Evangelizing at Protestant bible studies

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Adamski has made it clear that he’s not going to these Bible studies just to discuss things–he’s going for the clear purpose of proselytizing for Catholicism. So if things were reversed,
and say, for example, Bob the Fundamentalist went to a Catholic-hosted Bible study, not to learn, but to proselytize for his Fundamentalist beliefs, you would think he was acting honorably?
Good point–

so the question is what “signs and wonders will follow” as in mark 16;

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

or will that be some sort of “Spiritual anointing” or will it be –

one catholic commentary “vs” one protestant commentary ?

or one sacramental system with priests “vs” a protestant hierarchy w/o priests

there is a lot more going on then meets the spiritual “eye”
Good luck with that mark Driscoll walks around with 2 body guards even during his church service. I called and asked them to stop putting videos that mis represented the church on you tube and they said no "we think the Eucharist is canabalism "
I am a convert to Catholicism, AND a former member of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Mark Driscoll is about as legit a protestant pastor as you can get. God used my time there to shape my entrance into the Catholic Church, and regardless of media spin, hearsay, or outside rumors, I challenge you to find a protestant community in the northwest that has changed the lives of countless people, and brought THOUSANDS into a relationship, though flawed, with Jesus. Mark has never slandered Catholicism, and I have personally heard him instruct the members of his church to treat Catholics as brothers. God is working there regardless of whether or not you understand it, and the last thing we need is to throw stones at Mark, or insinuate that he teaches anti-Catholic sentiment. There are reasons he has bodyguards as well. If you are interested, I have a few stories.
OSAS is straight from the devil. I was personally involved in a church for seven years where I saw OSAS be the cause of multiple suIcides, an abortion and more. It was crazy I was personally trapped in sin because I was “saved”. Until I had an amazing priest help me one on one
I’ve run into OSAS situations like that.

OP: I would hate to be in a Bible study at my parish, and have a fundamentalist sit in, in order to proselytize.

It just seems the wrong setting. Or not the best one.

I also think you’d find a Protestant Bible study to be missing things that you might expect in a Bible study. And you also might find yourself under a critical microscope.

More effective might be to talk to the two pastors individually; they might be more open if they weren’t surrounded by their flock.
I think the best way to evangelize in this situation would be asking questions, like at an academic level,
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