife. Now they are expecting their first child.

Now when they visit, they are very careful not to drink the water.
Now when they visit, they are very careful not to drink the water.
Generally good advice in DC :). Tourist pamphlets should mention that.
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