End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test

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Maranatha said:
U.S. Catholics Urge Senate to End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test

The campaign invites Catholics to send an e-mail or postcard to their senators telling them that support for Roe v. Wade should not be used as a litmus test for judicial nominees.



Good catch! let’s see how many posters get the gravity of the situation.

I got this e-mail today from Priests for Life:

The Most Important Vote
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

*Sometime in the next few weeks, the United States Senate will hold the most important vote of this generation. It is that important for the same reason that last year’s election was the most important one of our generation. As an election season billboard said, “Think of the Supreme Court!”

The vote I’m talking about will affect how easily the Senate can put the right men and women onto the Federal Courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court. It is a vote regarding Senate rules, and, simply put, will determine whether nominees who already have the support of a majority of the Senators can be voted on.

You may ask why this is even an issue, especially if the judicial nominees in question already have the support of the majority of the Senate.

Good question.

The United States Constitution says that the President nominates people to serve on our Federal Courts, and that the US Senate is to give “advice and consent.” In other words, the President presents these nominees to the Senate, and then the Senators vote “yes” or “no” as to whether that nominee will serve as a Federal Judge. The same process is used when there is a vacancy on the US Supreme Court, and such a vacancy may occur within the next couple of months.

The President has been nominating people for the Federal courts, and there have been votes and confirmations. But there is an entire group of well-qualified nominees who, in the judgment of Senate Democrats, are too “far right” for their liking.

Of course, these Democrats have the right to think what they want about the nominees, and they have the right to vote against them. They also have the right to try to persuade other Senators to vote against them.

But they are not content with that. They now want to claim the right to prevent a vote one way or the other. And they do that by prolonging debate on the nominee indefinitely, so that the debate never closes and the vote is never taken. This process is called a “filibuster.”

Now filibusters do have their place. There may be legislation, for example, that the minority party objects to. A filibuster can be used to indefinitely prolong debate on the legislation. This gives the minority some leverage, so that they do not lose their power altogether.

But while filibusters have an appropriate place in legislative debates, we are witnessing, for the first time in history, the use of the filibuster technique to block the “advice and consent” process of the Senate for judicial nominees, when the nominees already have the support of the majority of Senators. To the extent that the Senator is deprived of a vote, the people who elected that Senator are deprived of their voice at the highest levels of government. If this can be done now with Federal judges, it will certainly be done with a Supreme Court Justice.

Federal judges have removed “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, allowed child pornography as protected free speech, redefined marriage to include same-sex relationships, struck down bans on partial-birth abortion, and contradicted the will of the people in many other ways. Many Senators want this to stop, and they can stop it by confirming judges who know the difference between applying the law and imposing their political preferences on the people.

The vote that is coming up in the next few weeks is designed to end the abuse of the filibuster and provide a fair up-or-down vote on judges. This is a unique opportunity to tell your Senators you care about the unpredecented and unfair filibustering of President Bush’s nominees. Senators need to know that you care about this issue and are watching how they vote.*


There’s also a bit on what you can do and I’ll write some in my next post on that, because there is an effort underway to break the filibuster, but 6 Republicans have gotten “Cold Feet” meaning they’ve gotten more worried about their relationships with the Democrats across the isle than doing the right thing for people of faith and conscience.

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Maranatha - More about the situation in the Senate:

Let this be clear, the people who are being filibustered, or being denied the “UP or DOWN Vote” that they were promised by the DEMOCRATS (as a result of obtaining the “HIghly Qualified” Rating from the ABA), are being filibustered because they are CATHOLICS or Protestants who believe that Roe v. Wade may not necesarily be CONSTITUTIONAL!

They are being denied the UP or DOWN Vote that they were promised, and that the Constitution REQUIRES, because they would support a ban on the LATE-TERM, or Partial-Birth, Abortions, and they MIGHT support overturning at least some provisions of ROE v. WADE, and they refuse to publicly repudiate those positions!

Now from Priests for Life, here is what you can do:

You can reach your senators through the Capitol Switchboard today, or any day, at (202) 224-3121. Just dial this number and ask to be transferred to your Senator’s office. You’ll have to call twice in order to place a call to each of your two Senators. (You can get direct contact information for both of your home state Senators at the website, judicialnetwork.org as well.) If you call the main switchboard, simply ask for the Senator you are calling, and when that Senator’s office answers, explain that you support a return to the constitutional tradition of a fair up-or-down vote on judicial nominees and an end to the filibuster of judges. We recommend that you also call the local state office of your Senator with the same message. It is even more powerful if you pay a visit to the local state office to register your concern.

SUGGESTED MESSAGE: Hello, I’m a voter from (NAME OF YOUR STATE) and I support the constitutional option to end the filibuster of judges. Please tell Senator (NAME OF YOUR SENATOR) that every one of President Bush’s judicial nominees should be brought to the Senate floor for a fair up-or-down vote. Thank You.

You can also find out details about this UNCONSTITUTIONAL ABUSE of the filiguster and the attemptes to break it from my friend Hugh Hewitt - He’s suggesting contacting the 6 Republicans who seem to value their friendships withthe Democrats more then doing the right thing and just reminding them why they need to do th right thing.

The still shocking gap in the GOP strategy is the establishment of a date certain on which the rules vote will occur. Senator Frist cannot focus the energy of fair-minded Americans without such a date, and his fence-sitting colleagues in the GOP caucus won’t get off the fence until they know they have too. When you contact Senator Frist, thank him for his determination to press for a vote, and ask for the quick establishment of a date certain, the sooner the better. And ask Senator Specter to get all the previously filibustered nominees out of the Judiciary Committee and to the floor ASAP.

The seven Republican senators thought to be on the fence about ending the filibuster:Alexander, Chafee, Collins, Hagel, Snowe, Sununu and Warner. Here’s the contact info.*


Calls to the Congressional switchboard, 202-225-3121, can also link you to Senator Frist’s and Seantor Specter’s offices where you can politely urge that a vote on ending the abuse of the filibuster be scheduled, announced, and defended, and the nominees moved to the floor within the next two or three weeks.


Just so you know, Hugh Hewitt is an old hand at this and is one of the activists most reponsible for the Republican victories over the past 4 years.

So, contact your Senators, then Frist (If his box isn’t full) and then the 6 round-heeled ones (Senators Olympia Snowe of Maine and Lincoln Chaffe of Rhode Island are up for reelection in 2006 - Start with them) who value their friendships more then they do doing what is right for people of faith of for an Independent Judiciary.

Include your contact infornmation in ALL your communication: NAME - FULL,

Sample letters to follow, and yes I sent them!

Blessings and Peace, Michael



Olympia Snowe is a Republican who can’t decide whether her friendships with the Democrats are more important than doing the right thing:

*Dear Senator Snowe:

In 2000, The Democratics promised President Bush that ALL of his Judicial Nominees would receive “fair and prompt consideration from the Senate, and a vote from the Senate resulting in probable confirmation” providing they receive the “Highly Qualified” rating from the American Bar Association.

In 2003 and 2004, I watched in absoluted horror as the Democrats in the Senate successfully filibustered no less than 10 of the President’s Judicial Nominees, almost all of whom had received the coveted “Highly Qualified” from the ABA. It turned out the Democrats’ word was no good except to the political activists who gave them their marching orders.

After much campaigning, President Bush was not only re-elcted, but became the first President since FDR in 1936 to gain seats in BOTH HOUSES of Congress in last year’s election. As a result, and in order to fight the continuing obstructionism of a determined minority against Judicial Nominees who enjoy wide bi-partisan majorities in the Senate, the Republican Leadership has proposed the so-called “Constitutional Option” to close off these accursed and unprecedented filibusters of Judicial Nominees who enjoy MAJORITY support and who would be comfortably confirmed if they came up for votes.

I understand that you are not supportive of this, and that you seem to be OK with the continuation of filibusters of “HIghly Qualified” (ABA’s words) Judicial Nominees. I understand that you seem to be OK with the idea that duly appointed judges should be prevented from taking their seats if a minority objects to their religion or their race or their potential stands on the issue of abortion.

If this is true, I wish you well in your new party. If not, please join with your fellow Republicans in calling for and voting for the “Constitutional Option” so that a dedicated but prejudiced minority can no longer keep duly appointed, “Highly Qualified” Judges from taking the bench on acount of their religion, ethnicity of private political beliefs.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Please vote for an independent judiciary and against the vocal minority who would demand an absolute litmus test of all judges before they’ll allow a vote.


(rest of info in original)*

And then, There’s on for Senator Reid - Next Post.




Senator Reid once made a big deal about being Pro-Life:

*Dear Minority Leader Reid:

In 2000, Democrats in the Senate promised President Bush that ALL of his Judicial Nominees would receive “fair and prompt consideration from the Senate, and a vote from the Senate resulting in probable confirmation” providing they receive the “Highly Qualified” rating from the American Bar Association.

In 2003 and 2004, I watched in absolute horror as those same Democrats successfully filibustered no less than 13 of the President’s Judicial Nominees, almost all of whom had received the coveted “Highly Qualified” from the ABA. It turned out the Democrats’ word was no good except to the political activists who gave you your marching orders.

After much campaigning, President Bush was not only re-elected, but became the first President since FDR in 1936 to gain seats in BOTH HOUSES of Congress in last year’s election. As a result, you were elected to replace Senatro Rom Daschle who lost his seat in the Senate, and the Republican lSenatorial Leadership proposede usinf the “Constitutional Option” to shut off debate on Judicial Nominees who had majority support.

It appears that because of misplaced feelings of honor and a LACK of willingness on the part of Republicans to “win at any cost”, you and the rest of the Democrats will continue to be able to block President Bush’s Judicial Nominees at will, not because of the will of the majority, but because of the will of a very determined minority acting at the behest of radical organizations that do not represent the best interests of the American people.

Before you slap yourself on the back, please realize that almost every nominee you block through the filibuster will be one that your predecessor promised would be cleared by reason of the ABA’s “Highly Qualified” Rating (Press conference 2001). Please realize that the ONLY reason they’re being blocked is that they would vote to AFFIRM the consititutionality of the ban on Partial birth Abortions that YOU VOTED FOR! or, That they might possibly vote to overturn some provision of Roe v. Wade in such a way so as to limit Abortions, which YOU CLAIM TO BE OPPOSED TO CALL HOMOCIDE!

So, Senator Reid, so what is the cost of this great victory of yours? “What doth it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul in the process?” How does it feel to know that every nominee you’ve filibustered has involved the betrayal of your WORD and your alleged CONVICTIONS?

Senator Reid, was getting the power worth your soul?

(Rest of info on origninal)*

That should handle both sides of the isle.

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Thanks Michael,

You are a credit to that name.

You’re welcomed Michael.

Thank you for the compliment, but that’s a very recent phenomena wrought by a certain Rabbi and the Grace of God. and, I still have a LOT of work to do.

Michael - I think we need to do a little trawling in some other threads to see if we can get some traffic.There’s NO reason why these politicians should think that Catholics aren’t getting angry at them for these shenanegans, too!

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Absolutely if we do not speak up,it is on us at that point.SO come on you guys lets not just whine about this lets act:thumbsup: Thanks Michael:clapping:
I was tallied under “will do”. I immediately went to e-mail my Senators, Rick Santorum and Arlen Spector after voting. Not surprisingly, I received an almost immediate e-mail stating that my e-mail to Spector had “failed”. His e-mail on the judial website is inaccurate. I’m only more determined now to contact him. It was quite a controversy during Nov. elections that he was both Republican AND pro-choice. He definitely needs to hear from PA voters who do not wish to allow the filibusters to continue.

Thank you for your efforts.

I don’t think we need to worry so much about Senators Santorun and Spector. Believe it or not, they know that this type of anti-Catholic and anti-Christian bigotry is wrong.

Senator Spector will vote to break the filibuster through the CONSTITUTIONAL OPTION, and ensure an “Up or Down” vote for the Pro-Life judges. The same with Senator Santorum.

Remember, all of these judges have majorities 54 + votes each. They just don’t have “super majorities” of 60 votes each!
I was tallied under “will do”. I immediately went to e-mail my Senators, Rick Santorum and Arlen Spector after voting. Not surprisingly, I received an almost immediate e-mail stating that my e-mail to Spector had “failed”. His e-mail on the judial website is inaccurate. I’m only more determined now to contact him. It was quite a controversy during Nov. elections that he was both Republican AND pro-choice. He definitely needs to hear from PA voters who do not wish to allow the filibusters to continue.
The ones to worry about are the ones that I’ve listed and senator John McCain, who’s said that he will vote with the DEMOCRATS and against the CONSTITUTIONAL OPTION and the PRO-LIFE JUDGES!

Senator McCain, who claims he’s Pro-Life is going to vote WITH THE DEMOCRATS and AGAINST THE PRO-LIFE JUDGES!!

The rest to worry about are Senators:
Lamar Alexander,
Lincon Chafee,
Susan Collins,
Chuck Hagel,
Olympia Snowe,
John Sununu and
John Warner.
THESE ARE THE ONES YOU NEED TO CONTACT! After you contacted them, Left Senators Frist, Santorum and Spector that they have your support for the vote. But, Please, contact the 6 - I listed first! We need to break the filibuster so we can have a chance to get some PRO-LIFE Judges, and that can’t happen as long as the listed 6 don’t hear our voice!

Here’s the contact sheet:


Follow the progress here hughhewitt.com/

If the e-mail box is full, go to the next one! and, Don’t forget the PHONE CALLS! Now, let’s go get 'em!

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Absolutely if we do not speak up,it is on us at that point.SO come on you guys lets not just whine about this lets act:thumbsup: Thanks Michael:clapping:
Thanks for the encouraging words. Lisa.

They’re appreciated.

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Many people who are not actively pro-life should have an interest in making sure that there are no litmus tests when appointing judges. Judges should not be used to advance agendas that would not get passed elected representatives.
You can go to www.EndRoe.org

The text of the postcards put out by the USCCB is there and you only have to identify your senators, put in your name, an e-mail it to them.

We had the postcards at our parish. I have been watching how many have been taken. There are still a lot remaining, which is disappointing.
Traditional Ang:
You’re welcomed Michael.

Thank you for the compliment, but that’s a very recent phenomena wrought by a certain Rabbi and the Grace of God. and, I still have a LOT of work to do.

Blessings and Peace, Michael
Daniel 12, the Angel speaking of the end of the world and the Antichrist says: “At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people.”
You can go to www.EndRoe.org

The text of the postcards put out by the USCCB is there and you only have to identify your senators, put in your name, an e-mail it to them.

We had the postcards at our parish. I have been watching how many have been taken. There are still a lot remaining, which is disappointing.

Thank you for the effort, but I don’t want to dilute our efforts, because I REALLY WANT to break this UNCONSITUTIONAL and UNCONSCIONABLE filibuster of “HighlyQualified” (ABA’s words, not mine) Judicial Nominees simply because they are People of Faith (Most are Catholics) who MIGHT vote to overturn PART of Roe v. Wade!

I wouldn’t mess with those pre-printed postcards because politicians tend to ignore them. I’ve got good directions from one of the activists who got NORM COLEMAN elected and then turned around and helped to defeat TOM DASCHLE!

CALL the Round-Heeled-7, then E-MAIL them, and then print out your e-mail and MAIL THAT! If you do that, it’ll show them that you really care about this issue and that it’ll influence your voting and your giving!

Use my Post #10:
and this contact info for these Senators:

Lamar Alexander,
Lincon Chafee,
Susan Collins,
Chuck Hagel,
Olympia Snowe,
John Sununu and
John Warner.


If you have time left over, you can give John McCain a piece of your mind. He claims to be Pro-Life and to stand for religious freedom, but he’s publicy and repeatedly refused to do anything to help break these unconsciounable and unconstitutional filibusters!

After you’ve done that, contact your Senators. Remember, It’s the Democrats who are filibustering “Highly Qualified” Nominees to the Appeals Bench because they’re people of Faith who MIGHT vote against some part of Roe v. Wade! It’s the Republicans, except for the 7 mentioned above (and John McCain), who are trying to break this unconstitutional requirement of a Religious Test for an “UP or DOWN” Vote!

You can follow the progress here hughhewitt.com/

Now, please, call (leave a polite but firm message) and then write the Senators listed above. They’re the ones who need to hear our voices!

Thank You, and may God richly bless those who act, Michael
Many people who are not actively pro-life should have an interest in making sure that there are no litmus tests when appointing judges. Judges should not be used to advance agendas that would not get passed elected representatives.

I would wish there were more people who realized what a grave sin our country and the rest of the world is committing, and just how short the time a Just God would continue to allow it without retribution (Abraham Lincoln said the Civil War was God’s just punishment for the Sin of Slavery) But, I’ll take Phone Calls, E-mails and letters form Fair-minded people who realize that what the Democrats are doing is just simply WRONG, and that those Republicans who are going along with them because of Custom are just as wrong, so long as they serve to help break this UNCONSITIUTIONAL & UNCONSCIOUNABLE FILIBUSTER of “HIghly Qualified” Judicial Nominees by the DEMOCRATS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE PEOPLE OF FAITH WHO MIGHT VOTE AGAINST SOME PART OF ROE V. WADE!

Michael, You can bet that I’ll be grateful for every phone call made or e-mail and letter sent, so long as it goes to one of the Senators who needs to hear it!

Thank you for taking the risk to set up this thread.

I’m sorry for the people who responded above with “NOT a Chance” or “If I have the time”. I can guarantee you that they’ll be the first ones to cry and complain about the explicit and graphic signs showing the truth about Abortion in front of Abortion Clinics and elsewhere.

Anti-abortion protest signs - how far is too far?

Well, I can guarantee you one thing. If they can’t find the gumption to contact the Senators on the list about this, they’ll continue to see the signs, because they’ll have done NOTHING to have made it posible for us to have put them away!

To those who put in the last 2 answers and who will whine when you see the graphic anti-Abortion signs - If you don’t want to see the signs, the solution is simple: Tell the Senators on the list to help break the filibuster and to allow these decent and Godly people the “UP or Down” Vote required under the Consititution which they would surely win!

How does that sound - Then you can whine all you want, because you’ll have done something to end the evil. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear it.

May God richly bless those who act, Michael
Daniel 12, the Angel speaking of the end of the world and the Antichrist says: “At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who standeth for the children of thy people.”

we’re both named Michael.

I’ve been out trawling. let’s see how many letters and calls we can get.

Remember to place mention of this thread in at least three or four threads over this weekend, esp. if you hear posters complaining about politicians and abortion or judges and abortion or signs and abortion or anything and abortion.

Because this is something, a Corporeal Work of Mercy, that anyone can do if he or she will spend an hour that would normally go to watching the NBA or some other TV shows.

I think these phone calls, e-mails and letters will figure far more in the eternal sceme of things than the hour of TV.

And, I really do believe that doing these calls and sending these e-mails is a CORPOREAL WORK OF MERCY, because we’re working to end the Persecution of fellow Christians and to Save the lives of the INNOCENTS!

I’ll have to go to bed now. Keep the faith and contact those Senators! LET THE WALLS OF JERICCO FALL!

May God richly bless those who act to save His little ones, Michael
Traditional Ang:
Because this is something, a Corporeal Work of Mercy, that anyone can do if he or she will spend an hour that would normally go to watching the NBA or some other TV shows.

I think these phone calls, e-mails and letters will figure far more in the eternal sceme of things than the hour of TV.

And, I really do believe that doing these calls and sending these e-mails is a CORPOREAL WORK OF MERCY, because we’re working to end the Persecution of fellow Christians and to Save the lives of the INNOCENTS!

I’ll have to go to bed now. Keep the faith and contact those Senators! LET THE WALLS OF JERICCO FALL!

May God richly bless those who act to save His little ones, Michael
:amen: :amen:

Please remember to see if you can get a few people from some other threads to read the thread and to call, e-mail & write the Senators on the list.

Also, pray to the Michael mentioned in the Quote from Daniel 12 - He’s going to be a lot more help than I am as He’s an Archangel and stands in the presence of God day and night.

I’m just trying to make up for all the damage I did when I was “on the Road to Jericco” for 20+ years and to see if I can save a few lives in the process.

Thank you for the help.

May God bless those who act to save His Little Ones, Michael
Brothers and Sisters:

The people behind the UNCONSCIONABLE & UNCONSTITUTIONAL FILIBIUSTER of these “HIGHLY QUALIFIED” JUDICIAL NOMINEES (NOT “substandard, extremist judges” supported by “forces outside the mainstream” as stated by Senator John Kerry) are NOT even elected representatives but UNELECTED POLITICAL ACTIVISTS!

Lead the Way
Senate Republicans may not understand the true stakes in the coming judicial showdown.
by Hugh Hewitt

IN RECENT DAYS I interviewed Nan Aron, president of the Alliance for Justice, and Ralph Neas, executive director of People for the American Way. Together these two are the architects of the policy of unyielding obstruction by Democrats of George Bush’s judicial nominees. It is difficult to overstate their influence on the Democratic caucus: They are widely considered to be the hands steering Democratic policy on judges.

Hewitt: Do you expect Democrats to filibuster Supreme Court nominees as well, Nan Aron?

Aron: You know, that’s a fairly good question because if President Bush did what President Clinton did and share names with prospective candidates to get the Democrats’s consent as Clinton did, if Bush did that, his nominees would sail through.

Hewitt: A lot of names are out there.
For example, Fourth Circuit Court Judge Mike Luttig. Would you oppose, and urge a filibuster of Mike Luttig?

Aron: Absolutely, but you see, if this president were to sit down with the Democrats, I assume, I don’t know for sure, but I assume that they would say “Mr. President, this guy shouldn’t be elevated. His views are just too outside the constitutional mainstream for us.” If he were to do that and come up with someone else that met the requirements of the Democrats, the person would sail through.

Hewitt: Would you oppose Judge Mike McConnell if he were nominated and urge a filibuster?

Aron: Yes, we would.

Hewitt: Do you oppose, and urge a filibuster for John Roberts?

Aron: Yes, we would.

Hewitt: In essence, people–three judges I’ve just named. Three, if you go down a long list of judges who have already confirmed by the United States Senate. If Alliance for Justice–Ralph said the same thing by the way last week that he’d have opposed the same three judges. If the radicals are in charge of the Democrats, don’t we need to break this down because, in essence, unless they nominate someone you like, you’ll urge a filibuster and overturn majority rule?

Aron: You know, you just named three individuals but can’t be the only three people who come to mind. There are dozens and dozens of others.

Hewitt: Miguel Estrada? He comes to mind.

Aron: Miguel Estrada pulled out so he’s not even being . . .


Go HERE for the Latest news and for more things that you can do to combat the Anti-catholic BIGOTRY being promoted by Alliance for Justice, People for the American and the LEADERSHIP of the DEMOCRATIC Party!



Please, stay informed and keep at them!

May God bless those who act to save His Little Ones! Michael
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