evolution is not inimical to the faith…when it is seen within the eyes of faith.
I get it; I don’t believe it.
So let’s imagine that evolution could have been a way by which God, through His angels, brought about the diversity in nature. The first placental creature could have hatched from an egg. Adam could have emerged from the womb of an animal. As an embryo, he could have, through an act of God’s will, divided into male and female zygotes, Eve getting a double x-chromosome from Adam, who maintained the “y” in addition to the “x”. As we find in the wealth of information about near-death experience, there is another dimension to our being, where the events of Eden could have taken place, determining the relationship with the world and the graces that they would posses when born. He did give them animal skins as they left Eden. Perhaps it was angels who took care of them from infancy, helping them grow intellectually and in their relationship with God. This sort of takes an evolutionary perspective. Maybe you can come up with something as to how the faith fits with evolution’s materialistic vision of creation.
The fact is that none of this is random. As one example, let us consider the human brain, which fully functional permits the full expression of the human spirit - the capacity for reason whereby we know the beautiful, the true and the good, free will and love. Random chemical activity actually is destructive to the information-in-action that are the genetic and epigenetic processes that go into the development, growth and maintenance of individual life forms. There is nothing random in the construction of our brain.
Further, the utilitarian concept of natural selection barely scratches the surface of explaining how the diversity of living beings came to be. This is all a manifestation of who God is - Existence, Beauty, Truth and Love, under the cloud that sin brought into the world. Natural selection is merely a shadow of the fact that each individual being is created as a participant in the greater whole that is the environment.
Nope, I’ve listened to the story of evolution since I can recall, having always had a thing for the workings of matter and nature. How many decades did I swallow that myth. Those who seriously decide to seek the truth and not simply accept how the truth has been framed by others will see through it.
Trying to make it work in prayer and in contemplation of the reality of revealed truth, the pieces don’t fit. They do however, fit creation, seeing things for what they are existentially in themselves, grounded in Existence itself. This world does not revolve around matter, but God Himself, from whom all this wonder springs forth.