Linus, what you quoted has nothing to do with what I said in that post. I said “why God could haven’t given the world the power to exist on its own after the first moment of creation”. Its just your opinion that that would be giving it divinity.
Hi thinkandmull. Consider the following on the legitimacy of assigning divinity to creation. ( I extend an apology to Linus for responding to the question put to him). But I see as opposed to Linus that it is not wrong to assign divinity to creation. The OT hints in this direction. If that which is to be judged is creation, namely its highest member, man, then this proves that man profanes God (who has no use for bullocks) when he sins.
Ez 24:14
I, the LORD, have spoken;
it will happen!
I will do it and not hold back!
I will not have pity or relent.
By your conduct and deeds you shall be judged—
oracle of the Lord GOD.
In the NT we learn that Jesus teaches the spirit, which we know alone gives us life, and the gift of faith. We also learn that if we have faith, we will do deeds greater than Jesus did:
Jn 14:12
“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”
If we are consuming the goods of creation to sustain our lives, both earthly and spiritual food, then why not exalt as Jesus did created men and creation itself to the only divinity, since that is their final destination in the spirit.
Rm 8:21 in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God