Evangelization of the jewish race?

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I have been reading where the U.S. conference of catholic bishops have come out and said that catholics should not evangelize Jewish people. I guess the reason is because they are in the family of God. By saying this they are deciding who needs to be saved and who doesnt. Sounds to me like they are playing God.I thought we as christians are to go out and spread the Good News to ALL.[no exceptions]. Just maky take. Any comments? :confused:
I heard about this and looked into it a while back, the gist of it was that the USCCB drafted a document that called for Catholics not to evangelize Jews because they lived by the old covenant. This document was not published and when I went to look for it online the draft had been removed. Pope Paul VI wrote Evangelii Nuntiandi – On Evangelization in the modern World, released December 8, 1975 which should answer your questions.
I have been reading where the U.S. conference of catholic bishops have come out and said that catholics should not evangelize Jewish people. I guess the reason is because they are in the family of God. By saying this they are deciding who needs to be saved and who doesnt. Sounds to me like they are playing God.I thought we as christians are to go out and spread the Good News to ALL.[no exceptions]. Just maky take. Any comments? :confused:
As I recall, the USCCB did NOT say that.

It was a recommendation made by a panel installed by the Bishops to discuss and give advice on that issue and more.

The USCCB did NOT accept those recommendations.

(Thanks be to God)

Peace in Christ…Salmon
As I recall, the USCCB did NOT say that.

It was a recommendation made by a panel installed by the Bishops to discuss and give advice on that issue and more.

The USCCB did NOT accept those recommendations.

(Thanks be to God)

Peace in Christ…Salmon
Could you give me a link for what you said is true? Thanks in advance.
Could you give me a link for what you said is true? Thanks in advance.
I typed in “USCCB evangelize Jews” into Google, and the first hit (of 170 hits) was Marty Barrack’s Second Exodus websight. Marty, of course, is a convert from Judaism, and this topic is of great interest to him (as well as many others).

Second Exodus

In part, it reads:
"The USCCB Statement

On August 12, 2002 the Bishops Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) published Reflections on Covenant and Mission, asserting that “…campaigns that target Jews for conversion to Christianity are no longer theologically acceptable in the Catholic Church.”

It is no longer on the USCCB web site, thanks be to God. But it was on the site from mid-August to mid-October 2002 and has done great damage. For some time to come, we will have to deal with the spiritual detritus from this heretical document.

The Bishops Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs is not the whole United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and doesn’t speak with the full authority of the USCCB. Moreover, Reflections on Covenant and Mission was published as a “reflection,” which means a private theological opinion."

Peace in Christ…Salmon
The committee’s error stems from the idea that the Old Covenant is sufficient for salvation.

But we know that isn’t true, since all who are saved are saved through the merits of Jesus Christ and therefore through his New Covenant. If people could be saved through the Old Covenant alone, they would be saved apart from his merits. That is impossible, so the Old Covenant is not sufficient for salvation.

It is proper, though, to say that the Old Covenant tends toward (or moves one toward) salvation while not being sufficient for it.
I don’t see much difference with the issue of evangelizing the Jewish believers and attempts to evangelize Non-Catholic Christians. Our call by JPII and the mandate of the Gospel is to evangelize. Reformationists have no less a part of the truth than do the Jews. Does a part, or some of, the truth cut it? :confused: Most Catholics draw short with both since the truths they profess are generally articulated better than the broad and deep traditions of us Catholics. This makes for stronger argument on specific points and loses sight of the greater revelation of the Father to us all. 2Tim 2:14-15
This forum is a tremendous path toward objective and related truth for all seekers and those who love God. Thanks Karl! 👍 :bowdown2: God Bless All. CJB

On the glorious ship (Peter’s Bark) sailing toward the Heavenly Vision there are no passengers, only crew.
What about the vast majority of Jews today who are entirely secular, and whose only connection with Judaism is one of cultural identity? Would they be covered under the old Covenant?Somehow, I doubt it. They would really be no more than heathens, like so many people these days. I think the Old Covenant would be for practicing, observant Jews only…
I simply find it disheartening that a bishops could make such a basic error as to believe the Old Covenant is sufficient.

What in the world does that say?
Thanks guys for the links, this issue about the bishops comments are settled. Thanks again. 👍
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