this indifferentism is in some ways worse than the fundies on the attack they at least make an attempt to know their is a differnce. Of course what they know is a parroting of the Jack Chick tracts.
I think the indifferentism you speak about is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls unintentional ignorance (para 1860). The spark of truth was ignited in me in way that seems almost frivolous – by channel surfing my car radio and stumbling upon Catholic radio – but that was God’s grace working in my life.
As a protestant, I had never heard of Jack Chick or any other Catholic basher. I wasn’t indifferent to Catholicism, I was ignorant, and there’s a difference. I don’t think it’s a situation that warrants blame. Maybe it was misleading for me to say that protestants don’t care about Catholicism. It’s more like they don’t know they’re supposed to care.
For many Catholic converts, it’s only through the outreach of Catholic apostolates, such as EWTN and Catholic Answers, that they find out they’re supposed to care. That’s certainly how it worked for me.
I think the indifferentism you speak about is what the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls unintentional ignorance (para 1860). The spark of truth was ignited in me in way that seems almost frivolous – by channel surfing my car radio and stumbling upon Catholic radio – but that was God’s grace working in my life.
Praise Bed To God for your conversion. You are absolutely right many protestants to no fault of their ownare lost in the sea of indifferentism. But many on the other hand are given a glimpse of the truth like you were and still remain indifferent it is to those who refuse to challenge their limited view of Christianity and refuse to look into what is ultimately the fullness of the truth.
Let’s say a person is never challendged about their nominal protestant faith nor having the grace to stumble along a faithful catholic apostolate like catholic answers its not their fault that they are sepearted from his true church. But some refuse to further dialoge when confronted with a knowledgeable catholic rather they retreat to what they know without attempting to search for the Truth. They stumble across a catholic answers radio show they hear something they think to be true but they turn the dial as to avoid challenging their own faith since they are comfortable with their limited Christianity and their limited communion with God. It is to those lukewarm Christians that I am talking about.
And I think we all come across many american protestants comfortable with their limmited communion with God to avoid complication in their lives. I find this really shallow.
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