Ever witnessed a miracle?

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I was curious if anyone on this board has ever witnessed a miracle?

By miracle, I mean a scientific miracle. Yes, we’ve all recieved the Eucharist, definately a miracle. But not a scientific one. Yes, we’ve all had insane “coincidences” work out for us in God’s providence, headaches go away when someone prayed over us, etc. But none of these are miracles as that which the Vatican would accept as getting a Saint canonized.

So with that standard, has anyone here witnessed or experienced a miracle?

I saw a woman’s tongue “untied” but you could probably put that into your “insane coincidences” category, although there were a lot of very odd looking faces on the psychiatric staff’s face – obviously they had never seen it before.

Other than that, one of the bigger miracles I’ve seen happens whenever a person who has condemned or judged another in his heart, sees the Light of love, repents and renews his commitment to love his brother. I see this miracle frequently.

Unfortunately I don’t think either of those work in terms of canonization, so my answer is technically a non-answer. I should just delete it, but then that would fail to add to my post count. 😉

I saw a woman’s tongue “untied” but you could probably put that into your “insane coincidences” category, although there were a lot of very odd looking faces on the psychiatric staff’s face – obviously they had never seen it before.
Could you explain this one more?

I like my post count going up too 😛
  1. The three year old expansion Arizona Diamondbacks beat the NY Bankees in the World Series. 👍
I should just delete it, but then that would fail to add to my post count. 😉

Dear Alan

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

A sense of humour in this vale of tears has to be a miracle!

God Bless you and your wife and much love and peace to you


I have seen many real true miracles.

When I was 12, I saw my mom healed, she was down to 68 pounds and in a coma. She was diagnosed back then, 60 years ago with acute athsma.
A Deacon in our parish in Spokane was in terminal condition, awaiting a heart transplant, we had him in constant prayer. They couldn’t find a donor. We were praying for a new heart (a donor heart), God honored our prayers in a way we didn’t expect and God gave him a new, healthy heart.
I have been at Fr Di Orios healing Masses where I saw the deaf hear and people get out of wheel chairs who had been in them for years. One of the deaf people had been deaf from birth.
I had my own miracle of the Holy Eucharist. I have given testimony to it in a few groups here.
Being a Catholic Charismatic, we expect them.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, why shouldn’t we?
my brother was 25 weeks premature and had massive brain bleeds in both sides of his brain, which equals high probability of brain damage. the bleeds spontaniously resolved, and he has 0, none, nada, brain issues. perhaps medoically possible, but INCREDEBLY improbable. Medical science couldnnt have caused it eaither cuz without cutting his head open there is no real way to relive that particular pressure (it is a different situation than hydrocephallis, which he also had)
My dad was hit by a fully loaded milk truck while driving his '87 Mustang convertible. His car was literally thrown about 50 feet, yet he “only” sustained major back injuries…it could have been much, much worse…I could have only one parent now, but my Heavenly Father protected my earthly father.
Does anyone have a theory as to why most miracle claims are non-visual “healings” in nature? It’s most always a disease that seems to miraculously disapear but never a limb growing back or a midget become of normal height or an obese person become instantly of normal weight. Or a severly retarded person aquiring normal intelligence. Any thoughts?

Why not this type of a “healing”?
I once listened to a talk by three missionary Priests who had just returned from several years in Africa.

They were Charismatics. They said that when the natives heard that there was going to be a healing service (or Mass, I can’t remember which) they brought all their sick and many were healed.
A man who was a double amputee was brought to them. He was aputated almost to the hips. The priests said he was suffering horribly and had infection.
They prayed over him and they said that all of a sudden, he grew new legs and feet.

Now, the Deacon I mentioned above was also documented. He had a whole transplant team of cardiac surgeons who witnessed what happened.
They told him to go back to his Church and tell everybody what Jesus had done for him.
He didn’t have to, we knew who did it.
I once listened to a talk by three missionary Priests who had just returned from several years in Africa.

They were Charismatics. They said that when the natives heard that there was going to be a healing service (or Mass, I can’t remember which) they brought all their sick and many were healed.
A man who was a double amputee was brought to them. He was aputated almost to the hips. The priests said he was suffering horribly and had infection.
They prayed over him and they said that all of a sudden, he grew new legs and feet.

Now, the Deacon I mentioned above was also documented. He had a whole transplant team of cardiac surgeons who witnessed what happened.
They told him to go back to his Church and tell everybody what Jesus had done for him.
He didn’t have to, we knew who did it.
…W…O…W…That is…just…amazing…God bless this man and the priests for their ferverant prayer.
I experienced a miracle.

When I was a little girl, my left eye was “lazy” and turned so far inward that the doctor diagnosed the necessity of surgery. It was a very big deal. I remember some of teh conversations surrounding this and in the days before surgery my brother teased me mercilessly. I’ll never forget the surgery we ran across on TV…it completely freaked me out.

My Mom took me to the home of one of her friends and there, they prayed over me and their little girl, who was 5 and had CHF…she died shortly after this.

The very next day we went in for surgery. I remember walking in and I remember being very nervous as they explained to me that I was going to go to sleep and wake up with a patch over both of my eyes.

The doctor came in and did a quick exam.

I didn’t understand what was happening but shortly after we left the hospital. I asked my Mom about the surgery. She explained that it wasn’t needed, that God had healed me.

I didn’t understand until I was older. The muscles of my eyes were so damaged that they needed surgery…but somehow were literally corrected overnight.

My aunt, a few years ago, was diagnosed with an aneurism from an MRI. They scheduled emergency surgery.

My aunt was due to go in on Christmas and our very large extended family was praying for her. She went in, they did whatever they needed to do pre-op, and could not find the aneruism. They compared her previous films thinking they had made a mistake.

Nope…it was there…and then it wasn’t.

Praise the Lord!

What was the comment about not being visible healings?

There you go.
I was the recipient of a miracle.

On May 3, 1992 I was totally incapable of NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL OR SMOKING COCAINE.:crying:

On May 4, 1992 I was relieved of the obsession and went my first 24 hours without a drink or cocaine.:dancing:

If that is not a miracle, then I do NOT know what is - and I believe it was a result of my asking Jesus for help on May 3, 1992.

I have been sober since 5-4-92 - MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE

Thank you, Lord Jesus.:bowdown2:
Thank you so much for sharing everyone!

As a charismatic, I’ve seen a load of miraculous things personally. But (un)fortunately, I’ve never seen a medical/scientific miracle take place before my eyes. I think of it as a gift, that despite all the amazing things God’s done for me, he leaves just enough of a possibility of a hint of doubt so that I can remain on faith, and not completely on knowledge. I much prefer it this way.

I was reading in the news yesterday that someone was raised from the dead with prayer in eastern Europe.

I also know someone whose witnessed an amputated limb grow back during prayer.

OH! I guess I have an almost-scientific miracle.
World Youth Day, 2002. Who was there? Anyway, all million of us were out in the field waiting for the pope to arrive Saturday night. Suddenly, messages started popping up on the viewing screens. “Thunderstorm approaching. Please move away from the metal broadcast towers.” These kept repeating in various languages. Being that Toronto is largely English, we were able to tune the radio to the news broadcast. It wasn’t hard, most Toronto news stations had picked up that a major thunderstorm was heading straight for the field we were all in. When we asked some of the WYD volunteers, they were concerned because the emergency plan had been developed to try to get the 1 million people in the field to somehow fit into the airplane hangers if the storm passed overhead. Those aware of the situation began to pray for God’s protection. 15 miles away, the storm suddenly diverted course, and went away.

Maybe not completely a miracle, but powerful for those of us aware of what had happened.

I was the recipient of a miracle.

On May 3, 1992 I was totally incapable of NOT DRINKING ALCOHOL OR SMOKING COCAINE.:crying:

On May 4, 1992 I was relieved of the obsession and went my first 24 hours without a drink or cocaine.:dancing:

If that is not a miracle, then I do NOT know what is - and I believe it was a result of my asking Jesus for help on May 3, 1992.

I have been sober since 5-4-92 - MIRACLE MIRACLE MIRACLE

Thank you, Lord Jesus.:bowdown2:
I admire your resolve. And to do it so immediately. Must have been divine intervention. This is wonderful!
not witness per se, but know of it, young mother of children in our parish program diagnosed with end stage ovarian cancer, told us about it when she came to bring her kids to CCD, and arrange to have someone else pick them up since she had to go immediately to the cancer hospital in Houston for surgery and was supposed to stay for 8 weeks for radiation. the local diagnose had been confirmed by the houston doctors. all the children in all 4 CCD sessions prayed for her, all available catechists gathered around to pray over her before she left, and I called Father to anoint her. (she is had never heard of the sacrament being available except at the point of death).

she was back the next week, surgery found only a small easily removable tumor, no radiation or chemo was necessary. 3 years later she is doing fine, no symptoms, no evidence of any malignancy on follow-up tests.

It is my personal opinion that this healing is not only the result of answers to prayers and the grace of the sacrament, but also the graces which accrued to this family over the previous year, when she brought her 3 kids for RCIA (although she was raised Catholic, she was divorced and had never lived her faith as an adult). the impetus was her oldest daughter, who wanted to join confirmation class to be with her friends, so to me, those friends were real evangelists.

we often discussed the fact that the grace of the sacraments benefits not only the one receiving, but their family, all those present, and the whole church, and she is a believer. She has turned her life around, coming out of extremely difficult circumstances, and is a real light to everyone who knows her.
I witness a miracle every morning when I wake up.
~ Kathy ~ :whistle:
It’s most always a disease that seems to miraculously disapear but never a limb growing back… Why not this type of a “healing”?
I once listened to a talk by three missionary Priests who had just returned from several years in Africa…
Is it possibly because there is greater faith among missionaries and 3rd world natives than among us? We have a (relatively) easy time trusting God to make changes to the unseen (eg, our brains, inner ears, whatever), causing visible effects (like being able to hear). But I think on some level most of us just can’t bring ourselves to believe that God would replace a whole limb–even though we know He can. Maybe I’m projecting my own lack of faith onto the people around me–but I don’t have the kind of faith that would bring an amputee to a missionary priest to be healed. Maybe that’s why we don’t see those kinds of miracles here.
Is it possibly because there is greater faith among missionaries and 3rd world natives than among us? We have a (relatively) easy time trusting God to make changes to the unseen (eg, our brains, inner ears, whatever), causing visible effects (like being able to hear). But I think on some level most of us just can’t bring ourselves to believe that God would replace a whole limb–even though we know He can. Maybe I’m projecting my own lack of faith onto the people around me–but I don’t have the kind of faith that would bring an amputee to a missionary priest to be healed. Maybe that’s why we don’t see those kinds of miracles here.
I think I agree with you.
Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that many of us Charismatics have witnessed so many miracles in the Charismatic Renewal. If you doubt this, I would recommend some of Fr. Ralph DeOrios books, one of the great healing ministries in the Church. I testifies to many documented physical healings.
We do, as Charismatics tend to expect miracles.
For my part, I cannot figure out why we do not see miraculous physical healings whenever we receive Holy Eucharist. I know we do at Charismatic Masses but why not at a regular Sunday Mass. How else do we ever get so close to Jesus, the Divine Physician?
5 years ago, my son and daughter-in-law were returning from a picnic and were hit broadside at 60 mph. Their car was thrown 65 feet by the impact. Here at the house, my husband answered a phone call in which my son said, “Come quick! She’s not breathing! She’s only gurgling!” My son told his dad where they were and 30 seconds later we were backing out of our drive way…

We arrived at the scene just as our son was being loaded into a helicopter. His seatbelt had ripped out of it’s seating and he’d been ejected through a closed window. I told the medic he had called us and the medic told me that was impossible as he’d been unconscious since impact. Our daughter-in-law was also critically injured and was flown to a different trauma center. We stayed with her until she was in the air only to find out later that she died en route but was revived. She spent months battling her way back.

As we ran back to our pick-up after both our kids had lifted off, we went around the front of the fire engine, rather than the rear as we had done when we arrived. There, laying in the middle of the intersection, was our son’s sunglasses and his smashed phone.

I don’t know who called us that day. My husband swears it was our son’s voice he heard. Perhaps it was his guardian angel… I don’t know. I do know someone called us and I know that both kids survived a wreck which should have been fatal. I thank God each and every day for this miracle and the mercy He bestowed on our family that day.
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