End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test

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Notice Senator Clinton did not speak on the Senate floor during the three days of debate last week?
No, I missed that. Good catch.
No, I missed that. Good catch.
Well I live in California. BOTH of the Senators here are PRO-ABORTION. During a spare momenmt, I wrote both of them a couple of weeks ago.

Here are the replies their staffs wrote to me. Please note that FILIBUSTERING JUDICIAL NOMINEES, which has NEVER been done before (except in the case of Abe Fortes who would have LOST the VOTE), is called “a time honored tradition”.

*Dear Mr…:
   Thank you for writing to me in opposition to maintaining the
filibuster in the Senate for judicial nominees. It is my opinion that it is vitally important to safeguard the Senate’s Constitutional duty to advise and consent to nominations.
   The so-called "nuclear option" would radically and unilaterally change the Senate rules.  Taking away the full right to debate nominations could render meaningless the Senate's obligation to provide its AAdvice and Consent.@
   Elimination of this time-honored rule would harm the
functioning of the Senate which, by our own rules, gives the minority party strong rights. It would also, in my view, place the filibuster, long a part of the Senate, in jeopardy. Over its more than 200-year history, the Senate has earned a well-deserved reputation as the world=s greatest deliberative body. Such freedom of debate and considered deliberation can only be accomplished by respecting the rights of the minority. I do
not support actions that would cause such long-term damage to the United States Senate.
    Again, thank you for taking the time to express your opposition to the filibuster.  Although we disagree on this particular issue, I hope you will continue to keep me informed about other issues of importance to you.  If you have any further questions or comments, I hope you will feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841.
                    Sincerely yours,

                    Dianne Feinstein
                    United States Senator*
*Dear MRR…:
 Thank you for contacting me regarding the confirmation process for federal judicial nominations.  I appreciate the opportunity to respond to your views.                  
 The rules of the Senate, through the cloture rule, provide a means to bring debate to a close.  The cloture rule states that 60 Senators can vote to place a time limit on debate.  If some Senators strongly oppose a bill or nominee, they can vote to continue debate. Unless all Senators agree to have a final vote,
a final vote on any matter can be taken only if and when 60 Senators vote for cloture. The so-called “nuclear option” would change, through back-door parliamentary maneuvers, this long-
standing Senate tradition so that debate on nominations could be ended by just 51 votes.
 I am strongly opposed to changing this long-standing rule of the Senate to make it easier for judicial nominees outside of the
mainstream to be confirmed. As a Senator, I have always taken very seriously my Constitutional duty to provide the President
with “Advice and Consent.” I will continue to consider each nomination that is sent to the Senate by President Bush very carefully, keeping your views in mind.
 Thank you again for writing to me on this important issue.  Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about matters that are of importance to you.         


                Barbara Boxer
                United States Senator*
Senator Boxer went further and said that JUDICIAL NOMINEES who agree with most of the people who post to and read this forum are “outside the mainstream”. Senator Boxer is from MARIN COUNTY, where we would be outside the mainstream. I don’t think she’s ever gone out of her way to visit or talk to the towns most of us come from. If she did, she’d find that she was “outside the mainstream”.

Remember, neither one can admit they AREN’T representing the voters of the State of California but an EXTREMIST PRO-ABORTION ACTIVIST GROUP instead.

If they did, they might have to admit that that most Americans aren’t nearly as “Pro-Choice” as their RIGGED SURVEYS claim we are, and that “Abortion on Demand” wouldn’t stand a chance in most ballot boxes!

These replies are two reasons why I believe trying to talk LIBERAL PRO-ABORTION SENATORS isn’t the best usage of our time right now.

Remember, the deadline is MON NIGHT/TUES MORN, and we ned to concentrate on the “strayed sheep” listed above.

Thank You to those who’ve sent their e-mails or who will send their e-mails.

May God richly bless those who act to save His Little Ones. Michael
Brothers and Sisters - this is the latest on the Senate:

The Deal (HT: Bench Memos via ConfirmThem .)


*We respect the diligent, conscientious efforts, to date, rendered to the Senate by Majority Leader Frist and Democratic Leader Reid. This memorandum confirms an understanding among the signatories, based upon mutual trust and confidence, related to pending and future judicial nominations in the 109th Congress.

This memorandum is in two parts. Part I relates to the currently pending judicial nominees; Part II relates to subsequent individual nominations to be made by the President and to be acted upon by the Senate’s Judiciary Committee.

We have agreed to the following:

Part I: Commitments on Pending Judicial Nominations

A. Votes for Certain Nominees. We will vote to invoke cloture on the following judicial nominees: Janice Rogers Brown (D.C. Circuit), William Pryor (11th Circuit), and Priscilla Owen (5th Circuit).

B. Status of Other Nominees. Signatories make no commitment to vote for or against cloture on the following judicial nominees: William Myers (9th Circuit) and Henry Saad (6th Circuit).

Part II: Commitments for Future Nominations

A. Future Nominations. Signatories will exercise their responsibilities under the Advice and Consent Clause of the United States Constitution in good faith. Nominees should only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances, and each signatory must use his or her own discretion and judgment in determining whether such circumstances exist.

B. Rules Changes. In light of the spirit and continuing commitments made in this agreement, we commit to oppose the rules changes in the 109th Congress, which we understand to be any amendment to or interpretation of the Rules of the Senate that would force a vote on a judicial nomination by means other than unanimous consent or Rule XXII.

We believe that, under Article II, Section 2, of the United States Constitution, the word “Advice” speaks to consultation between the Senate and the President with regard to the use of the President’s power to make nominations. We encourage the Executive branch of government to consult with members of the Senate, both Democratic and Republican, prior to submitting a judicial nomination to the Senate for consideration. Such a return to the early practices of our government may well serve to reduce the rancor that unfortunately accompanies the advice and consent process in the Senate.

We firmly believe this agreement is consistent with the traditions of the United States Senate that we as Senators seek to uphold.*


This means the dreaded "C’ Word, as in Compromise, and as in “Cave-in”.

To those who wrote and prayed, thank you.

May God richly bless those who acted to save His Little Ones. Michael
More on the deal…

Capitulation, not compromise

The Deal is Based on a Distortion of the Constitution »

*It is not compromise, but capitulation. And I say that as somebody who did agree that a certain form of compromise was acceptable. But this compromise treats a couple of nominees, Saad and Myers, as pawns. It makes them not people, but expendable objects. And that is unconscionable. When BOTH of those men were nominated, years ago, there was no reason to believe they would be denied up-or-down votes.

Their expectations, based on 214 years of history, were that they would be afforded up or down votes. I’ve seen, first-hand, the torment that judicial nominees go through. They don’t deserve to be treated like expendable pawns. That’s why ANY agreement that failed to afford fair votes for all the already pending nominees is not a compromise but a sell-out. Now, if the deal had been fair votes for all pending nominees, PLUS filibusters only in “extraordinary circumstances” for FUTURE nominees, then anybody who is asked to have his/her name submitted would know in advance what he is getting into. Everybody would understand the rules going in, and, while not optimal (optimal is killing all filibusters), it would have been better than an attempt that fails (fail because of gutless GOP senators) to kill all filibusters.

I should be rejoicing right now because Bill Pryor, the guy I’ve most championed, will get a fair vote. But my heart goes out to Saad and especially Myers — Myers, because I see no way that he would fail to get 50 votes plus Cheney if he actually was afforded a fair chance.

All this talk about “preserving the Senate” is bunkum. Senators would have adjusted. Most senators have too high an opinion of their own legislative body anyway. The Senate NEEDS reform, not preservation in its current form.

Way back when, two years ago, before the Estrada filibuster began, I was an advocate of a three-way deal ON PROCEDURES, between the White House and the two parties in the Senate, to head off the filibuster and maintain the dignity of the institution of the Senate AND maintain fairness to nominees. The White House had no interest then in such a deal. Now I bet the WHite House folks wished they had listened. But, having come to this point, the White House was absolutely in the right to demand up-or-down votes for all nominees. The Senators, ON BOTH SIDES, who fail to provide such a vote for pending nominees have sacrficed fairness (to Saad and Myers) for expedience and political advantage. I guarantee you there was horse-trading in there concerning pork and other matters. And I guarantee you that not a one of them gave a thought to the havoc they have wrecked on these nominees’ lives. Shame on them all. Fie on them all. Disdain for them all.*



Let our blessings return back to us unused!


Thank you to those who e-mailed, phoned, prayed and argued. Your effeots were not in vain, because you have my gratirude, and God lnows what you did.

May God bless those who acted to save His Little Ones! Michael
Traditional Ang:
In Senator Clinton’s case, I want you to tell her office that you’re a CATHOLIC! and, I want you to tell her that her continued insistance in not allowing an UP or DOWN Vote to Judicial Nominees strictly because they are “People of Faith” will cost her the vote of you and every CATHOLIC you can persuade to join you, Also state that you are prepared to contribute and campaign for her opponents in the upcomming elections, NO Matter who they may be.

Her office will try to tell you about OTHER FILIBUSTERS - Don’t buy it! I have the facts, and they are so embarrassing for the Democrats as to be pittiful and laughable. They are simply trying to lie to and confuse you. Details, please. This is not the first time that I have heard about “other filibusters” and I’m hoping to find out what they are talking about. Thanks for all you have done.
I did send e-mail, by the way.
This is no victory for the Culture of Death.

This is a speed-bump into restoring our country into what it should be. Nothing more.

Yes, I wanted all ten confirmed too. But the three most important will be confirmed. And THE most important will be confirmed to the MOST important circuit court in the country.

“Use what you have”
I want to make sure this doesn’t get lost in the keystrokes:

Thank you to those who e-mailed, phoned, prayed and argued. Your efforts were not in vain, because you have my gratitude, and God knows what you did and how hard your worked.

Thank you.

I sent mine and e-mailed the article you posted to several friends and family members. 🙂
I sent mine and e-mailed the article you posted to several friends and family members. 🙂

Thank you and well-done.

May God richly bless you. Michael
This is no victory for the Culture of Death.

This is a speed-bump into restoring our country into what it should be. Nothing more.

Yes, I wanted all ten confirmed too. But the three most important will be confirmed. And THE most important will be confirmed to the MOST important circuit court in the country.

“Use what you have”

I hope that you’re right, but I believe that the DEMOCRATS won’t allow a PRO-LIFE Supreme Court Nominee to receive an “UP or DOWN” Vote if that Nominee is replacing one who voted FOR ROE V. WADE!

When that happens, I think It’ll be harder for the REPUBLICANS to respond appropriately to the FILIBUSTER, and it’ll be harder for us to mobilize against it.

The “Moderates” just sold us “Down the River”! I think it would be well for that to be noted so that when the PRO-LIFE Supreme Court Nominee is FILIBUSTERED, we can look back on this day and see that the seeds were planted here.

After 2001, when the SENATE DEMOCRATIC Leadership refused to keep their promise to give ALL of President Bush’s Judicial Nominees who received the “Well-Qualified” Rating from the ABA would receive “PROMPT CONSIDERATION” (i.e., “UP or DOWN” Votes) and FILIBUSTERED them instead, because of the urging of the PRO-ABORTION EXTREMISTS who pay many of their bills and provide the activists who man their phone banks and walk their precincts.

I’m sorry, “Fool me once, shame on you…Fool me 5 times, shame on me!”

Pray that the deal holds and that the Democrats do NOT do as I’m afraid they will.

May God richly bless those who act to save His Little Ones, Michael
Brothers and Sisters, it turns out that we were betrayed by RINO’s - Republicans In Name Only - People who make a living out of taking money from Republicans Voters and Doners, and promising them their vote when they really need it, so they can get into office, and then betraying those very people who put them there at the first opportunity.

Not only is this dispicable, but it lacks basic honesty and integrity. The people in this case are:

Lincoln Chaffee (R - Rhode Island)
(202) 224-2921
Web Form: chafee.senate.gov/webform.htm

Susan Collins (R - Maine)
Voice (202) 224-2523 Fax: (202) 224-2693
Web Form: collins.senate.gov/low/contactemail.htm

Mike DeWine (R - Ohio)
Phone: (202) 224-2315 Fax: (202) 224-6519
Web Form: dewine.senate.gov/

Lindsey Graham (R - South Carolina)
(202) 224-5972
Web Form:lgraham.senate.gov/index.cfm?mode=contact

McCain, John (R - Arizona)
Phone: (202) 224-2235 Fax: (202) 228-2862
Web Form: mccain.senate.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=Contact.Offices

Olympia Snowe (R - Maine)
(202) 224-5344 Fax: (202) 224-1946
E-mail: olympia@snowe.senate.gov
Web: snowe.senate.gov/

John Warner (R- Virginia)
(202) 224-2023 Fax: (202) 224-6295
Web Form: warner.senate.gov/contact/contactme.cfm

As you can see, five of the people on this list were on the previous list and vice versa, and Senator Lindsey Graham came out of no where. I believe we got the two whose names you don’t see on this list near the beginning of the campaign, and the 2 who added themselves to this list defected after the first 2 left.

If that’s true, waiting to “CALL THE QUESTION” past May 4 did us and our cause NO favors. That extra time simply allowed the supporters of Roe V. Wade another way to pull it off the firing line and out of danger.

Please understand, the seven people whose names you see above DID US AND THE UNBORN NO FAVORS. In fact, they may very well have saved ROE V. WADE for AT LEAST a GENERATION if NOT LONGER.

So, as we walk in front of clinics begging women in many states not to get late term ot partial birth Abortions, we can thank these men and women for leaving those avenues of Baby Slaughter open for women and their doctors who “choose to exercise” their rights to the procedures.

Please understand, the Democrats WILL FILIBUSTER the FIRST PRO-LIFE Supreme Court Justice whom President Bush picks to replace a PRO-ABORTION one who retires or dies, and they will be completely within their rights ACCORDING TO THE AGREEMENT!

That’s why I was so angry earlier.

The Republicans “Threw the Game” like the Chicago Black Sox of 1917 threw the World Series. At least the Black Sox got $50,000 from some Gambler, and at least Judas got 30 ounces of Silver.

What did the Republicans get for betraying us and God’s Little Ones?

Bupkas! That’s what they got!

Their contact information is above. Let them know your displeasure. Just try to be polite and don’t cuss the bums out. OK?

May God richly bless those who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
With all due respect, your title of this thread is wrong. We need to End the Pro-Life Litmus Test and NOT the Pro-Abortion Litmus Test. Democrats do not want Pro-Life Judges to get an up or down vote.

Second, this is just the beginning. If you are Pro-Life, it is not only very difficult to become a Judge, but it is now creeping into other professions like Pharmicists, Nurses & Doctors to name a few. Pharmicists are now being fired for refusing to sell contraception. There are laws in process trying to force Catholic Hospitals to perform abortions. So soon there may no longer be any Catholic Hospitals.

I am an Independent Voter. The Democratic Platform also supports Homosexual Marriage. This stance is also Anti-Life & Anti-Family. Canada recently passed laws approving Homosexual Marriages. Since this legislation, Priests are now being thrown into jail for preaching what the Bible teaches on Homosexuality and the Bible is being deemed Hate Literature.

Last, skyrocketing taxes are another problem. It has forced both the mother & father to work & forced kids into daycare. Guess which party always wants taxes increased? Just another example of Anti-Family agenda.

Yes, there are many problems arising from Anti-Life, Anti-Family & Anti-Catholic sentaments going on in the world today. Remember, getting Pro-Life Judges on the benches is not the only problem.
I contacted all of the Senators and thanked them for standing up to Frist’s dishonesty and acts of fraud.
I contacted all of the Senators and thanked them for standing up to Frist’s dishonesty and acts of fraud.
Katherine this is about 4,000 dead babies a day:mad: NOT a politician or a political party:tsktsk:
I contacted all of the Senators and thanked them for standing up to Frist’s dishonesty and acts of fraud.

This is about standing up for babies being murdered in the womb; not about Frist. I would like to list some websites you can visit…

Silent Scream (the Internet Video) silentscream.org/

Death In The Delivery Room (Testimony of Jill Stanek RN) priestsforlife.org/brochures/deathindeliveryroom.htm

Physical & Psychological Effects of Abortion poorchoice.org/

This Is My Body: Abortion & the Eucharist priestsforlife.org/brochures/thisismy.html

Silent No More (Women who Previously Had Abortions Now Speaking Out Against Abortion) silentnomorecampaign.com/
There is no precedent for the Democratic obstructionism that has plagued Bush since his inauguration in 2001. The closest that comes to mind–and what Democrats continually point to–is the filibuster against Abe Fortas in 1968, whom President Lyndon Johnson attempted to appoint as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The differences here are many. Johnson was a lame-duck president, and Fortas was already elevated to the Supreme Court in 1965. Along with the twenty-four Republicans, nineteen Democrats voted against ending the filibuster against Fortas, a truly bipartisan effort. Proven to be ethically challenged as well, Fortas would not have had the votes to pass muster on the Senate floor, so he soon withdrew his nomination.


As I said previously, Senator Frist has stated he will take ONE of president Bush’s LONG-SUFFERING NOMINEES to the Senate Floor tomorrow in order to force a vote on that NOMINEE.

The MSM has called that “The Nuclear Option”. I believe “The Nuclear Option” is what the DEMOCRATS have been exercising by denying these PRO-LIFE NOMINEES the UP or DOWN Vote required by the Constitution, and that that is what has destroyed whatever COMITY existed in the Senate, and that Senate Republicans are trying to RESTORE Constitutional Order by using the “CONSTITUTIONAL OPTION” to repair the demage inflicted by the DEMOCRATS’ use of THEIR “NUCLEAR OPTION”.

On this one, as on several others, the MSM has just got it wrong.

Even if you’ve ALREADY E-MAILED the Senators, please, please do so again. Just remind them that this is every bit as important to you as it is to the FORCES OF DEATH!

Remember, the FORCES OF DEATH are doing a MAXIMUM EFFORT!

I thank all of you who’ve e-mailed your State Senators as well as those on the list, and, I beg you to send MORE e-mails to the same Senators TONIGHT!

Thank You, and, May God bless those who act to save His Little Ones.

Abe Fortas resigned his position on the Supreme Court when it became public that he was on the payroll of convicted felon Louis Wolfson while he(Fortas) was a sitting judge on the Supreme Court. Congress blocked him from being promoted to Chief Justice. It is not a good thing to put a mob-controlled person in charge of the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter was worse. He helped get Alger Hiss his job in the New Deal. Before that, he wrote a piece on the Sacco and Vanzetti case which was reprinted and distributed worldwide by Stalin’s agent, Willi Muzenberg (who turned the two thugs into victims of American oppression in the minds of the intelligentsia).

Supporting Communists or criminals, that seems to be the range of liberalism in America.
I contacted all of the Senators and thanked them for standing up to Frist’s dishonesty and acts of fraud.

So, I assume you also thanked them for insuring that ROE V. WADE will continue enabling the slaughter of babies for the forseeable future?!

Because, that’s the effect of the DEAL! It will insure that PRO-ABORTION Justices who retire from the Supreme Court will be replaced by PRO-ABORTION Judges. Otherwise, the DEMOCRATS will FILIBUSTER the nominees PER THE AGREEMENT (“Extraordinary circumstances”)!

You seem to have forgotten that the judges were being FILIBUSTERED, not because they weren’t qualified, or because they were somehow extremists, but because they were PRO-LIFE and would vote to OVERTURN ROE V. WADE if given the chance!

At the same time, the PRO-ABORTION groups providing the Democrats with much of their funding and the activists who make the phone calls and get out the votes wanted to warn Bush about NOMINATING PRO-LIFE NOMINEES to fill vacancies on the Supremem Court.

For the past 2-1/2 years, the Democrats, pushed by those groups, have done that by FILIBUSTERING “WELL-QUALIFIED” (per the ABA) NOMINEES to various Circuit Courts for NO other reason than that they were RELIGIOUS and PRO-LIFE!

Katherine, only ONE other Judicial Nominee has EVER been FILIBUSTERED in HISTORY BEFORE the Bush Administration! That man was Justice Abe Fortes who was nominated to succeed Chief Justice Earl Warren by President LYndon Johnson. This BIPARTISAN FILIBUSTER of a man who DID NOT even have majority support was designed to allow him time to resign gracefully!

That’s what Abe Fortes did 4 days into the FILIBUSTER.

Katherine, that’s NOT what happened here to the 11 PRO-LIFE NOMINEES to Various Circuit Courts who ALL HAD MAJORITY SUPPORT!

Please remember, the DEMOCRATS weren’t doing this because VOTERS were urging them on. They were doing this because of the urgings of a PRO-ABORTION ACTIVIST GROUP!

I’m sorry, but I don’t see how anyone could support that, unless you supported ROE V. WADE without reservation, supported RELIGIOUS TESTS requiring ALL members of the Appeals Bench to be NON-CATHOLICS and supported the “Right” of a MINORITY to require SUPERMAJORITIES for COMFORMATION of ALL Judicial Nominees they disagreed with!

Is that really what you believe in?

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Second, this is just the beginning. If you are Pro-Life, it is not only very difficult to become a Judge, but it is now creeping into other professions like Pharmicists, Nurses & Doctors to name a few. Pharmicists are now being fired for refusing to sell contraception. There are laws in process trying to force Catholic Hospitals to perform abortions. So soon there may no longer be any Catholic Hospitals.

I am an Independent Voter. The Democratic Platform also supports Homosexual Marriage. This stance is also Anti-Life & Anti-Family. Canada recently passed laws approving Homosexual Marriages. Since this legislation, Priests are now being thrown into jail for preaching what the Bible teaches on Homosexuality and the Bible is being deemed Hate Literature.
Christian doctors defend right to refuse abortions
California suing to overturn statute that protects pro-life physicians

June 19, 2005

Christian doctors are in federal court to defend their right to refuse to provide abortions and abortion referrals.

The Alliance Defense Fund and the Christian Legal Society filed a motion to intervene Thursday in San Francisco in a lawsuit brought by the state of California against the U.S. government . . . [Click for more]
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