Have you ever considered the fact that there are those out there that don’t realize that the Catholic Church claims to be the Church Christ founded? That the concept is so foreign that they would say Huh?
Well of course i considered that. That is the level many are on when they begin their walk in Christianity. What I find sad that as your walk grows to a jounrey your spirtual life should grow to the point you begin to ponder the big questions. Like why are there so many churches and opinions when Chirst prayed that we all might be one. You should ponder seriously the prayers of Christ.
I know when I felt God calling to me, I didn’t sit down and research different churches, I just went to the Church that friends had invited me to. And once there, all I wanted to do was to get “deeper into the word” and learn more about Christ. All Churches were pretty much on the same level in my book. Maybe they had different spin on things, but they are all Christians. And I knew what had separated Christians, man’s sin.
Nothing wrong with that your describing the beginning of a typical evangelical Christian experience. Which is a good thing that brings many to Christ.
While in the end, Protestant Christians do tend to search for the group that “meets their needs”, I think writing it off as a shallow “neat Jesus experience” is harsh. While in those Churches, I saw nothing wrong with finding a church with good child-care. How could I worship if I worried about my kids? Good activities? The best way to stay a good Christian is to surround yourself with like-minded people. Dynamic pastor? Why not? If I can’t stay awake for the Word of God, how can I get deeper into my faith and walk with Christ?
Of course nothing is wrong with these attributes as pluses in what a church has to offer but when they become the bottom line and you search for these things and not the truth and not an intimacy with God that he desires through his sacraments. You are looking for the wrong things ultimately if you ignore those priorites. These pluses are something protestants do quite well and we catholics and can learn from but make no mistake a dynamic pastor does not replace Christ in the Eucharist.
Frankly, I think you have unrealistic expectations of non-Catholic Christians. You are veiwing it from the side that has the Fullness of Truth, not the side that believes that the Luther has a good point but I agree with Calvin.
Actually I don’t expect any new born again Christian to think like this. My point is for protestant Christians who have been Christian for awhile to simply to stop looking for the truth and growing spiritually just becuase they have found something comfortable.
This is just laziness. And yes I came from the pick and choose your favoirte protestnat postion. I am a convert just like you. And my beef is not with those who look into catholcism and reject it but those who are lazy to entertiain the question. And yes I have seen all to often the Me and Jesus experience as the end all for protestants. It stunts ones spiritual growth to say the least.
And yes I may be harsh on the lazy prots. But I am hard on catholics and the hierarchy as well. I don’t pull punches its not my style. But if you read Saint Paul it wasn’t his style either. And it wasn’t Christ style in dealing with lukewarm christian he vomits them out. THose are the type of Christians I am ultimately. challenging.