Eternal Universe

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Deacon Joseph,
re: “Observations show that there is only about a hundred past light cycles.”

What does that mean?
Yes, of course. The basic idea is this: there are two kinds of light in the universe, Cosmic Background Radiation from the Big Bang and light from other sources, mostly stars. Some scientists say that 99% of the light in the universe is from the cosmic radiation, and about 1% is from starlight. Observations show that there is only about a hundred past light cycles. Which would mean that the universe must have had a beginning, it would not be infinite.

If you’re really interested in reading more, you should read the book by Father Robert Spitzer, ‘New Proofs for the Existence of God’.

I hope this helps. If you have other questions I’ll try to answer them. 🙂
Fr. Spitzer is too deep for me.🙂 Ditto Rizzi when he gets into Quantum Mechanics…

Infinity when applied to a series or a magnitude is unachievable . Which is the same as infinity applied to an algorithmic finite structure is an unachievable. In laymen terms, a magnitude could be a second, a minute, an hour of time, any specific amount of time. So we are saying, since time can be measured as an algorithmic finite structure( a specific amount of time), infinite amount of time is impossible.
Wrong. We know that real number exist.
If infinity of the universe was true, than that would also mean you would have infinite degrees Fahrenheit, infinite mass density, and infinite physical force
Universe could be infinite and expand.
A Creator exists outside our space/time. The Creator would have created the universe as an organic whole. A Creator put mass/energy into existence in the form of energy and put space/time into existence in the form of a quantum field. It later expanded into a greater space/time field, and put a cosmological constant into existence. These 3 events as a whole, created the Big Bang.
How do you get that?
Also, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics shows that the universe must have had a beginning. Disorder in a system must stay the same or increase. Everything strives for equilibrium. An example of this is when you have a cup of coffee that’s hot, you let it sit and over time it will be the same temp as the room you’re in. The cup of coffee is releasing energy into its environment.
The laws of physics must have time-reversal symmetry. Shouldn’t they be? Entropy is not measurable!
Wrong. We know that real number exist.
Not wrong. Infinity is not a real number.

wikipedia said:
Infinity (symbol: ∞) is an abstract concept describing something without any limit and is relevant in a number of fields, predominantly mathematics and physics.
Universe could be infinite and expand.

How do you get that?

The laws of physics must have time-reversal symmetry. Shouldn’t they be? Entropy is not measurable!
Wrong. We know that real number exist.
I also quoted another source, Brian Greene, who says in he’s book ‘The Elegant Universe’, that infinite energy is impossible.
Universe could be infinite and expand.
The universe is expanding. We know this from red shifting( measuring the light waves from stars). But infinite? I have an open mind. But all the books I’ve read do not show me any math proofs that can explain a true mathematical infinity.
If you know of some book or quote let me know please.
How do you get that?
The laws of physics must have time-reversal symmetry. Shouldn’t they be? Entropy is not measurable!
Entropy is the measurement of the amount of energy in a physical system that cannot be used to do work. In machinery, or machine systems, entropy is measured all the time.
Deacon Joseph,
re: “Observations show that there is only about a hundred past light cycles.”

What does that mean?
In other words, its means the light from stars did not always exist.
What if the universe IS eternal, how could it have no impact on our faith?
Was this explained in the link you provided, where it says “Aquinas saw no contradiction in the notion of an eternal universe. For even if the universe had no temporal beginning it will still depend on God for its very being?”

If so, how so when the Bible says the universe was created out of nothing?

And if it IS eternal, how could it have been created? Another sentence in your link says “what is essential to Christian faith according to Aquinas is the fact of creation.”

Was this explained in the link you provided, where it says “Aquinas saw no contradiction in the notion of an eternal universe. For even if the universe had no temporal beginning it will still depend on God for its very being?”
My understanding of Thomas, based mainly on the conversations on this forum, indicates that this is a mischaracterization of Thomas’ position. I believe the correct understanding is the Thomas’ first cause argument does not depend on the universe having a beginning. The first cause argument is a valid argument independent of whether the universe is eternal, or not. As a faithful Catholic, he would have accepted the revelation taught by the Church that the universe had a beginning.
If so, how so when the Bible says the universe was created out of nothing?
And if it IS eternal, how could it have been created? Another sentence in your link says “what is essential to Christian faith according to Aquinas is the fact of creation.”
At this point we either accept revelation that the universe had a beginning as true, or not.
My understanding of Thomas, based mainly on the conversations on this forum, indicates that this is a mischaracterization of Thomas’ position. I believe the correct understanding is the Thomas’ first cause argument does not depend on the universe having a beginning. The first cause argument is a valid argument independent of whether the universe is eternal, or not. As a faithful Catholic, he would have accepted the revelation taught by the Church that the universe had a beginning.

At this point we either accept revelation that the universe had a beginning as true, or not.
Anyone else like to chime in? Especially those who were part of the earlier discussion?
My understanding of Thomas, based mainly on the conversations on this forum, indicates that this is a mischaracterization of Thomas’ position. I believe the correct understanding is the Thomas’ first cause argument does not depend on the universe having a beginning. The first cause argument is a valid argument independent of whether the universe is eternal, or not. As a faithful Catholic, he would have accepted the revelation taught by the Church that the universe had a beginning.

At this point we either accept revelation that the universe had a beginning as true, or not.
Can you be clear as to whether the Earth and the Universe are the same. I think the subtle scriptural difference might be significant from the standpoint of the overall question as relates to proof by revelation.
Linus, what you quoted has nothing to do with what I said in that post. I said “why God could haven’t given the world the power to exist on its own after the first moment of creation”. Its just your opinion that that would be giving it divinity.
Hi thinkandmull. Consider the following on the legitimacy of assigning divinity to creation. ( I extend an apology to Linus for responding to the question put to him). But I see as opposed to Linus that it is not wrong to assign divinity to creation. The OT hints in this direction. If that which is to be judged is creation, namely its highest member, man, then this proves that man profanes God (who has no use for bullocks) when he sins.
Ez 24:14
I, the LORD, have spoken;
it will happen!
I will do it and not hold back!
I will not have pity or relent.
By your conduct and deeds you shall be judged—
oracle of the Lord GOD.

In the NT we learn that Jesus teaches the spirit, which we know alone gives us life, and the gift of faith. We also learn that if we have faith, we will do deeds greater than Jesus did:
Jn 14:12
“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”

If we are consuming the goods of creation to sustain our lives, both earthly and spiritual food, then why not exalt as Jesus did created men and creation itself to the only divinity, since that is their final destination in the spirit.

Rm 8:21 in hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God
I startede talking about this on another thread but don’t want to hijack it so I’ll post it here instead.

A recent article below states that the universe may be eternal.
IF true, what would that mena for the existence of God? The Bible? Christianity? Our faith?
And why or why not?
"MAY BE eternal? That implies it may also NOT BE eternal?

So what would the “Not BE” eternal mean for the existence of God, the bible, Christian faith, etc.?

What it has always meant. That Genesis was right about the Creation of the universe. 🤷
Anyone else like to chime in? Especially those who were part of the earlier discussion?
Yes, God has told us through divine revelation that the universe is not eternal but that He created it in the beginning of time. God certainly knows and we believe He is telling us the truth. That’s it.
Yes, God has told us through divine revelation that the universe is not eternal but that He created it in the beginning of time. God certainly knows and we believe He is telling us the truth. That’s it.
And if God isn’t telling us the truth, who is? 🤷
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