Engaging with members of the Gay Community via Social Media

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I don’t get to decide what’s natural and what’s not…
That’s true. When it comes to relationships with my partner then we decide. Nobody else. So are we doing anything wrong? Well, Sheldon, you are never going to find out. Because it’s none of your business. So does that affect you in any way? Not in the slightest. Just as what you might get up to in private doesn’t affect me.

Now if you think that what you might do might threaten your immortal soul then please be careful and think hard about it. Because even if you are wrong and you don’t even have a soul, then intentionally doing something that you just think might send you to hell will have an important effect on you. But it won’t have an affect on me. And as I said, what I get up to won’t affect you.

So we don’t need any of the same ol’ same 'ol arguments about what something should be used for and where it should go and when it should be used. Apart from anything else it’s bone numbingly repetitive. Trust me, we’ve seen them more times than we can count (but I’ve got an idea they are new for you). But more importantly, they’re irrelevant for people who don’t believe as you do. You are preaching to the choir. Everyone who has the same belief system as you will agree whole heartedly. Anyone who doesn’t will wonder what on earth your beliefs have to do with them.

Let me let you into a little secret. People generally marry because they want to spend their lives together. If they are lucky (as I’ve been) it will last decades. You are not in any position to deny people that need simply because they are the same gender.

If you want to call their lifetime commitment something other than ‘marriage’, then in all honesty I could care less. But you need to realise that the term is not yours, or anyone else’s, to demand we should define it only as you decree.

And please take this as friendly advice - slip a few paragraph breaks in now and then. Big blocks of text aren’t easy to digest.
When I got in to an argument with this person
Why are you wasting your time arguing with some stranger on the Internet?
If you think he needs help, don’t argue with him, pray for him.

Big huge waste of time to engage in Internet arguments. It’s not going to persuade anybody to change their mind and you could be doing something productive instead, even if it was just enjoying your family or taking a walk in God’s nature.
what do I do when I encounter the next person? especially when I encounter a sympathizer? More than the gay community, I guess the ones that sympathize with them, allowing them continue their way of life and legitimizing the relationship and equating it to normal heterosexual families under the guise of equality and freedom when it intrinsically isn’t.
Be kind to them. Pray for them.
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Thank You Tis… Yes… Praying for them makes more sense than arguing with them… or in fact with anyone. 🙂
Divorce actually IS a problem. It is damaging in many ways. Yet Catholics couldn’t care less about the moral issues associated with divorce.
I care and a lot of other Catholics care too.
When was the last time you heard of a parent refusing to attend his child’s second marriage?
I heard it a couple of times.
Trump has been married three times, and he was elected - and most people on this site support him.
Only because he is politically useful.
But the hatred and bigotry against gay marriage is off the charts compared to how divorcees are treated. It is for this reason that people think Catholics unfairly target gays and promote an agenda of hatred and bigotry.
The attitude of a lot of Catholics have towards the gay community was what prevented me from returning to the Church for a long time. I’d hesitate to call homophobia a norm among the Church, but, anecdotally speaking, I’ve noticed a pretty significant amount (although not in the majority) of Catholics who really seem to have some sort of hateful agenda against the LGBTQ community.
I’ve noticed a pretty significant amount (although not in the majority) of Catholics who really seem to have some sort of hateful agenda against the LGBTQ community.
I agree. It’s like they draw the line of “love your neighbor” at homosexual people. And the ones that insist that it’s a choice when there are gay Catholics in almost every parish struggling silently or with the aid of the community to not fall into sin. I know several gay Catholics. Some are at peace with themselves and it doesn’t bother them, but others are more anguished over their sexuality. I find it extremely difficult (I actually don’t) to believe someone’s bigoted opinion about the issue over the testimony of thousands of gay Catholics.

Some people seem bent on treating homosexuals as subhuman or as the alpha-omega of evil in the world. Not homosexuality. Homosexuals as people. I’m sure you’ve noticed it too. I personally find this attitude uncharitable and contrary to Church teaching. Catholicism explicitly states that homosexual people are to be treated with love and kindness (like all people) and furthermore, the Church’s moral tradition has absolutely no concept of a “disordered person”. That’s right- NOWHERE in Catholicism is there reference to “disordered people”, only disordered inclinations. Homosexuality is a disordered inclination, and to choose to act on it is wrong. Homosexual PEOPLE are NOT disordered, evil, inherently more sinful, etc… and anyone claiming otherwise is in direct contradiction with the Church.

Some people may say that “Oh, but what about when they advocate for gay marriage?” Seriously? Since when did loving someone depend on them not sinning? Did Jesus give you that impression anywhere in the Bible? Curious.

Some people think that taking a stricter position than the Church, not only with regards to homosexuality but also with Musims, Orthodox, Protestants, etc…makes them better Catholics, but it really doesn’t. It just makes them Catholics who have failed to understand the nuances of Church teaching at best and in direct opposition to the Church at worst.
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It’s unfortunate that the Catholics with the most animosity towards gay people often tend to shout the loudest. As you have noted, I don’t think that’s the majority of Catholics.
LOVE is not a valid reason to partake in homosexuality, in this context it may be lust, companionship & even the rebellious nature of humans that are not satisfied with the constructed status quo. Love is for all to give & receive, but it does have many shapes & forms, e.g. I love my mother differently to my wife.

As a human species we tend to fear what we don’t understand & can become very bias. Even though different to me, we must learn to love & accept everyone regardless of their differences.

Religion needs to take a different approach & apply the benevolence it teaches more evenly to ALL people & not just to their own flock
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But I guarantee the VAST majority on this site would pick eradicating homosexual marriage - an institution based on love.
That’s not true of most Catholics in general and most Catholics on this site don’t participate in those threads about homosexuality so I don’t think what you are saying is true.
Hmmm. Would you vote for a gay married man in the same way? Which would impact your vote more?
If he will cause good changes I would vote for him.
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So would you put it down in writing here that you would eliminate divorce before gay marriage?
Yes, I will.
But I asked which would impact your vote MORE. Try answering honestly.
They are the same to me, if they have the same policies. But if you are talking about Trump then on a moral level on that aspect, I would choose them since Trump has remarried multiple times which is worse.
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