The Father spoke about the importance of all of us bringing people to God’s Church. I’m curious how often and in what manner other folks approach this. I’m looking for ideas that I can try and implement.
Perhaps, but there are also many a catholic that aren’t catachized properly and don’t understand the full teachings of the Church. And an improperly catachized laity tends to do more harm than good. Especially with bringing people to the Church. I think that job should still primarily be handled by priests and ordained ministers. There are however Catholics who are Catachized properly and could evangelize to others, I think those people are a rare breed
We all have to evangelize. I have to start at home with my kids. I’m angry with myself for not doing my fatherly duty in catechizing them; especially since heretics are doing it to my kids.
The main way I envision doing it is to go through the Apostles’ Creed line by line as the Catechism does; in conjunction with the Baltimore Catechism for Kids. Then, reading a chapter of the Gospels at a time per week. Explaining as I go.
The Priest explicitly said evangelization needs to land more on Church members as opposed to Priests and ordained ministers. We are the boots on the ground so to speak interacting with many people daily. He said it can be uncomfortable but nonetheless we need to embrace evangelizing others.
I’m not saying that can’t be improved, what I’m saying is that I’m afraid of poorly catachized laity turning people away from the Church because they don’t fully understand what the Church teaches. We may not want to admit it but there are Catholics among us who do not fully understand certain aspects of Church teaching. And if they are questioned on those matters they may give a very poorly worded answer to someone who is curious of joining the Church.
He pointed out how few people were in the pews and how that trend has rapidly accelerated in this area over the course of 20-30 years. The limited amount of Priests simply can’t do it alone. They are really just ‘preaching to the choir’ to the few of us who go regularly.
That’s why I don’t think just anyone from the laity can evangelize. It has to be someone that knows exactly what the Church teaches. Certain people from the laity who fit that criteria absolutely should help in spreading the faith. It takes a special person for that job though.
I don’t think it requires a special person; per se. just someone, who prays to the Holy Spirit; who’s been properly catechized. I read the Catechism and a lot of books from Catholic bookstores.
I mean a special person in the way they approach others. Obviously being catachized properly helps. But it’s also about approach. It’s about how you come at others.
Approach as in how you go about bringing up the catholic faith to others. How you treat someone from a different church. You don’t call people heretics, that much is obvious.
Angering as he may make some Catholics, you still can’t let the person get to you. It’s all about the ideas. The people will come and go, it’s the ideas that matter. And I think a lot of Catholics fall into the trap of hating Luther as a person and not looking at his ideas, which let’s be fair, some of his criticisms of the Church at the time weren’t wrong. Like Indulgences. That was wrong and the Church rectified that by essentially banning the practice
The point is; don’t get hung up on the person. It’s the ideas that really matter. There are well meaning people with flawed ideas all around us, would it make sense to hate them as people? Of course it wouldn’t
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