Eucharist Adoration

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:confused: I just recently started going to visit God in His house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening for about an hour. I don’t remember doing this when I was younger. I didn’t come from a very religious family. I guess my ideas of Catholic religion are not very well grounded even tough I have been around for 51 years. A problem I am having right now is that when I go to Church to spend some time with God I sit there in the quite dark Chapel and I believe God is there but I don’t KNOW it. Maybe the better way to say it is I can’t picture Him there in the Tabernacle and I can’t explain it. For some reason I feel that I should understand all of the doctrines of our faith and that I should know how to explain all of it to someone else. I do feel peaceful and safe and I feel God all around me but looking at the place where the Eucharist lies I just can’t picture Him there in body and blood. Then I start to worry that I am this horrible person pretending to be Catholic. I say some traditional prayers but I feel more comfortable just talking to God. I ask Him if the things I am doing are for the right reasons and not just some selfish attempt to gain heaven. I would like to know how other people believe in the “Real Presents of Christ in the Eucharist”. Do they see or picture God as a flesh and blood person standing by the tabernacle or maybe the Holy Spirit or is it just a feeling (like I have)? I have the same compulsion about understanding other doctrines of our faith also. Right now this is one thing that is very troubling to me. I will not stop going to adoration but I would like to know if any one else feels this way. I do think I have a problem with scruples and tend to think everything I do is a sin or at least wrong for one reason or another. Thanks for any light you can shed on this matter. God bless all of you.
Sometimes I try to picture Jesus in my mind when I visit Him for a holy hour, but not often At times I have arrived all stressed out, I start to pray, but I cannot keep myself from getting sleepy. What I do then, I just relax, and take a little, guarded nap right then and there. (Some people must have the same problem of needing a little nap. At times they even snore very audibly. I don’t think Jesus minds.) After my little snooze, I feel so much better and my mind is clearer and I can better concentrate in addressing Jesus in my prayers. When I leave the chapel, I always feel refreshed and more peaceful than when I came in.

I think, the most important thing is your intent to want to be with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He knows that you try hard to communicate with Him. Just relax. When Jesus gives you the grace to drawer nearer to Him, he’ll let you know. Don’t try too hard. Just be with Jesus. He really appreciates you came.

I wish you many more peaceful and wonderful holy hours when you visit Jesus.
Faith in a nutshell is the belief of something unknown or unable to prove. In realitythere is no way of proving His presence in the eucahrist. We have miracles but they prove nothin in the end.

We must believe then, and the blessed are the ones who believe before seeing.
John 20:29
Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

You are at a point in your spiritual road that needs a leap of faith, so just take it.

Sometimes I have an image in my mind, picturing Jesus as in a favored painting, or recently, remembering a scene from The Passion of the Christ. Often, though, this is more like work than prayer, so I just rest there instead and let Him behold me.

From the time I was a little child I knew He could see me. That somehow is enough and more than I deserve.

cleofet said:
** I do feel peaceful and safe and I feel God all around me but looking at the place where the Eucharist lies I just can’t picture Him there in body and blood. **

You don’t need to picture him. He is there, and since you feel peaceful and safe, that is fine.
If I may offer a quote from C.S. Lewis:
It is during the trough periods, much more than during the peak periods, that it is growing into the creature [God] wants it to be. Hence the prayers offered in the state of dryness are those which please Him best. The Screwtape Letters
I find that when I keep to my devotions even though I feel like I’m not really getting anything out of it, I experience my greatest spiritual growth.

Peace and God bless! 🙂

I haven’t yet, but I can hardly wait!

I wanna pray the DMC (Divine Mercy Chaplet) there in His presence and just let Him know that I love Him and appreciate what He endured at calvary for me.
Church Militant:
I haven’t yet, but I can hardly wait!

I wanna pray the DMC (Divine Mercy Chaplet) there in His presence and just let Him know that I love Him and appreciate what He endured at calvary for me.
One thing that I’ve been thinking about is praying 5 decades of the Rosary at Adoration, but all 5 decades meditating on the 5th Luminous Mystery (Institution of the Eucharist). This is a thought I had while watching Fr. Corapi talk about the Rosary. I generally follow St. Alphonsus’s “Visits to the Blessed Sacrament” as a starting point for my adoration, and this Rosary will fit in nicely right after the “visit” and my personal prayers 🙂
Like mtr 01, I love to pray the rosary in front of the eucharist. I get lost in my meditations and when I finish, I am astonished to see that I have spent 45 min. to and hour in my meditations.

Also, READ JOHN 6 in front to the eucharist. He is so adamant and so straightforward in telling us in Jesus’ own words that the bread IS TRULY, TRULY the flesh and blood of our Lord.

By all means, read Church History and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Knowlege is power–the power to defend against those who whould try to confuse and discourage you.

For enjoyment and lighter (but educational) reading, try the “Surprised by Truth” books. They are full of wonderful short stories by converts and reverts that will up-lift and inspire.

Keep up the adoration :yup: Satan is trying to discourage you with doubts and distractions. Think of this as an opportunity to reject Satan by saying something like, “Jesus, protect me!” or something like that. It is a GOOD sign when you suffer these things, it means you are doing something RIGHT !!

Hang in there! Love and peace 👋 lindalou
When you gaze upon the monstrnace or the tabernacle, you may want to envision Our Lord glorified and seated in His throne of glory.

He hides Himself so perfectly so that we sinful creatures don’t die of ecstacy beholding Him. What immeasurable Love!

Remember the prayer taught by the angel to the Fatima children:
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee. And I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee…
there are all kinds of prayerbooks you can use during your hour of adoration, but they are not really neccesary except maybe to help you in the transistion for thoughts and worries of the day to quiet time. The key requisite is silence, openness and acceptance, a disposition of mind and body to allow our Lord to speak to you. This he does either with or without words, and either with or without you being aware of it.

Some of us have trouble “picturing” Jesus present when he is in the tabernacle, and for us it is more helpful to have the Eucharist exposed in the monstrance, but I think we need to “get over it” and understand that he is present even when we can’t see anything except the closed tabernacle. Reflecting on Holy Saturday and the time of waiting when Jesus is in the tomb may be helpful.

The rosary or other scripture meditation are certainly a fine way to turn our minds and hearts in the right direction, but even if you find yourself in the chapel without a book, rosary, or bible, your hour there will be profitable, even though you come away without any sense of “getting anything out of it.” We have the assurance of the saints that this is true.

The fact that you are there paying homage to Jesus confirms in my mind that you have a devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. As far as seeing and feeling, this is a consolation from the Holy Spirit and not everyone receives this. But if you demonstrate perseverance with a sincere devotion you will grow in spirituality and faith. At our parish, we have a Nocturnal Adoration Society in which we spend a night (1st Friday’s) in adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament making reparation for the apostles that fell asleep when Jesus asked them to stay awake and pray with Him in the Garden. Our group has been doing this for nearly twenty years and it has created many blessings. Don’t give up! Keep up the great work!
A problem I am having right now is that when I go to Church to spend some time with God I sit there in the quite dark Chapel and I believe God is there but I don’t KNOW it.
Be Still and Know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)

You don’t “have” to do anything. But I would recommend that you occasionally change what you do; sometimes, pray the Rosary, sometime read a meditative book; sometimes, pray a Novena, sometimes some other prayer, and sometimes, just be still and listen for what God wants you to know.

You’re on a wonderful journey. Take advantage of it.
First, not know knowing fully of this mystery, I have read Eucharistic Miracles by Joan Carroll Cruz. This book explains, thorough the documented miracles of the church the physical manifestation of the real presence – setting aside totally how we feel or wish to feel this book shows how it is and that we need to accept transubstantiation for the miracle and gift that it is.

Second, that you seek to spend time with the Lord of Lords is true to His sonship and daughtership.

Third, He has given you all you need, within your own will and capability to know him. It is important to realize that sometimes he will seem distant, do no be discouraged, He is always with you.

Fourth, I encourage you to call upon your guardian angle to help you in difficult times.

Faithfully yours,

cleofet said:
:confused: I just recently started going to visit God in His house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening for about an hour. I don’t remember doing this when I was younger. I didn’t come from a very religious family. I guess my ideas of Catholic religion are not very well grounded even tough I have been around for 51 years. A problem I am having right now is that when I go to Church to spend some time with God I sit there in the quite dark Chapel and I believe God is there but I don’t KNOW it. Maybe the better way to say it is I can’t picture Him there in the Tabernacle and I can’t explain it. For some reason I feel that I should understand all of the doctrines of our faith and that I should know how to explain all of it to someone else. I do feel peaceful and safe and I feel God all around me but looking at the place where the Eucharist lies I just can’t picture Him there in body and blood. Then I start to worry that I am this horrible person pretending to be Catholic. I say some traditional prayers but I feel more comfortable just talking to God. I ask Him if the things I am doing are for the right reasons and not just some selfish attempt to gain heaven. I would like to know how other people believe in the “Real Presents of Christ in the Eucharist”. Do they see or picture God as a flesh and blood person standing by the tabernacle or maybe the Holy Spirit or is it just a feeling (like I have)? I have the same compulsion about understanding other doctrines of our faith also. Right now this is one thing that is very troubling to me. I will not stop going to adoration but I would like to know if any one else feels this way. I do think I have a problem with scruples and tend to think everything I do is a sin or at least wrong for one reason or another. Thanks for any light you can shed on this matter. God bless all of you.

Wow this is freaky!
What do you find so freaky?
It is freaky to think God lives in an earthly vessel when the bible is contrary. Whatever works for you though!
It is freaky to think God lives in an earthly vessel when the bible is contrary. Whatever works for you though!
I find it freaky that the protestants do not believe in the true presence. They ignore the bible.
Dear UniChristian:

Where do you get the “Christian” in your handle? Haven’t you read the bible? Don’t you remember God dwelling in the arc that traveled around with Moses and his people? Do you think he CAN’T dwell in a “human vessel”? What do you think his human body was???

Most importantly, what do you think he meant when he changed the bread into his body at the last supper saying,“take and eat, this IS my body.” Not “a symbol of” but the real thing. He cannot lie. He is the TRUTH!!! Explain how it is symbolic and where HE SAID it’s only symbolic.
😛 Lindalou
Dear UniChristian:

Where do you get the “Christian” in your handle? Haven’t you read the bible? Don’t you remember God dwelling in the arc that traveled around with Moses and his people? Do you think he CAN’T dwell in a “human vessel”? What do you think his human body was???

Most importantly, what do you think he meant when he changed the bread into his body at the last supper saying,“take and eat, this IS my body.” Not “a symbol of” but the real thing. He cannot lie. He is the TRUTH!!! Explain how it is symbolic and where HE SAID it’s only symbolic.
😛 Lindalou
Universal Christian, Yes I have. God did dwell in and arround the tabernacle of the Old Covenant but Jesus does not dwell in a house made by hands. Heb.9:11But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; John14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. So yes I believe he lives in me. Symbolic Hmmmm, try this one,John6:63It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. So The flesh is nothing, the spirit gives us life. Are his words Spirit or flesh? they would have to be Spirit because the flesh profiteth nothing. My opinion as I have read my bible. I don’t read anywhere wher he says he changed the bread to his flesh and the wine to his blood, Iread it this way in John 6:55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. The metaphor of eating and drinking was common in Jesus’ day; it points to a taking within one’s innermost being, These are my thoughts hope you won’t hate me an ridicule me for them.
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