Judgmental armchair moralists like yourself really weary me.
In times of war, whether declared or undeclared, many horrible things must be done to assure the triumph of good over evil. Christ planned his own crucifixion to be used as a weapon against Satan.
If I had been in charge of waterboarding someone who would have provided vital information to prevent another 9/11, I might have saved hundreds or thousands of lives. If I had failed to waterboard the culprit, and many had subsequently died horrible deaths because I had self righteously refused to waterboard him, I would feel unworthy of letting the Eucharist touch my tongue.
Now here’s a thought experiment for you. If you knew millions of Jews and others were going to be slaughtered by Hitler, and you were in a position to stop the slaughter by killing Hitler yourself, would your self righteous moral comfort zone be wonderfully enhanced by your self righteous refusal to do so?
I think the Church and all the governments of the world would have been relieved had you taken the wind out of Hitler’s sails.
You would be saddened but O.K. with letting Hitler rage on? :tsktsk:
You have engaged me again with your policy of surrender to evil for the last time.
Enjoy your rebuttal.