You can think you are correct and say something that is not true. It’s called being wrong. I can understand if you have an ego issue why you’d use the term liar but otherwise it’s pointless.
I don’t put my ego on the line when I make a comment. And a rude, abrupt reply does not hurt it.
There is a matter of decorum in this forum. It is fine to disagree, and say why you disagree. You, however, did not say you disagreed, you simply said “None off what you said is true by even the slightest amount.” that is the equivalent of saying “you are a liar.”
I would suggest that your abruptness be toned down; if you disagree with a statement say why - it makes for dialogue. Whether I agree with your comments in return, disagree, or modify my opinion in part is through dialogue, not abrupt shutdowns.
I can’t speak to Canadian politics, but I have been around long enough to have heard politicians speak for, oh, something like 50 + years and learned to take neither party’s statements at face value.
Kevin has said there will be another stimulus package.
Larry has said that there are a number of things the White House has spoken favorably about, including a tax holiday, an incentive to go back to work and several other items. I have not checked on what Mitch is saying; but the bill starts in the House, and that was the source of much of the delay getting relief last time.
Anyone watching the process to get to the last stimulus package is aware that the Democrats passed a laundry list of non-related items.
And as to utopianists, we have publicly avowed Marxists driving a significant part of the street narrative. Marxism at its core is a utopianist philosophy that exceedingly misses the point of human nature on a number of levels.
Unemployment insurance is problematic on several fronts. While both the State and the Federal Government contribute funding of the insurance program, it is up to the state to set the parameters. The bill passed with a federal “override” in benefits which brought many people more money than they made on their job, That is not an incentive to return to work - although many jobs simply are not there any more, and many of the small businesses which have been close will never reopen. Over time, other new businesses will open (restaurants are a prime example), but that is likely to take several or more years. (continued)