Evangelizing to Muslims on YouTube

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Hi Guys!

I am new to the board but thought I would pass along a way to evangelize Muslims. I was surfing on youtube.com and noticed that there is a lot of Islamic and Jihadist videos on there. I have begun to post prayers in the comments sections of the videos. The prayers usually pray for the conversion of Muslims and for them to find the way to the Truth. While the prayers are kind and loving their content definitely shows that they are directed towards Muslims and the false faith that they are following. I have gotten several replies to these prayers from Muslims either insulting me or Catholic beliefs. I lovingly respond to these comments by explaining what Catholic beliefs are on certain subjects (e.g. Trinity, role of Mary) and how Islam is not the way. I don’t know what effect this has had but I think it is like planting seeds. Perhaps someone coming along might see my prayer or the dialogue and begin to question their life as a Muslim. It is similar to distributing pamphlets.

I think this is a way to get Catholic beliefs out in the public forum and to try to save the souls of Muslims. I believe Converting Muslims, especially in Arab countries, to Catholicism will have a great effect on the war against global jihad. Even more than military action.

I just thought I’d pass this along and get your (name removed by moderator)ut. Let me know if you have any other ideas along this line for evangelizing Muslims.

I would also welcome recommendations from you Muslims out there how I can better convert you guys and save your souls.

God Bless!

Here is an example prayer that usually gets a lot of response:

I pray that Muslims will have a full revelation of the true God and His loving character.I pray against the fear that influences many Muslims and that Muslims will also understand that God desires for everyone to know Him as children and not as slaves. I pray for Muslim’s to get saved.I also pray that they will experience God’s total forgiveness and thus be able to forgive others. Finally I pray that they would know the assurance of salvation through Jesus, something Islam can never offer them.
…something Islam can never offer them.
Bless your efforts! I would delete the above end of the final sentence. It risks offending their faith, which might turn them against your efforts. What appears to be completely lacking in the Muslim world? LOVE.

I would stress that God is LOVE, which the human heart seeks. You cannot separate God from love, or love from God.

Christ’s peace.
DavidWilson & Po18Guy:

We are never the ones who convert or save people’s souls - It’s always the Lord acting on people or through us. Often, the best we can do is get out of the way or pray like St. Monica for the conversion of individuals we care about.

If you’ve done much reading, I’m sure you’ve found out that Islamists, andpossibly even mainstream muslims, have a completely different mindset from Christians and Jews. In Jewish and Christian Tradition, God is a loving Father who loves His people as a father loves his children (Everyone understood the Parable of the Prodigal Son when Jesus first told it). In Muslim Tradition, Allah is NOT a Father at all, and he loves his people and the world he made as “a man loves his dog”.

In Judaism and Christianity, God is rational and is bound by the Laws and Covenants He He has created and made with His people. In Islam, Allah is Capricious and is not bound by any of his prior decisions or covenants. That’s why science was able to advance in Europe but not in Arabia, and why even the Patronas Towers were designed, engineered and built by Westerners and not Arab or Asian Muslims.

When we see see an auto accident caused as a result of a drunk driver’s reckless driving, we very quickly see the cause and effect. When a Muslim see the same thing, he doesn’t see the cause and effect, he sees the “Will of Allah”. That’s why it was so hard for must Muslims to condemn those who flew the planes into the Twin Towers or the Pentagon - In their minds, “Allah had willed those buildings to fall”.

You might do well to point to these:

Dreams and Visions of Isa al Masih

The Jesus Vision

And, Muslims have a revence for the Blessed Virgin Mary that puts many Catholics to shame. They believe in both her Assumption and her Immaculate Conception. It’s something that most Protestant missionaries to Muslims never think to work with as Prostestants have little or no reverence for the Mother of God.

It might be a good idea to ask Muslims why they have such a reverence for the Blessed Virgin Mary and not for the mother of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) if Isa al Masih (Jesus the Son of Mary) is NOT the Son of God…

Another question might be to ask why Allah demands that his martyrs kill others (often women, children and other civilians who are innocent of harming Muslims) when God says that Martyrs are those who give their lives for the faith (St. Thomas More) or to save the lives of others (St. Maximillian Kolbe).

Lastly, remind them that Allah would never love us enough to give his life for us, while God the Father loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son so that we would not die but have eternal life (John 3:16), and that Jesus Christ, that only begotten Son, gave His life as a propritiation for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

I hope this helps.

Your Brother in Christ, Michael

I knew that Muslims have great reverence for the Virgin. Strange though, isn’t it, that demons never insult the Virgin Mother of God during exorcisms.

Seems that everybody, from God the Father, to Christ the son, to the Holy Spirit, to Catholics, to Eastern Orthodox to Muslims either love, or have a great reverence for the Virgin. Except Protestants. The last one I tried to speak sense to ended up slandering her name.

Oh, what was lost to disobedience in the big split?

Christ’s PEACE.
Hello there,

I wanted to tell you about a new video I have produced on Youtube, titled
“The Blessed Virgin Mary and Islam”. The video explains the role of the
Blessed Virgin from the Islamic perspective, it then goes on to present how
God has been using this veneration to bring Muslims to the fullness of truth
about Jesus- particularily through apparitions, mystical experiences, but
also through the fact that Catholic theology really explains the role of
Marian emphasis in the Qu’ran better than Islam.

(the video is on this page.)

The video 34 minutes long and is broken into 4 parts, it builds on the
writings of Servants of God Frank Duff and Archibishop Fulton Sheen who
themselves wrote on this topic and which your readers may be familiar with.
There really aren’t many Catholic apologetical materials to approach Muslims
with which aren’t condemning them as satan worshippers or focusing on the
character of Mohammed, a topic which is extreemly sensitive and probably
best to put to one side if a fruitful dialogue is to be acheived. I think
that the Virgin is a great starting point and like St Luis Marie De Montfort
see devotion to Mary as the pathway through which Muslims will come to reach
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