The word “existence” covers two different meanings: physical existence, and conceptual existence. There should be two different words to describe each, because as it is, it is easy to confuse them.
Physical existence is “simple”. It is STEM: space, time, energy and matter - the basis of everything. Conceptual existence is a bit more complex, the examples were **relationships **between physical objects, **attributes **of physical objects, (descriptions of reality) and also wholly imaginary objects, etc… These immaterial entities are the products of our minds. By concensus we agree that “two” and “zwei” **mean **the same thing, even though the brain states are different. For someone who does not speak German, the utterance “zwei” is totally meaningless.
There in no meaning outside our minds. Just like cold and warm do not exist outside our perception. They are the subjective descriptions of the Brownian motion of the molecules.
Motion is an activity of some phisical object. Change is an activity of some physical object. There is no such “thing” as “motion” or “change” as separate entities. These ideas are not actualized, they are the distillations of the observed reality, a “picture” of the reality. To assert the opposite is truly putting the cart in front of the horse.
The word “existence” covers two different meanings: physical existence, and conceptual existence. There should be two different words to describe each, because as it is, it is easy to confuse them.
Things have either actual existence or potential existence, and we can know things that potentially exist via our imagination.
physical existence is “simple”. It is STEM: space, time, energy and matter - the basis of everything. .
You are narrowing actual existence here – immaterial things also actually exist.
Conceptual existence is a bit more complex, the examples were **relationships **between physical objects, **attributes **of physical objects, (descriptions of reality) and also wholly imaginary objects, etc… These immaterial entities are the products of our minds.
Many conceptual things actually exist. I reject your form of idealism, these attributes and relationships are not just part of our minds, they exist objectively. In order to know them our intellect needs to correspond to them. Truth is the conformity of the intellect to the things.
For someone who does not speak German, the utterance “zwei” is totally meaningless.
This is due to our ability to create. We can create concepts and ideas through or imaginative faculties. This is subjective truth to the people who speak German. We created this idea, that had potential existence, and people profess it as truth one their intellect is in conformity with it. All we are doing is selecting certain sounds to represent ideas, so we can exchange ideas and communicate. Language is something that we create, it did not have actual existence before we created it, it only potentially existed. In this case God created language in so far as he gave it potential existence, which is a “shade” of existence. Humans actualized language, and therefore it is not universal.
There in no meaning outside our minds. Just like cold and warm do not exist outside our perception. They are the subjective descriptions of the Brownian motion of the molecules.
I reject that the idea of cold only existing in our minds. The idea of cold, which is the deficiency of heat, is objectively true and we can only know it when our intellect corresponds to this particular objective truth. It is true people may have have different ideas of what is hotter and what is colder, based on the senses, but the idea of cold remains the same.
Motion is an activity of some phisical object. Change is an activity of some physical object. There is no such “thing” as “motion” or “change” as separate entities. These ideas are not actualized, they are the distillations of the observed reality, a “picture” of the reality. To assert the opposite is truly putting the cart in front of the horse.
Again I am not speaking specifically of physical motion, I am speaking of metaphysical motion. There are two types of change, substantial change and accidental change. Accidental change is a change that does not change the essence of the substance, like when a man becomes a musician. There is an actual motion (accidental change) that moves a man to a musician. An example of a substantial change is when a burning log becomes ash. There is a instant where the form of the log ceases to exist, and it becomes ash. There is a motion of log to ash.