Ever get angry at God?

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I ask this because I’m really angry at him right now. He doesn’t care for me at all–or at least he doesn’t show it. Quite often he makes it as though he is about to extricate me from years of suffering, and then he pulls his hand away with a smirk and says, “gotcha, sucker!” I’m sick of God giving everyone else around me happy moments of love, academic progress and exciting and expensive trips, allowing them to live normal lives, when he treats me like junk. And then he makes me so that I don’t know what is right and wrong, try to do what I think is ok, and I end up hurting other people when I don’t mean to by doing what they consider wrong; and then people mark me as some wrongdoer.

I hope God kills me soon, or that he do the more difficult alternative, and actually help me for once. I feel like switching sides :mad: I praise God for my sufferings, I pray rosaries many times a week, I pray novenas which are said never to go unaswered, but which nevertheless go unaswered, I wear the miraculous medal which Mary says by wearing gives graces, which I have not received. I’m beginning to wonder if He whom I’m angry at is just something my mind created.

Sorry, I’m just really angry right now and need to vent. I’m going to thrash my guardian angel if I ever meet him. He’s probably a crack-addict who doesn’t look after me. He certainly isn’t looking after me as I now type. In any case, God is probably writing down this incident in some big book, to use to send me to hell or to give me 100 years of punishment in Purgatory. Anyone have anything inspiring to say about being angry at God?
Yikes! Yes I’ve been angry at God. When my marriage was falling apart I was pissed as heck. I’ve begun to realize everytime I think I do anything without God he knocks me to my knees. I know he doesn’t always intervine in others lives the same way, and ofcourse he also allows others in our life free will. That means they can make choices that make our life miserable.

God isn’t responsible for wrong choices you make, you are and i’m pretty sure you already know that. We are all human and we all make mistakes. We don’t always know what the right thing to do is. We’ll only be perfect in heaven not here on earth.

It may feel like he doesn’t care about you but he loves you more than any human being could come close to doing. God isn’t about acedemic progress, exciting and expensive trips - those things mean nothing to him. Those are things of this world that pass way. He cares about your soul which is eternal. Remember as awful as you life seems their are always those that are in much worse situations than you.

There’s a mother that lost a child to cancer today, there’s a husband that lost his wife in a car accident today. There’s a young girl being sexually abuse by her father tonight. There’s a young mom out there with little ones who just recently lost her husband in iraq. There are people who are sleeping outside in the cold tonight. There’s a child that is being beaten and abuse as you read this. There are people that haven’t had anything to eat in three days and are watching their children starve to death.

Rant and rave at God, he can take it. But in the end know that he loves you and what he cares about is that he has you with him forever in heaven, everything else is window dressing. Hang in there.
I think that just about everybody feels like he/she is angry at God at one time or another. The thing that strikes me about your post is that is it really God that you are angry at? God is a loving Spirit, and we are his works of art. He does not want you to fail, and if you do fail, He will help you right back up again. Maybe it is some other spirit who is trying to pose as God and to get you so discouraged that you don’t want anything to do with God. I think it is a good idea to read the Psalms. Be good to youself, and make sure you are eating right, getting proper nutrition and exercise and getting plenty of sleep. If negative thoughts run through your mind, replace them with positive thoughts. Your problem could be partially physical. If you are connected with the Charismatic movement, you could go to a healing Mass and find a prayer group to pray with you afterwards. Another idea is to find a priest to talk to. Be sure to post again to let us know how you are doing. I hope the others reading this thread will join me in saying prayers for your well-being.
There’s a mother that lost a child to cancer today, there’s a husband that lost his wife in a car accident today. There’s a young girl being sexually abuse by her father tonight. There’s a young mom out there with little ones who just recently lost her husband in iraq. There are people who are sleeping outside in the cold tonight. There’s a child that is being beaten and abuse as you read this. There are people that haven’t had anything to eat in three days and are watching their children starve to death.
Yeah, I understand that, and I do feel sorry for them. But people tell me that I shouldn’t be angry at God because I’m not in the same situations as these people. The way I reason it: the person who gets a hand blown off in battle has just as much reason to see the doctor as the person who gets his arm blown off.
one of my best friends beat her fists on my chest in rage at my insistence that she do a certain thing she didn’t want to do.

that was the best expression of love she ever gave me. i knew, in that moment, that she trusted me to let me know how she really felt - and that i would love her anyway.

mother teresa once told God ‘if this is how you treat your friends, it’s no wonder you have so few of them!!!’

yes, His chastisement is unplesant. it’s painful. it’s nasty. but it’s good for us. we hate it while it’s happening. but we’ll love Him for it when it’s done.

don’t be afraid to let Him know how you feel. but then, be fair, and listen when He tells you how HE feels…

He loves you. 🙂
Yeah, sorry if I went a little overboard on the anger. Just a bunch of negative emotions are going through me; and the most disturbing part is that I’ve done all kinds of things–from Miraculous medals, to Charismatic healing masses, to Charismatic prayer groups–and still I feel really sad, and now angry at God. I’m getting help from two priests and others, but I oftentimes feel like I’m stirring up their frustration at me, so I get angry at God for making me have to endure that as well. I just want things to stabilize in my life. I just feel the need to release all my repressed anger at God.
for me the breakthrough came when I stopped trying to blame God for all my problems, dropped my capital sins of jealousy and envy toward those with more outward evidence of good luck than I, and learned to trust God instead of trying to manipulate him with prayers and good works, and good luck charms. I still pray, but I do it in praise, thanks and adoration, as well as intercession, but most of all contrition, to worship him, not to remind him of what he “owes” me.
I was angry at God for taking my mother from me ten years ago. I was very close to her and just wondered, “Why?”

Since then I returned back to the Church and maybe that was His was to get my attention. (Most of the time I think God needs to wack me with a two-by-four, to point something out to me OR get my attention.)

Yet, I was also angry at Him for not allowing me to drive anymore. I felt like I lost my independence and freedom. This was almost 3 years ago. I understand now why God did this. He is/was teaching me humililty and I had to move and now really enjoy the Catholic Church wheer I attend now!

I’ve been out of a job for over a year, but I don’t worry about it. If God wants me to have a secular job, he will lead me to one. (That way I know He is in control) OR to do something along the lines of His work.

Anger is an emotion that God gave us. IF we deny anger, even to God, then we can’t be human. God sees our hurt but then with his gracious tough love, He tries point us in His direction.

Go with God!
I have gotten mad at God. I think everyone gets mad at people they love.

God is our parent, he knows what’s best for you. When you were younger, I mean like 4 or 5, did you ever get super-mad at your mom or dad, becuase they made you go to the dentist, or didn’t let you go out in you bathing suit in the snow, or put suntan lotion on you even though hated every moment of it? All I’m saying is that God is our parent and though we can’t see the reason why God allows things to happen to us, they happen for a reason. Aren’t you thankful that you parents made you go to the dentist, didn’t let you go out in the snow with a bathing suit, and put suntan lotion on you? So now you don’t have to worry about bad teeth or skin cancer, because your parents knew that although you didn’t like or maybe even hated there desision it was the best thing for you.

I hope you overcome your differences with God, and will be praying for you.
First of all, peace be with you!
I’m sick of God giving everyone else around me happy moments of love, academic progress and exciting and expensive trips, allowing them to live normal lives, when he treats me like junk.
I recently went through this as well. Seeing success and blessings happening to others around me ( and not even Catholic or religious people at that!). Prayers for others being answered but not appearing to be answered in my life. Then the Holy Spirit showed me that I needed to stop with the jealousy.

Focus your prayer on trusting Jesus. He has a plan for you and is working things out - like a giant puzzle but you only see a few of the pieces. God has all the pieces but may be working on the corner pieces before He starts on the main parts. In the end, you will find that all the pieces fit perfectly together - although you have no idea at this point.

I also realized many of the rotten things in my life are because I had not listened to God’s will. I used my own will and did what I wanted. Now, I am left with the ramifications of the choices I made. It may have taken you 20 years of wrong choices to get you to this point. God needs some time to correct those wrong choices. He can and He will, if you are faithful, but it will take time.

It helps when you are down to keep saying, “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.”
I praise God for my sufferings, I pray rosaries many times a week, I pray novenas which are said never to go unanswered, but which nevertheless go unanswered, I wear the miraculous medal which Mary says by wearing gives graces, which I have not received. .
Keep on doing these things. And listen to what the Holy Spirit is guiding you to do. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak clearly to your heart so that you will know His will for you. And when He does guide you, then do it - no matter how difficult.

All prayer is answered - but the answer may be, “not now”, “soon”, or “NO, I have something better in mind.”

I have been directed to do some hard things this past year. Things I did not want to do, and some that I pondered, but in the end, the request was the same. So I obeyed. Do the same with an open heart and mind. God asks difficult things of us at times. He may take things away, friends away or make your situation uncomfortable to get your attention. This is done out of love for you.

You are not seeing results right now but that does not mean they are not happening in the spirit realm- and maybe you are being trained in perseverance and patience. Keep on praying for graces in this area. You will see things happen. But things do not happen on your timeframe.

God is NEVER early, but He is NEVER late. He does not operate as we would like - and man is that ever frustrating to our human finite minds.
Anyone have anything inspiring to say about being angry at God?
Go ahead and tell God your feelings and thoughts. But then sit back and listen to His answer and direction.

I will pray for you for your spiritual growth, perseverance, hope and peace.
Yes, I do get angry at God…🙂 but sometimes it is for the better… I’ll pray for you and hope things get better.
Believe me, ive been in that same situation before…
and it will get better eventually.

God loves you
Thank you for the inspiring comments. I apologize if I seem like I’m going overboard, but a lot of things are really happening around me, and they’re all really emotionally strangling me. For one, I’ve been having a bad problem with loneliness in not having a girlfriend. This has bothered me for some 9 years now at least, but now it’s getting really bad. People throughout the years have told me, “You’re a little shy and socially awkward at times, but don’t worry, you’ll find one as a junior or senior in high school” and later, “Don’t worry, there are lots of nice girls at college.” I’m sick to my heart of these false prophecies.

At the same time, I have an acquaitance who, when I told her that I wouldn’t mind being a priest if it weren’t for the celibacy issue, started ranting how she receives messages from God that I will be depressed and miserable until I become a priest. She holds the Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta practically on par with the synoptic gospels (saying that the synoptic gospels are incomplete and don’t really give us an understanding of the gospel characters), and I often believe she is a little crazed. But nontheless the effect of what she says has an impact on me.

On the other hand, I’m very angry at God because I never feel His presence. I go to these Charismatic prayer meetings and everyone prays and speaks in tongues, explains how God spoke to them this week, etc.; and then one person gets up and waves her hands around and says some trite prophesy which anyone can make up on the spur of the moment when emotionally charged. An example: “My people, my people. I am with you tonight. Come to me and feel my presence. Be not afraid. Next time bring chocolate chip instead of oreo cookies. Tonight is the night in which I come to heal you, etc.” So, I often wonder if I even have the Holy Spirit in me. Last night, when I had a pretty much an emotional breakdown, I im’ed with one of my good friends, who is an evangelical Christian. After a hard night of sleep, I woke up to find the following email by her:
Dr. Ryan,

I have been thinking and praying asking why you have never felt God with you, I can’t say that I have the answer but I’ve been thinking… You have told me that you are sure that you have received the holy spirit. Is there any evidence? In other words how do you know? Also something that has bothered me is that you don’t know if you are saved or not, you aren’t sure of your salvation. If the holy spirit is given to the sons of God, and you can’t be sure that you are saved. How do you know that you have received the holy spirit. well I had more to say but I need to go to work… I’ll talk to you later. God Bless… I hope things are getting better with that paper.

In Christ’s Love,

I suppose why I’m really angry at God is not because he is throwing all these trials at me, but because he doesn’t show me that He himself cares. I talk with priests and they’re like,

“Well yes, when I’m in a really bad situation, I often feel the Holy Spirit inside of me.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah, don’t you experience the Holy Spirit ever?”

Me: “I’ve never experienced the Holy Spirit, much less had anything which I would call supernatural.”

“Oh, that’s odd.”
Yeah, I understand that, and I do feel sorry for them. But people tell me that I shouldn’t be angry at God because I’m not in the same situations as these people. The way I reason it: the person who gets a hand blown off in battle has just as much reason to see the doctor as the person who gets his arm blown off.
You are intitled to everything you feel… I always say to people “Your perception is your reality.” This is your reality, don’t feel you aren’t intitled to feel what you are feeling because other people in the world are going through different experiences… Whats the good old saying “God never gives us more than we can handle.” You are experiencing life, growing, and all those sometimes lousy things that go with it. It is okay to question God, I am sure for a fact that it is welcome… You are going to preist and talking, coming here and talking. You will make progress, just give it all sometime. And, don’t be too hard on yourself, no need to apologize… God love you no matter what 😉
Thank you for the inspiring comments. I apologize if I seem like I’m going overboard, but a lot of things are really happening around me, and they’re all really emotionally strangling me. For one, I’ve been having a bad problem with loneliness in not having a girlfriend. This has bothered me for some 9 years now at least, but now it’s getting really bad. People throughout the years have told me, “You’re a little shy and socially awkward at times, but don’t worry, you’ll find one as a junior or senior in high school” and later, “Don’t worry, there are lots of nice girls at college.” I’m sick to my heart of these false prophecies.

At the same time, I have an acquaitance who, when I told her that I wouldn’t mind being a priest if it weren’t for the celibacy issue, started ranting how she receives messages from God that I will be depressed and miserable until I become a priest. She holds the Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta practically on par with the synoptic gospels (saying that the synoptic gospels are incomplete and don’t really give us an understanding of the gospel characters), and I often believe she is a little crazed. But nontheless the effect of what she says has an impact on me.

On the other hand, I’m very angry at God because I never feel His presence. I go to these Charismatic prayer meetings and everyone prays and speaks in tongues, explains how God spoke to them this week, etc.; and then one person gets up and waves her hands around and says some trite prophesy which anyone can make up on the spur of the moment when emotionally charged. An example: “My people, my people. I am with you tonight. Come to me and feel my presence. Be not afraid. Next time bring chocolate chip instead of oreo cookies. Tonight is the night in which I come to heal you, etc.” So, I often wonder if I even have the Holy Spirit in me. Last night, when I had a pretty much an emotional breakdown, I im’ed with one of my good friends, who is an evangelical Christian. After a hard night of sleep, I woke up to find the following email by her:

I suppose why I’m really angry at God is not because he is throwing all these trials at me, but because he doesn’t show me that He himself cares. I talk with priests and they’re like,

“Well yes, when I’m in a really bad situation, I often feel the Holy Spirit inside of me.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah, don’t you experience the Holy Spirit ever?”

Me: “I’ve never experienced the Holy Spirit, much less had anything which I would call supernatural.”

“Oh, that’s odd.”
Hi Madaglan or is that Mad again.Every true christian belongs to the family of God as an adopted son or daughter.You are the temple of the living God and the Holy Spirit lives in you.How close have you really come to the Lord? Have you truly given yourself 100% to the Lord . Is your temple clean? These are questions only you can answer. Jesus said IF you love me you will obey Me. Believe and trust in Him and see what great things the Lord has instore for you. God Bless you.
Thank you for the inspiring comments. I apologize if I seem like I’m going overboard, but a lot of things are really happening around me, and they’re all really emotionally strangling me. For one, I’ve been having a bad problem with loneliness in not having a girlfriend. This has bothered me for some 9 years now at least, but now it’s getting really bad. People throughout the years have told me, “You’re a little shy and socially awkward at times, but don’t worry, you’ll find one as a junior or senior in high school” and later, “Don’t worry, there are lots of nice girls at college.” I’m sick to my heart of these false prophecies.
Oh wow, how I can relate to this. Been there done that, and I remember everything anyone would tell be really didn’t help… So, I won’t go into it 😉 anything I say I know you have heard. The only thing I will say is it will get better, I know, I know, you have heard that one too… but, I truly believed it and it did. This is some of the hardest pain to go through especially when you look around and everyone elses life seems to be moving smoothly. For me my brother got married, my sister, my friends… Me alone, and with a daughter, it seemed hopeless.

Anyways, your sound reminds me of my brother :ehh: I don’t know if that came out right… Your story reminds me of my brother :hmmm: Well, he never had a girlfriend all through highschool, into college, he was contemplating becoming a priest (and would have been good at it) until he met my sister-in-law Melissa… He was very shy, so she had to ask him out. They met in a class at college… Funny thing was I had a class with her right before the class the two of them had together. I became friends with her in the class and thought “this girl would be perfect for my brother” I even told my mother about her (we never thought of my brother that way)… Well, months after knowing her, and my brother dating this mystery girl we finally got to meet her. You could imagine my surprise when I saw who it was… I kept telling my mom “that is the girl I told you about, the one that would be perfect for Danny.” They are very happily married and baby number three is due December 21st…

Get mad, but, don’t give up… You are in our prayers.
Dr. Ryan,

I have been lonely for some time now. The love of my life was taken from me. I realized that God used this event to bring me to my knees in worship and devotion. Then He revealed to me that He needed to do this so that He had my undivided attention. I had been idolizing the man I loved. Thinking about him unceasingly, obsessing. God wants to be the focus of our lives and for us to think about Him unceasingly- and for us to TRUST that all will work.

My point is not to whine about my life - but to ask you simply ( as SPOKENWORD asked also) if you are placing God above all.
If you are spending too much time in sadness over your loneliness etc., then maybe it has become your idol.

An idol is anything that you spend a substantial amount of time, attention and focus. It can be feelings, self pity, depression.

Have you been to confession to get back in relationship with God? Are you listening to Him? Can you sit quietly at Adoration to get a boost of spiritual strength? God will give you peace amidst your trials if you stay close to Him.

When you turn over EVERYTHING to God, trust, worries, prayers, problems, He will reward you with immense peace.

God bless you and grant you peace.
Originally Quoted by AmyS

I became friends with her in the class and thought “this girl would be perfect for my brother” I even told my mother about her (we never thought of my brother that way)… Well, months after knowing her, and my brother dating this mystery girl we finally got to meet her. You could imagine my surprise when I saw who it was… I kept telling my mom “that is the girl I told you about, the one that would be perfect for Danny.” They are very happily married and baby number three is due December 21st…

Wow, that’s a really cool story :cool: I have a younger sister who’s 18 right now; and for a long time I’ve been hoping she would introducte me to one of her friends whom I would fall in love with. That’s sorta how my grandma married my grandpa: my grandmother’s sister introduced my grandpa to her.
Originally Quoted by jrabs:

Have you been to confession to get back in relationship with God? Are you listening to Him? Can you sit quietly at Adoration to get a boost of spiritual strength? God will give you peace amidst your trials if you stay close to Him.
That’s the thing that really bugs me. I know that God can give me that inner peace, and I go to confession, I try listening to him, I read the Bible, and I even have gone to the Adoration chapel near me several times. They don’t really give me a spiritual boost though, so far as I am conciously aware. That’s why I’m having serious doubts if the Holy Spirit is even present in me. I have no problems going through tons of hardship; but going through it without a voice amidst the crowds saying, “Be strong, Ryan!”–well that’s just too much for me. Even when I turn to God it seems He does not turn his love and peace to me. And that’s where the pain comes most I think.
So, you are angry at God, huh? I hope you know why you are angry with God! You are one of His Children. You belong to God the Father. He is your Heavenly Father. Fathers like for their children to visit with them. Fathers want their children to talk to them. You Father in Heaven wants to talk to you. Fathers want the children to ask for what they need - not what they want. Ask for what you need.

1. Go make a good confession, and tell it all, don’t hold anything in.
2. Then make an appointment with God. Yes, an appointment.

3. Then get on your knees and tell God why you are mad at Him. Ask Him to explain Himself…then listen, …listen for little things. Ask again tomorrow. I have confidence that if after a good confession and an honest heart to heart talk with God, you will hear from Him in some way. Maybe you never have really told Him how you feel. But a confession comes first!
Madaglan said:
* That’s why I’m having serious doubts if the Holy Spirit is even present in me. I have no problems going through tons of hardship; but going through it without a voice amidst the crowds saying, “Be strong, Ryan!”–well that’s just too much for me. Even when I turn to God it seems He does not turn his love and peace to me. And that’s where the pain comes most I think. *

In one of my dry desert times recently, Catholic4aReasn told me this which I found interesting. She read about Mother Theresa that the entire time she was doing her missionary work in India that she did not feel God’s presence. She was going entirely on faith, not at all on feelings. Perhaps she’d be a good one to pray to during this time.

Sometimes you gotta go on faith alone - not feelings.

Maybe you need to increase your time in front of Adoration. How about going to Sat mass or during the week? Increase your devotion - just when you feel like giving up.

The Holy Spirit is present in all of us - even when there is doubt. But the doubt is placed there by the enemy.

OK - I’m going to attack this from a new angle…about finding a girlfriend. Why do you think that if you found a girlfriend things would automatically be good? Other people cannot bring you happiness - happiness is from within. You can be in a relationship and still be lonely - just look at some of the topics on this forum. People married and never been more lonely.

In order to have a lasting and fulfilling relationship, you need to find joy and happiness inside yourself (from God of course). Without that, relationships fail miserably.

It really sounds like you have this rosey idea - find the girl and I will find happiness. Not true. Maybe in the short term.

Seek God, then all good things will follow.
Dear friend

There is nothing much I can add to what all these good folks have said here. I used to get mad at God especially when I tried my hardest and life just seemed to conspire against me. God effectively broke me and remade me spiritually, it was a very nasty process but it was very much worth it. These days when things go wrong and life is looking a bit bleak, I try and think of poor old Job and all the sufferings he endured as well as the one who has suffered most in all eternity, Jesus Christ.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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