My hands get terribly sweaty. I would spend the whole period of the consecration! worrying about having to shake someone’s hand. Then I overheard someone say there was a church in my city that didn’t do the sign of peace! Well, that’s where I ended up going; it’s been nearly three years and I’ve concentrated on what’s going on up in the altar, not handshaking.
We also don’t hold hands during the Our Father! Woo-hoo! It’s heaven! No touchy-feely worship where people spend ten minutes hugging and kissing during the sign of peace! Including the priest who’s not supposed to leave the sanctuary!
When we’re out of town and have to go to another parish, I just put my hands in the prayer position, politely nod and say peace be with you. For the Our Father, I immediately put my hands in the prayer position, close my eyes and pray the Our Father. No aisle-crossing, hand-holding nonsense for me! Our BEING at the Mass shows our universality and communion with other members of the Church, the Body of Christ, not the hand-holding, which isn’t even in the rubrics.
:dancing: :twocents: