An eternal creation out of nothing is not a contradiction in terms. Nor does modern cosmology dispose of such a eternal creation by God, who exists outside the bounds or reality of the universe, or of an infinite number of universes. Whatever the form of universe or universes modern cosmology dreams up, it or they are still material universes unable to explain their own existence, always being dependent on some prior matter. Whereas an etenal creation by God provides the cause of those things which are limited by their own materiality. Thus is the burden of a presentation by Dr. William E. Carroll *. Follow his presentation on this video.
And here is a more purely philosophical presentation.
And here is a more purely philosophical presentation.
- William E. Carroll is the Thomas Aquinas Fellow in Theology and Science at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford and member of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Oxford. He is the author of Creation and Science; Galileo: Science and Faith; La Creación y las Ciencias Naturales: Actualidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino; and co-author with Steven Baldner of Aquinas on Creation. A longer version of this essay will be published in the April 2012 issue of Science & Christian Belief, and Carroll’s recent lecture on the topic for the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion may be viewed here. biologos.org/blog/author/carroll-william-e