Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline

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More evidence of the excellence and truthfulness of Breitbart Reports (yes they are biased just like every news outlet is).

Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline​

Allum Bokhari

27 Oct 2020

Google, the world’s most powerful technology company, is actively interfering in the coming election by burying links to Breitbart News in its search results.

In July, Breitbart News published data showing that Breitbart’s Google search visibility is down 99 percent compared to the same period in 2016.

RealClearPolitics later published data corroborating this, and showing that the same silent expulsion from Google search results has happened to a variety of other conservative news websites as well.

It appears that Breitbart News links are being hidden on Google searches even when users search for the exact string of words in an original Breitbart headline. When links to Breitbart stories do appear, it is often below obscure websites that plagiarize Breitbart’s content.

Search ranking is critical for web traffic from Google. The search analytics industry has found that the top three search results on Google drive over 70 percent of clicks.

In a new video, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow reveals in additional detail the depth of Google’s suppression of Breitbart’s reporting.

“Breitbart News is, according to Amazon-owned Alexa.com, one of the top five news publishers in the United States, yet if you search — verbatim — Breitbart headlines in Google, you won’t necessarily get any Breitbart results at all,” Marlow said.

The video goes on to demonstrate Google’s suppression of Breitbart News.

In one example, the viral Breitbart News story, “Maskless Nancy Pelosi Goes to San Francisco Hair Salon Despite Coronavirus Restrictions,” fails to return any links to the site on Google.

Instead, Google displays a list of obscure websites…

Google only displays one link that might lead users to Breitbart’s story, a link to a post about the article on thedonald.win, an independent online forum set up by exiles from r/the_Donald, the Reddit hub of Trump supporters that was blacklisted by the leftist administrators of Reddit earlier this year.

The same experiment was repeated with various other headlines, which again yield links to obscure websites plagiarizing the articles. . . .


Political Satirist Mark Dice has a report about this phenomenon today
which goes beyond Breitbart to try to fool you.

You can see that here . . . .


Charles Hurt: QAnon Obsession Marks the Depth of Deep State Journalism​

Charles Hurt

27 Oct 2020

NBC News reporter Kristen Welker won high plaudits for her performance moderating last week’s final debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden.

For one thing, she was the first moderator of this election cycle to ask a single question about illegal immigration — perhaps the biggest issue that got President Trump elected in 2016. Though of vital concern to voters, immigration is one of those issues that Washington politicians in both parties, along with the vast majority of the mainstream media, pretend does not exist.

It’s a low bar, but kudos to her.

Ms. Welker even asked a passing question of Mr. Biden about his son’s highly shady dealings with China and Ukraine in which the younger Mr. Biden has acknowledged exploiting his father’s political position in the White House.

Again, a very low bar.

But if Ms. Welker had opined about such matters on Twitter or on her private Facebook page, she would have been censored, silenced and shut down. The nation’s oldest newspaper, The New York Post, remains shut down by Twitter over its insistence on reporting and publishing stories about Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. . . .
Bold mine.

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Google has been routinely accused of messing with algorithms to limit exposure but not just right leaning sites.
I have wondered how (or if) one is able to differentiate intentional and unintentional effects on a site when Google makes major updates to its search algorithm.

Google had previously upranked search items that people were more likely to click on. That gave an advantage to click-bait headlines. I do not believe that was their intent.

There was also a change that resulted any many legal sites having lower ranking.

It isn’t easy to make inferences of intention from those and other events.


For those interested, you can also catch the live stream of testimony from Google, Facebook, and Twitter on alleged bad behaviour.

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