Election fraud: Pennsylvania man charged with casting dead mother’s ballot for President Trump

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Finally legit proof of fraud in PA–

Pennsylvania man charged with casting dead mother’s ballot for President Trump

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A Pennsylvania man is facing charges of unlawful voting and perjury after prosecutors say he illegally voted on behalf of a long-dead family member in the General Election.

Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer said during a news conference Monday that Bruce Bartman, 70, of Marple, voted in place of his dead mother. He also said Bartman registered his mother-in-law, who died in 2019, to vote but did not obtain an absentee ballot for her.

Court documents did not list an attorney for Bartman and phone calls to a phone number listed in his name were not answered Monday. Court records showed he had been released on bail.

Prosecutors allege that Bartman used the driver’s license number for his mother, who died more than a decade ago, to register her to vote, obtain a mail-in ballot, return that ballot and fraudulently vote in her name.

Authorities allege he used his mother-in-law’s social security number and the system returned a deceased record for the woman who had died in 2019. The state sent a confirmation letter to make sure the information was correct, which authorities allege Bartman falsified and returned to register her as a voter. He did not obtain a ballot in her name, prosecutors said.

Stollsteimer said Bartman had registered both women as Republicans and told investigators he had done so to help reelect Donald Trump. The district attorney said he only mentioned the party affiliation because of multiple conspiracy theories circulating about voter fraud, adding that this is the only case during this election that his office has encountered.

Bartman is due in court for a preliminary hearing in January.

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I always felt that any investigation into voter fraud would backfire on Trump. It was never going to be a democrat only thing. There are shysters across the political spectrum.
Haha. Go ahead and laugh while ignoring what really happened.
Just redo the election nationwide, in person with identification. If Biden wins by a landslide so be it. But this cannot stand. One would have to go back to Obama to find a nation that thinks they elected a president. That’s not going to be successful moving forward as it hasn’t been for the last four years. Redo it, get a clear answer that people will trust. No one trusted 2016 and no one trusts this one.
No one trusted 2016 and no one trusts this one.
Actually, most Americans do believe the election results. The people who don’t are almost all Trump supporters who are (deliberately) living in a bubble where people tell them what they want to hear. We’re not “redoing” an election. That’s not a thing.

We’ve also had these claims subjected to scrutiny by numerous courts. They’ve all been rejected, many by Trump appointed judges. The people who “don’t accept it” at this point never will. We could have ten elections and they’d just generate new conspiracies or urban legends around each one.
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Seems like the right trusted 2016 well enough, and the left trusts this one. There are always sour grapes and one side whining and crying foul. If Biden had lost by the same margin as Trump, and Trump had garnered the 306 electoral votes, and Biden had tried everything Trump has, those of you in the Trump camp would be screaming for him to be tried and executed.

The idea that an election is only “free and fair” when my guy wins is dishonest and stupid.

The beauty of our system is that we DO get to “redo” the election. In four years we will have another one.
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I don’t watch CNN or follow any other form of liberal media so I have no delusions about the facts!
There are always sour grapes and one side whining and crying foul
Those grapes are screaming at a crescendo at the likes the Gods have never heard before.
If Biden had lost by the same margin as Trump, and Trump had garnered the 306 electoral votes, and Biden had tried everything Trump has, those of you in the Trump camp would be screaming for him to be tried and executed.
I don’t doubt this for one new york second.
The idea that an election is only “free and fair” when my guy wins is dishonest and stupid.
The beauty of our system is that we DO get to “redo” the election. In four years we will have another one.
As Trump would probably tweet. “it is so Beautiful, You have never seen it so Beautiful. Everyone tells me it is Beautiful”
Haha. Go ahead and laugh while ignoring what really happened.
And what really happened. The other guy won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote.
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