Because of the Bible. I’ve picked up a few hermeneutical principles over the years…i liked every part of your post except this. are you saying you are no longer catholic because of studying the bible? or because of some one else’s interpretation of the bible?
That’s great, and I hope you are studying the Church Fathers, history, and seeing if what Rome says today lines up with them. Also, make sure you listen to good moderated debates between Catholics and Protestants and decide which group is most faithful to the Scripture. Alpha & Omega Ministries (aomin.org) are a cheap source for debates (many are free) along with Phil Porvaznik’s site (bringyou.to/apologetics/apolog.htm).in my experience, it is the study of the bible which has brought me back to the catholic church
Thanks for the tips, I assure you I read Jimmy Akin, Patrick Madrid, (Surprised by Truth) etc… I also listen to Catholic Answers when I can catch it.
Read Romans cover to cover before you “swim the Tiber.” Try to let the text speak for yourself. Does Paul leave room for indulgences in the text? What Would Paul Say?
God bless,