Emotions in dating

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Hi everyone, I am a traditional Roman Catholic seeking to learn more about “the right way to date.” I have learned that in the early stages of dating you should not be emotionally intimate. What does “emotionally intimate” mean? What classifies as “emotionally intimate”? What do these Catholic speakers mean by warning of this? Thank you all for your answers!
Yeah I’m not sure if that’s great advice. Emotional intimacy is vague. I worked hard to avoid any emotional intimacy and I’m still single, so there’s one example of how that might play out. It tends to leave her feeling like, “We are just friends.” I’d say be moderate: romantic but not lustful. Relax and just enjoy getting to know someone without worrying about whether you’re being appropriate all the time. I think Jason Evert gives solid Catholic dating advice.
If it’s confusing to you then toss it. It probably won’t help you anyway. It sounds like some “emotional purity” mumbo jumbo for women who are anti-Hallmark channel types. Ignore the dating advice from the socially challenged. Just be yourself.
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I think for everyone it would be different, but some things that I’ve found helpful:

1: DON’T SAY I LOVE YOU too quickly. It changes everything, and if it doesn’t change everything, you didn’t really mean it.

2: Don’t expect too much from this person, and don’t bee too available to this person. If you’re just dating, don’t expect to be with them every day. Be keep doing your own thing. They are not there to complete you, you are 100% your own person, and you want to show them how awesome of a person you are.

3: Your affection should be equal to your level of commitment to this person. Sex = total commitment, Shaking hands = very little commitment. Dating should be somewhere in the middle lol.
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What does “emotionally intimate” mean?
I mean, this is pretty vague, and the circumstances of individual relationships are unique; it’s not one size fits all. I’m not sure it’s the best advice.

When it comes to dating, have fun and enjoy getting to know the other person. In the beginning of a relationship, don’t set premature expectations or try to force things. Let your feelings develop organically over time and see if you are right for each other. I think people have a tendency to overthink dating, in some respects.
They’re saying keep it light while you’re just getting to know each other and don’t get in too deep or too heavy on your first few dates. Don’t go rushing into, or trying to rush the other person into, some big emotional commitment. Don’t tell the other person all kinds of your personal baggage right away. It’s basic common sense.
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In part I guess it means only share things you’d also share in a non-romantic relationship.

Don’t set yourself up for a Herculean effort, to break up, if they turn out not to be the one. That situation will make you want, a couple of years hence, to go back in time and slap yourself! 😑
Emotions can enslave one. They are a normal aspect of humanity, but must be kept in check, otherwise they lead astray. They are a result, not a cause - that is often reversed these days. Smoke does not cause fire - fire causes smoke.

You have heard of the fire of the Holy Spirit’s love? Like that. The fire can produce smoke (fruits of that love) but the smoke is the result of the fire. The fire must come first and fire takes time to kindle and grow. Same with love.
Do you have links for him I remember years ago his pure love club and his appearance on Life on The Rock
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