Ever witnessed a miracle?

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Is it possibly because there is greater faith among missionaries and 3rd world natives than among us? We have a (relatively) easy time trusting God to make changes to the unseen (eg, our brains, inner ears, whatever), causing visible effects (like being able to hear). But I think on some level most of us just can’t bring ourselves to believe that God would replace a whole limb–even though we know He can. Maybe I’m projecting my own lack of faith onto the people around me–but I don’t have the kind of faith that would bring an amputee to a missionary priest to be healed. Maybe that’s why we don’t see those kinds of miracles here.
Jesus almost ALWAYS said, “Your faith has healed you,” to people that he healed. I don’t see why your explanation wouldn’t fit.
Another contributing factor could be that God expects us to use the medical resources we have instead of relying always on miracles. But, I don’t disagree with you that we need to stop trusting in “horses and chariots” more than we trust in the “name of the Lord our God.”
I think I agree with you.
Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that many of us Charismatics have witnessed so many miracles in the Charismatic Renewal. If you doubt this, I would recommend some of Fr. Ralph DeOrios books, one of the great healing ministries in the Church. I testifies to many documented physical healings.
We do, as Charismatics tend to expect miracles.
For my part, I cannot figure out why we do not see miraculous physical healings whenever we receive Holy Eucharist. I know we do at Charismatic Masses but why not at a regular Sunday Mass. How else do we ever get so close to Jesus, the Divine Physician?
What would you suggest for a site about Fr. DeOrios?
Hi all,
I seem to feel a responsibility to speak out whenever I hear things of Catholic healers or groups that I know are not on the up and up through my experiences with them.

In the case of Father D’iorio… I attended his healing mass and was not impressed by it. I wasn’t expecting a healing for myself… just wanted to see for myself how he conducts his masses.

First, is the fact that I had to pay an entrance fee at the hall where the healing mass took place. One excuse I will hear ppl use to defend this is “you are helping to pay for the expense of renting the hall”… whatever…

I never heard God charging for healing… IF a person wants to make a free-will donation to help a ministry that is ok, but, not everyone can afford to pay $10 or $20 a pop for a healing mass.

Second, there was blessed oil being sold there (a big NO NO… anything blessed is NOT to be sold). In addition to the books written by Father D’iorio and other religious items being sold.

3rd, most of those going for healing… Sorry to say, seemed to come from the same script I see over and over in ** Televangelist ** TV shows… It comes off as scripted…

When I went up to receive a blessing from Father D’iorio I felt a strong sensation to just get as far away from him as I could. He had this look in his eyes that disturbed me greatly.

Many will say “How can you say such things?? There are so many testimonies of healings he has done and on and on”. I could care less for the number of healings anyone has done.

It is not about ** the quantity… the numbers of healings **… It is about God’s will to CHOOSE to heal someone.

I respect the differing opinions of others concerning Father D’iorio… I just don’t believe God works through him.

God bless all
So with that standard, has anyone here witnessed or experienced a miracle?

I don’t know if this counts, but I witnessed a miracle on television.

Now hold on for a minute. I am not talking about the 700 Club or some program on EWTN. I saw this on a news segment on 20/20, which airs on ABC, one of the big three network.

This is what happened.

A woman had a daughter expecting a baby who the doctors told them would be borned extremely deformed. I do not remeber the exact details. Anyway, this woman went to a Cathedral that was know for its relics. The priest gave her one of their most recent relics. It was, I think, a piece of hair from Blessed Frederick. She brought it back to her daughter and rubbed it on her belly, praying to Frederick. That night she said that she woke up in the middle of the night and saw an old in her roon, who promptly left. Presumable this was Frederick.

She gave birth to a perfectly normal boy, who is now around 4 to 5 years old. Doctor have no explanation. This has never happened before.

This case is being presented to the Church as cause for Frederick’s canonization.

What amazed me is the 20/20 presented this as if was a genuine miracle - no alternate expanations were provided. ABC is no friend to the Catholic Church.

I do not know anyone else saw it. But you might be able to catch this in a re-run.
My SIL has a car wreck years ago. The car flipped numerous time leaving it a total wreck…smashed metal, all except a perfect outline of her body. She didn’t receive a scratch.

Then the other day…all three of my children were asleep at once…I took a picture of that miracle. :hmmm:
Hi all,
I seem to feel a responsibility to speak out whenever I hear things of Catholic healers or groups that I know are not on the up and up through my experiences with them.

In the case of Father D’iorio… I attended his healing mass and was not impressed by it. I wasn’t expecting a healing for myself… just wanted to see for myself how he conducts his masses.

First, is the fact that I had to pay an entrance fee at the hall where the healing mass took place. One excuse I will hear ppl use to defend this is “you are helping to pay for the expense of renting the hall”… whatever…

I never heard God charging for healing… IF a person wants to make a free-will donation to help a ministry that is ok, but, not everyone can afford to pay $10 or $20 a pop for a healing mass.

Second, there was blessed oil being sold there (a big NO NO… anything blessed is NOT to be sold). In addition to the books written by Father D’iorio and other religious items being sold.

3rd, most of those going for healing… Sorry to say, seemed to come from the same script I see over and over in **Televangelist **TV shows… It comes off as scripted…

When I went up to receive a blessing from Father D’iorio I felt a strong sensation to just get as far away from him as I could. He had this look in his eyes that disturbed me greatly.

Many will say “How can you say such things?? There are so many testimonies of healings he has done and on and on”. I could care less for the number of healings anyone has done.

It is not about **the quantity… the numbers of healings **… It is about God’s will to CHOOSE to heal someone.

I respect the differing opinions of others concerning Father D’iorio… I just don’t believe God works through him.

God bless all
You don’t have to apologize to me - I appreciate it when someone looks into something and then shares their experience.
I do understand that money could be charged to help offset the cost of the event (Father Corapi charges for his preachings at different churches, and the money goes to help defray the cost of putting on the event) but I am surprised (and saddened) at the implication that, if someone could not afford to pay, they would not be allowed in - do you know if that would have been the policy?
Been here,typing in my computer,is a miracle.I was clinically dead a few days after I was born.My family was getting ready for a small funeral when my mom and grandma(mom’s mother)saw me to move a leg.They rushed me to the hospital,and the doctors could not believe it because I said before,I was pronunced dead.So life itself is a miracle.I thank God everyday for giving me a chance.:bounce: :love:
Hi all,
I seem to feel a responsibility to speak out whenever I hear things of Catholic healers or groups that I know are not on the up and up through my experiences with them.

In the case of Father D’iorio… I attended his healing mass and was not impressed by it. I wasn’t expecting a healing for myself… just wanted to see for myself how he conducts his masses.

First, is the fact that I had to pay an entrance fee at the hall where the healing mass took place. One excuse I will hear ppl use to defend this is “you are helping to pay for the expense of renting the hall”… whatever…

I never heard God charging for healing… IF a person wants to make a free-will donation to help a ministry that is ok, but, not everyone can afford to pay $10 or $20 a pop for a healing mass.

Second, there was blessed oil being sold there (a big NO NO… anything blessed is NOT to be sold). In addition to the books written by Father D’iorio and other religious items being sold.

3rd, most of those going for healing… Sorry to say, seemed to come from the same script I see over and over in ** Televangelist ** TV shows… It comes off as scripted…

When I went up to receive a blessing from Father D’iorio I felt a strong sensation to just get as far away from him as I could. He had this look in his eyes that disturbed me greatly.

Many will say “How can you say such things?? There are so many testimonies of healings he has done and on and on”. I could care less for the number of healings anyone has done.

It is not about ** the quantity… the numbers of healings **… It is about God’s will to CHOOSE to heal someone.

I respect the differing opinions of others concerning Father D’iorio… I just don’t believe God works through him.

God bless all
Being a Catholic Charismatic for over 30 years, I think it is a good thing for me to add some things to this post.

First of all, Catholics should not be surprised that there is a donation expected. I have been to many of Fr Di Orios Healing Masses, and there was never a charge. However, how many of you have requested a Mass be said, ask Father to officiate at a wedding, baptism, and even a funeral without a donation being expected? You pay for religious ed for children and all sorts of thing. Why wouldn’t you make a donation.

If you should attend a Charismatic Conference there is almost always fees to pay. You will also find blessed oil FOR SALE. Mmmhmm. Lots of Religious items for sale. That is the facts. It costs money to put on these things.

Would you then say, God is not working through any of these ministries? I have seen too many fruits and blessings come out of them, not to mention the miracles to believe that.

I never judge a person on feelings, especially getting the willies from looking into someones eyes. That is not nice at all. How would you feel if someone got bad feelings from looking into your eyes. That could be happening all the time and you wouldn’t even know it.

We shouldn’t judge folks this way. This man loves the Lord greatly and the Lord loves him.

I still suggest you all read his books.
My daughter was in the hospital for 10 days. She had a type of herpies in her mouth and down her throat. She was unable to drink a bottle and had to be hooked up to an IV to keep her little body hydrated. I had spent about 5 days at her side. She refused to eat. I had seen my little girl’s strength leave her body. A really nice nurse came up to me and asked if I wanted her to call someone to see us. I let her know that it would be ok.

About an hour later a Catholic Priest came in the room. He introduced himself and then walked over to the crib where my daughter was sleeping. He said a blessing, and then make the sign of the cross on her head with oil. He then prayed for her and her family.

After the Priest had stayed and visited for awhile, he left. One hour after the priest had left, my daughter woke up and drank an 8 oz bottle. After this day, I joined the RCIA classes, and me and my children all became Catholic. I feel like it was a sign from our Heavenly Father.

That was my miracle, it brought me and my family to God and brought strength to my little one.
In the Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel at Sacred Heart Church in Medford, Oregon, I have, on about 7 separate occasions seen moving images in the Host. The Phenomenon happened when I prayed the rosary. The things I’ve seen lasted about 20 minutes at time, and seem to conclude when I’ve finished my Rosary.

Things seen: mostly Jesus’s face. The face looks like the face on the shroud with His features being light grey over white background. It was also a dynamic image, not static. It moved. On one occasion I saw clouds moving within the host (which I interpreted as Shekkiniah Cloud). On another occasion, I saw Cherubim. On another occasion, I saw varying faces, gray over white background, of different people (which I interpreted to be Saints).

God wanted to reassure me that when I prayed my Rosary, others were praying with me, in the Communion of Saints. He wanted to reassure me that I wasn’t alone in the Chapel.

God shows us miracles for a reason. I think that I saw this phenomenon because I had past involvement with SSPX and, hence, had doubts about the Real Presence in the Novus Ordo Mass. This phenomenon dispelled my doubts! I also needed encouragement, because at the time I felt very depressed and all alone in the world.

Unfortunately, I moved away from Medford; yet, I have no doubts that the same Risen Christ exists in the host in my new town.

I had thought about telling the Pastor of Sacred Heart … but … I felt this experience was to be kept hidden in my heart for a time. Plus, I figured he’d just think I was a lunatic. LOL!!!

I figured I’d share it now because I think that hearing stuff like this warms peoples’ hearts.

I just want to say … when you pray … when you work … when you sleep … you are never alone! He is always there with you, and so are your big brothers and sisters in Christ (the Communion of Saints). They are up there in Heaven praying for you and in union with you.

So, just keep going! Keep on trucking!

God Bless!
Being a Catholic Charismatic for over 30 years, I think it is a good thing for me to add some things to this post.

(1) First of all, Catholics should not be surprised that there is a donation expected.

(2) If you should attend a Charismatic Conference there is almost always fees to pay. You will also find blessed oil FOR SALE. Mmmhmm. Lots of Religious items for sale. That is the facts. It costs money to put on these things.
**(1) Expecting a donation and having to pay to enter the church are two entirely different things. It is scandalous to charge for people to attend a Mass. The giving of a donation can be handled by the normal collection. **

**(2) There is no problem with charging a fee for a Conference. That is normal. Charging for blessed oil, however, is not acceptable at all. It would be ok for there to be a charge for small bottles of (unblessed) oil, and then for there to be a ceremony that would bless all the bottles of oil held up for blessing. That would be entirely different. **
Accident injures motorcyclist near ???
A New York man has been admitted to ??? Hospital after a serious motorcycle accident near ???.

Cpl. Jeffry ???of the State Police said the accident happened at 2:45 a.m., June, on Route ??? north of ???.

The officer said the motorcycle, driven by ???, 30, was headed southbound when it struck a deer in the roadway. ??? fell to the roadway, where he was hit by a tractor-trailer and then an SUV. The SUV continued on without stopping.

???, who was wearing a helmet, first was taken to Memorial Hospital and then flown to ???. He was admitted in critical condition with unspecified injuries.

** I took out the name and locations, but a 30 yr old man who works with my husband hit a deer with his motorcycle, flew off the bike. His body bounced off teh side of a semi. The driver behind him, who witnessed it all, tried to make a blockade. to protect the injured victim on the ground. An SUV barrelled through the makeshift blockade and drove over his body. It crushed his pelvis, his spleen and he had alot of internal bleeding. He was unconscious for quite some time and the doctors did not expect him to make it through the night, he had spinal injuries and a crushed pelvis so the chance that he would walk was slim. They were not sure whether he would talk again.

One year before his accident, his wife gave birth to their son. He was due in mid FEB, but was born in Mid-October. He was born at only 25 weeks gestation. His prognosis for survival was very slim, and the chances of severe disabilities was probable. The brave little baby survived with some developmental disabilities, but he communicates well with sign language, understands what he hears and is learning to walk.

It seemed this famly was in our prayers for at least two years, first for the baby and then for the father. It was a very special miracle to watch them hunt for Easter eggs together with their wife and mother at the squadron Easter party this year. He is walking, talking, and working nearly the same job. Miracles happen. God blessed this family. I know there was a huge chain of prayer said for this family.
Joan M said:
**(1) Expecting a donation and having to pay to enter the church are two entirely different things. It is scandalous to charge for people to attend a Mass. The giving of a donation can be handled by the normal collection. **

**(2) There is no problem with charging a fee for a Conference. That is normal. Charging for blessed oil, however, is not acceptable at all. It would be ok for there to be a charge for small bottles of (unblessed) oil, and then for there to be a ceremony that would bless all the bottles of oil held up for blessing. That would be entirely different. **

I said before I have seen Fr DiOrio many times and I have seen lots of other Priests with the gift of healing. I have never seen anyone ever charge anyone to attend a Mass and frankly, I don’t believe that happend.
At my age, I have learned not to believe everything folks post on the internet. Especially when this same person judges a Priest by the look in his eye.
This man has a wonderful reputation.

As far as the oil is concerned, it is far too common at Charismatic events to comment on. You don’t agree with it, don’t buy it. Most folks do not have any problem giving a dollar for a bottle of oil. They almost always run out so it can’t be much of a problem. If it helps pay for ministry, thats fine with me.
So life itself is a miracle.I thank God everyday for giving me a chance.
This is very beautiful, donosti. You’re right. Life itself it is a miracle!
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