End of days and procreation

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If it wasn’t glorified then it will be glorified there.

We will at least have good health in heaven, death and disease being vanquished at last.
The only other human we know has a glorified body is the Virgin Mary… whose earthly life likely went into her 60s… and Marian apparitions show her as a young lady
Interesting. Though you do mention apparitions angels appear to humans with the appearance of the body but have none. Has anyone “Thomased” (touched) an apparition of OBM? Did faustina touch jesus? I honestly dont know?
Yeah it’s no brainer but that option doesn’t exist (ironically the option of not existing doesn’t exist)
Which kinda sucks but I mean God knows more than I do so maybe it’s a blessing in disguise

I feel like I should want heaven more than I don’t want hell but it’s kinda hard
I am with you. This is why this part of the story doesn’t add up for me.
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The discussion in Matthew 22:30, Mark 12:25 and Luke 20:35-36, is about levirate marriage, not all marriages. The use of the terms [marry] and [given in marriage] is important, for these terms refer to the gender-specific roles played in early Jewish society by the man and the woman in the process of getting married. The resurrected people will not die, so the levirate marriages to a brother in-law performed after the resurrection becomes redundant. Where there is resurrection, there is no death; where there is no death, there is no need for birth; where there is no birth, there is no need for levirate marriage. Marriage as companionship in the resurrection is not what Jesus was asked about. The discussion It’s not about the relationship between two people.

Its possible that in the new creation physical/genital acts will continue but it will serve a unitive purpose and mutual delight among the blessed with no reproduction? Even without procreation genital intercourse is unitive. Song of Songs contains no reference to the procreative function of sexuality. Lovemaking for the sake of love, not procreation, is the message of the Song.
Obviously, God intended man and woman to live forever together as husband and wife. It was not to be “until death”. God actually meant for men and women to experience sexual desire and pleasure in the pristine environment of Eden. Everyone would have been united with the opposite sex forever. There would have been no homosexuals in spite of there being no written prohibitions or laws concerning such. If God created paradise with humanity ordered in pairs, then paradise restored must also include this fundamental unit. A female for a male, and a male for a female. All created in the image and likeness of God.
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