How about this:Contraception has not been defined as intrinsically evil.
By definition, something that is intrinsically evil can never be permitted. But contraception, unlike abortion, has not be ruled to evil instrinsically, but is defined as intrinsically grave matter.
Answer by Judie Brown on 11-26-2004: Dear John
Contraception is intrinsically evil.
If the practitioner of contraception KNOWS what the Church teaches and persists, he or she is committing a mortal sin.
Humanae Vitae is Infallible. Please see the following documents, each of which are on the Internet:
Contraception: Fatal to the Faith by Father John Hardon, S.J. at catholic-pages.com/morality/fatal.asp
and “Humanae Vitae and Infallibilty” by Father Brian Harrison, O.S. at www.ewtn.com/library/DOCTRINE/FR93102.TXT
By the way, the Vatican is very clear; but the sad thing is that the American moral theologains and
many of the Bishops are NOT! Judie Brown