Even Fox is debunking election fraud claims

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Only under threat of lawsuits.

This tells me the the Fox lawyers think the “reporting” doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Look for a similar package created for Dominion.
From the side whose leader told his followers to vote twice for him.
something is fishy about the nation.
For four years polls showed Trump to hold about a 45-46% approval rating with little deviation.

It was his final vote percentage as well. Goldfish.
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Even if a large number of people ‘believe’ something, that’s not evidence of something being true. A lot of black Americans once believed or still believe that the federal government invented AIDS to kill them but there was never any evidence to back that belief up, it was just born out of a sense of persecution and victimization. It was a conspiracy theory. Similarly there’s no evidence of any electoral shenanigans as stated by the DoJ, the DHS, and any number of election officials in all the battleground states. The belief that there was just makes the most ardent Trump supporters feel better about their candidate getting fewer votes than Biden did. It’s an emotional response that the President is more than willing to manipulate to his own ends because he has no moral compass and suffers from various psychological disorders such as narcissism and grandiosity.
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considering it’s a poll story on breitbart, it’s hardly representative.
Newsmax is running a package disavowing any reporting that indicates Smartmatic or Dominion did anything wrong in the election or has ties to Hugo Chavez George Soros, or the village people.
Wow. Well I guess the liberal media was right all along. About everything!
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