Hi Melensdad. I agree with the way you do it completely. Besides, I might have erred - the Protestants in the debate I visited and left might be members and not just “jumping on” - I just referred to it as such because I think of cougars just waiting to jump and crush the juglar of its victim…
I was on a Moody Blues board. Everyone there knew I was
Catholic. Someone was insistent so I spelled out the entire Gospel. It was well received. I did warn in the beginning that the following post was religious in nature for those who did not like to read that (politics and religion were mildly banned because comments on both had, in the past, caused severe flamewars and had resulted in members leaving). So everyone knew, like they do with you.
Oh, for everyone, I know of a good answer to give that just popped into my head one day when I heard this comment for the umpteenth time: “After all the misery caused in the name of religion, I just cannot adhere to any creed.” Next time I hear it, and you all might have already figured this one out yourselves so I apologise if I sound pedantic, but it just came to me and I am going to say “Ok. Let’s look at the misery caused by self-glory, avarice, the desire for more land, the belittling of those who are not from your group… I am thinking of Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin…” Since we’re talking about evangelising, just thought I’d mention it as a good answer, spoken softly of course, to someone to make them stop and think.
I was on a Moody Blues board. Everyone there knew I was
Catholic. Someone was insistent so I spelled out the entire Gospel. It was well received. I did warn in the beginning that the following post was religious in nature for those who did not like to read that (politics and religion were mildly banned because comments on both had, in the past, caused severe flamewars and had resulted in members leaving). So everyone knew, like they do with you.
Oh, for everyone, I know of a good answer to give that just popped into my head one day when I heard this comment for the umpteenth time: “After all the misery caused in the name of religion, I just cannot adhere to any creed.” Next time I hear it, and you all might have already figured this one out yourselves so I apologise if I sound pedantic, but it just came to me and I am going to say “Ok. Let’s look at the misery caused by self-glory, avarice, the desire for more land, the belittling of those who are not from your group… I am thinking of Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Lenin…” Since we’re talking about evangelising, just thought I’d mention it as a good answer, spoken softly of course, to someone to make them stop and think.