Could you give us some background on that, or cite a quotation or source?
I suspect physicists do not agree. According to the theory of general relativity, matter affects space and time. Perhaps also space and time are necessary in order to have matter. To ask whether the existence of one depends on another may be like asking whether the chicken or egg came first.
Atheist evolutionists I have read tend to think that the egg came first before the chicken, because the egg was a freak egg, a fruit of random mutation which just happened to have survived and self-incubated itself into the first chicken, which first chicken also by a freak accident called random mutation already had within itself fertilized eggs, which in turn also laid eggs that developed into more chickens among which are male chickens.
See? You have got to be an atheist evolutionist to see everything so optimistically owing to random freak accidents co-existing in the same space and at the same time as natural selection, but random mutation has a bias in favor of natural selection, to dispense natural selection from further random mutation which means destruction of anything already naturally selected to survive.
You get the idea? that kind of explanation brings up even more questions and impossibilities, like how can natural selection at all occur in the midst of random mutation, unless random mutation takes a sabbatical every so often, for natural selection to proceed and survive and achieve stability?
So, what is my solution to the conundrum, which came first, egg or chicken?
My solution is to imagine that I am an engineer and have to design and produce a chicken that lays eggs which will become chickens, and on and on with succeeding eggs and chickens.
My design of the whole caboodle is to put the first eggs inside the first chicken, and present it as such, a chicken with already eggs inside itself, this chicken with already eggs inside will lay the first eggs which it will hatch into chickens, and that is the start of the eggs-laying chicken.
Why don’t I start with chicken eggs right away which will develop into chickens?
Because eggs have got to be in a safe package, that is where the first chicken comes in as the first thing to come forth in existence in the chicken-egg system, otherwise how can eggs survive by themselves if not already inside a chicken?
And the first chicken will lay the first eggs and hatch them into succeeding chickens, that is now the whole serialized succession of chickens and eggs.
How is that for intelligent thinking grounded on logic and facts?