That’s weird isn’t it?
The person is complete with both rational soul and body which uniquely suited for each part. So some say that when the body dies, until the time of the resurrection of the body, the person does not properly exist, rather only the rational soul of the person.Correct me if I am wrong but at conception God creates a new unique soul, one that has never been repeated. This is such a magnificent teaching! Every person is unique and different! Out of all the human souls ever created no two souls are the same, so everyone is unique and special in the eyes of God.
Feel free to add on this.
Peace and all good!
This doesn’t at all surprise me, since I know for a fact that I derive vastly more joy from running my fingers along smooth, soft surfaces, like pillows, than anyone else I know.I took Anatomy last year, and when we were studying the human eye, I found out that everyone sees color differently. We technically see the same color, but we all see it at different intensity. That means that for everyone of us, God paints the world differently and just for us. Also, flavors and textures!
It sounds like you’re suggesting that, apart from evangelization, interacting with other human beings is a wasted effort.Also, no two CATS / GEESE are identical. They each have unique
personalities. How would two human souls be the same anyhow ?