Emotion and 'spiritual experiences" (human emotion however elevating can seem like spiritual experiences, that doesn’t mean the person experiencing them is experiencing God or union with God. They are sometimes just experiencing those highs that people can experience when open to such things. They are sometimes just experiencing themselves, their personal highs, and we are warned against seeking such experiences as a measure of our ‘holiness’ or of our unity to God.
We are more united with God when we make righteous choices, choices of putting God’s law above our preferences, and choices of practical kindness and justice to others, whether that is easy or difficult.
Remember that when Jesus describes how He judges souls at the last judgement, He makes no mention of spiritual highs, but of our practical kindness to others, which He also takes as being kindness to Himself. [link in my signature]
We don’t necessarily feel like being kind instead of grumpy, assisting others instead of staying in our own comfort zone, but to do so is holiness, is unity with Christ. Religious experiences won’t of themselves get us to heaven. They can of course be genuine, but they can be a natural phenomenon, and even self-congratulatory, without benefit in making us kinder and more Christian people.
One of the greatest saint of last century, St [Padre] Pio wrote:
“Be certain that the more a soul loves God, the less he feels it…God is incomprehensible…so that the more a soul enters into the love of this Supreme Good…this sentiment of love towards Him seems to diminish, to the point of seeming to love Him not at all…Say rather that you love, and that you wish to love with a perfect and consummate love. This good cannot be obtained in its completion except in the next life!”
If God does give a soul a religious experience, then that soul must use it according to the commands of love of God above all and others as self in the choices that person makes, as must we all even if we don’t have ‘religious experiences’* which are sometimes an excess of emotion or a response to a situation or stimulation*, AND also we must continue to choose to live in practical kindness to others.
Religious experiences or piety that does not lead to genuine kindness and charity to others is self- deception.
We are more united with God when we make righteous choices, choices of putting God’s law above our preferences, and choices of practical kindness and justice to others, whether that is easy or difficult.
Remember that when Jesus describes how He judges souls at the last judgement, He makes no mention of spiritual highs, but of our practical kindness to others, which He also takes as being kindness to Himself. [link in my signature]
We don’t necessarily feel like being kind instead of grumpy, assisting others instead of staying in our own comfort zone, but to do so is holiness, is unity with Christ. Religious experiences won’t of themselves get us to heaven. They can of course be genuine, but they can be a natural phenomenon, and even self-congratulatory, without benefit in making us kinder and more Christian people.
One of the greatest saint of last century, St [Padre] Pio wrote:
“Be certain that the more a soul loves God, the less he feels it…God is incomprehensible…so that the more a soul enters into the love of this Supreme Good…this sentiment of love towards Him seems to diminish, to the point of seeming to love Him not at all…Say rather that you love, and that you wish to love with a perfect and consummate love. This good cannot be obtained in its completion except in the next life!”
If God does give a soul a religious experience, then that soul must use it according to the commands of love of God above all and others as self in the choices that person makes, as must we all even if we don’t have ‘religious experiences’* which are sometimes an excess of emotion or a response to a situation or stimulation*, AND also we must continue to choose to live in practical kindness to others.
Religious experiences or piety that does not lead to genuine kindness and charity to others is self- deception.