As usual, you miss the whole point of the difference between being a Catholic and being an atheist.
The Catholic is forbidden by God to commit murder.
The atheist is not.
And yet, we do not!
So what you’re saying is that Catholics (and presumably other Abrahamic religionists) have no intrinsic morality - they’re prevented from doing bad things
only by the threat of punishment from their deity. If that’s the case, then I’m very glad you are a Catholic, otherwise I dread to think how many people may have died at your whimsy.
And of course, this exposes your fallacious argument utterly. If atheism promotes murder, and (as we agree) atheists are not held back by the prospect of punishment by a deity, then all or most atheists would be murdering people all over the place, every day. I myself would have racked up two or three murders already today.
But of course, this doesn’t happen. It didn’t happen before Christianity, and won’t happen after Christianity fades.
The track record of powerful atheists in the 20th Century is all anyone has to know.
And of powerful theists, of course.
However, you are failing to acknowledge an important point. Your bible states that anybody of a different religion (or none) is an enemy that must be destroyed. Your holy book advocates the murder of these people.
Atheists have no such book, no such mandate. There is no possible link between atheism and murder, any more than there is between vegans and murder. You are inferring a causation from a correlation - and a weak correlation at that. Your arguments are transparently, palpably fallacious.
The track record of the Crusades pales by comparison. The Crusades, by the way, were wars, not wholesale slaughter of helpless victims.
Holy wars, yes. Wars sponsored and initiatied by religious greed.
Again, you need to regroup and ask yourself, was Hitler really a Catholic?
That’s what he said, yes.
Did he regard himself as a Catholic?
That’s what he said, yes.
Do you have proof that after his teen years there was any evidence of religiosity in his life?
Did he go to Mass, confess his sins, perform works of mercy?
Are there any photos of him receiving Communion?
I don’t know. What difference does that make? Are you playing the No True Scotsman now?
On the other hand, is there a photo of him admiring a bust of the famous atheist Nietzsche when he attend the dedication of the Nietzsche Archives. And what would a Catholic be doing paying tribute to Nietzsche if he was really a Catholic?
Wow. You have a picture of Hitler looking at a bust of Nietszche. I wonder if there are any pictures of Hitler meeting a Pope? WOW! There are loads of them!! Why would an atheist be fawning all over a pope if he was really an atheist?
And of course, it’s well known that the Vatican supported the Nazi party.
Dude, you’re digging yourself a hole with this line of reasoning. It’s demonstrably wrong.
I also note that having declared that religion forbids murder, you didn’t respond to this:
So the bible is wrong then? Because God advocates - and commites - murder plenty of times.