Ever get angry at God?

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One of my most important spiritual experiences was when I was mad at God.

It was four o’clock in the morning. I was so tired of putting up with my weakness and sinfulness. I was living alone in a small studio apartment. I was recently divorced and only saw my kids every other weekend.

At four in the morning I figured it was time to tell God how I really felt. And I told him that if it upset him it didn’t matter because, sinner as I was, I was on my way to Hell anyway. What more could he do to me.

I ranted and raved for awhile. Then, when my emotions were spent and I could say no more, He gently spoke to me.

I’ve been mad at God at other times and I’ve told Him about it. Think about real realtionships. People get mad.

Tell Him how you feel. He will listen.
Oh yeah, been there. I can’t even begin to express the rage and pain I have felt towards God. It took me a VERY long time to begin to deal with it. Alot of mine was related to how I grew up. We get our first images of God from our parents, and I thought God was like my parents. I’m in no way trying to bash my parents, but I had a hard time. They were both abused and in turn, what they learned, they passed on. I needed to heal from that. And believe me, I am not there yet, but I have come a long way. Maybe one of the reasons I hurt was so I can help you. Ask God to show you the source or sources of your anger. You may need counseling or medication or both. Try not to get discouraged-healing is like peeling an onion-there are lots of layers and it will make you cry.
You betcha!!

I was very needy… for a long time over something… and then some little thing came along that was like a little drop of water – ONE drop – on this desert that I’d been baking in for several months.

Noticing that one drop, I told him “is that the best You can do?!???”

A few weeks later, I realized that I was being taught the virtue of humility. And the phrase came to me…

“God will not be outdone in His generosity.”

… it’s all on His time, my friend… which is suffiient, even though I couldn’t see it myself at the time… and as much as I suffered before that drop of water and subsequently the abundance of the soft, flowing water carrying me along to safety and security.

Which I was and still AM in need of for my coming closer to God.

I was sinning the sin of Pride.

I’m not saying that’s what’s going on with you, mind you. This is just my response to your question.

You betcha!!

P.S. Not long after I finally got down off my high horse the Lord graced me with flood waters that are nicely warm and bouyant and go gently along to where I needed to be when I first asked Him for help.


:twocents: ❤️
I felt the way you do more than once. At times I wonder if God really exists, or cares about anyone.
If you would like to talk, send me an email.
Yes I’ve been angry many times and to name them all would cause me to go over the limit of letters on this post. Right now howerver I feel more in Love with God then in all of my 53 years. He let me be born with a birth defect but got me to the best surgeon in the world who corrected the problem. He let me be scalded with hot water when a coffee pot tipped over and poured over on me in my walker but my mother who was a quick thinker took of my shirt and put cold water on me instanly so that my injuries where not permenant. He caused a 7 year draught when I started farming so that I went almost 300,000 dollars into debt but I believed he did not bring me this far just to let me fail and He sent friends and relatives to help me through this crissis. My wife and I are seperated about three years now but we are better friends now and have a faith in Jesus to help us heal the pain of her parents sexual abuse in her childhood and my pain of a very angry abusive father. God Bless

my novena worked
then satan attacked
my medal


I don’t know
who can avoid anger at a mental god
God created us.
I wonder what God thinks of our anger.
I am a baby.
the world is responsible, if not satan, probably not you
I pray for you.
God I relate.
“satan steals:”
he seems towin battles
GOd wins wars
It is not right of your “friends” to imply that you do not have the Holy Spirit. Were you Baptized? Confirmed? Dear, you have the Holy Spirit. The fact that you are able to live such a devout life without any “feel good” feelings is evidence of the Holy Spirit.

It is true that Mother Teresa lived in darkness. She lived for what she could do for Him, not what He could do for her.

You are being tempted. No man is immune and doubts come to all. It is time to … Shhhhhhhhh.

If proof of God’s love was a life of ease, comfort, no pain, expensive trips, what would that have said of God’s love for Jesus?

Pray for perseverance, and now is the time to remember why it is you are serve God. Is it for Him, because He is worthy? Or is it to serve yourself by what you perceive He should be doing for you.

Your friend you referred to that made the comment about the priesthood. She does sound “crazed”, but God can even used crazed persons for His instruments. Bring it to prayer, see what He says.

And yes, you have a right to feel your suffering, regardless of the intensities of others.
Remember, it is not he who owes us, but we who owe Him.

God bless you through this purgation.
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