Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist whether you believe it or not.I believe in miracles. And you all should too. I cant wait to go and celebrate the next Mass. Of course I am trying to live the good faith all week long. I would try 2 Masses a week. Thats not important. Its what you do with each Mass that counts ! On my way to Church, I’m already thinking about the Lord, and how I will recieve Him into my heart & soul when I take The Host. During the Mass, it is like a rush of anticipation until the Offitory and Concecration. The Preist concecrates the Bread and Wine. I begin to tremble when the Chalice is raised, then the Host. A few tears fall down my face without me knowing. I’m so excited to meet with Jesus. I can’t wait! If you sit in the front of Church, you will recieve The Eucharist first, and will have more time to talk with Jesus, while others are recieving. After I have recieved the Body and Blood of Jesus, I then put my head down as long as possible. I cant mention my secrets prayers, but I always say dont go. Its never enough time after Communion to praise Jesus. In my opinion, The Real Presence, is the Real Jesus in Your Heart, in Your Soul, in Your Thoughts. JESUS IS TRUELY IN THE EUCHARIST IF YOU BELIEVE!