We’re on here posting answers to questions. Presumably, that is helping a few people move closer to the Church. It might even be somebody who just reads and never comments.
The last couple years I have put an occasional “Catholic” post on my social media. I usually try to make it something light and humorous and not anything heavy or pushy. More like along the lines of Catholic Memes or some cool window I saw in a church. I have actually had some people ask me to pray for them, want to talk about something regarding God, or say that they were inspired in their faith by reading this stuff. I was pleasantly surprised because I’m more used to getting angry rants when I talk about church and prayer. We could all do stuff like that, just kind of making God part of the daily conversation without being annoying about it.
There are a lot of people who are longing for God on some level but they need a little motivation (I was in that boat for a lot of years) , or they don’t want to deal with pushy Christians, or the only people they know who pray are 80-year-old grandmothers plus a few nerds who seem to lack normal social skills. If these folks see normal friends of theirs getting something out of a spiritual life without turning into a weirdo, then they’ll be motivated to think more about God/ Jesus/ Catholicism themselves.