Evolution and Creationism

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My ancestor realized that evolution is not progressing well and the grunts are no longer fit for purpose then he decided to try some new form of communication; grunts moved to signs + grunts, then slowly from signs to words, then meaning of words.
Are you following your own arguments?
I told you this is an impossibility and there’s no evidence or a demonstration that grunts and signs can develop into words with meaning.
It seems there’s no need to contradict what you post. You do it quite convincingly by yourself. We call that a ‘Buffalo’ around here.
I intentionally contradicted myself to expose your thoughts. So it is true the above are your thoughts on the beginnings of language.
Not to worry…I don’t actually have any credibility. So no damage done.
Straw manning others never improves one’s credibility as a truth seeker.
All of their arguments are based on the claim that such complex systems couldn’t possibly have evolved solely through natural processes.
Science does not prove anything and one cannot prove a negative. Therefore, the truth of macroevolution, as are all science claims, is in the realm of probability
Science can be observed and experimented. Steve literally had millions of logs floating around Spirit Lake to support his log mat theory. He had several feel of peat at the lake bed formed within a few months to prove that peat doesn’t require a thousand years to form a few inches. He found erect logs that were either floating vertically or almost completely buried on his dive in the lake, showing how polystrates can form.

Coal, like dinosaur fossils that are supposedly millions of years old, can be carbon dated. They can’t truly be from the Carboniferous ‘period’. Steve Austin and another group of geologists over a period of several years convinced the authorities at the Yellowstone Petrified Forest that the petrified forest itself was not the result of thousands of years of rainforests; one era on top of another. In fact, he mud and ash-flow deposited trees in Toutle Canyon have much in common with the petrified ‘forests’ of the (Yellowstone) Eocene Lamar River Formation. And Spirit Lake bed, when scanned with ground penetrating radar, shows that the vertical trees are buried at different depths in the bed; giving the false impression that they were buried at different times (if it is believed that such layers form slowly; which this scenario clearly shows otherwise).

The conditions of rapid coalification (through observed science) are:
  1. Softwood lignin heated with clay minerals (particularly montmorillonite) at 150°C for two to eight months in the absence of oxygen was readily transformed into insoluble materials resembling coals of various ranks.
  2. Longer reaction times produced materials resembling vitrinites of higher rank.
  3. Simple pyrolysis of lignin without clay at 350 to 400°C yielded only char (most likely fusinite).
  4. Using kaolinite or illite, independently or mixed with montmorillonite, produced similar results.
Not only that, they also noticed that:

(a) in the presence of clay activated by acid, the reaction of lignin to form ‘coaly’ materials was highly accelerated, even at only 150°C (four weeks instead of two to four months); and

(b) loss of catalytic action of clays occurred when the reaction was carried out in the presence of air.

Thus their overall conclusion was that coal macerals can be produced rapidly from biological source material by a clay-catalyzed thermal reaction in periods of only two to four months (sometimes one month).

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Such rapid production of coal is being investigated as a potential energy source.

Suddenly, the Biblical chronology doesn’t seem that implausible anymore.
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I was going to post a relatively long response, but a short one will do.

Carbon dating coal is an exercise in futility. Surely they taught you the limits of the testing method in your course?
The fact that there is C14 in the coal in the first place either shows that carbon dating is not a closed system and shouldn’t be used as a dating method, or the coal is clearly not millions of years old.
He’s constricted to a few thousand years so he starts with a fundamental interpretation of the bible and then builds everything around that. That’s not science.
Darwin’s constricted to a few observations of microevolution so he starts with a wild speculation of macroevolution and then builds everything around that. That’s not science.
The fact that there is C14 in the coal in the first place either shows that carbon dating is not a closed system and shouldn’t be used as a dating method, or the coal is clearly not millions of years old.
Is this where you bend the facts to suit your beliefs? Because I would bet my house on the fact that you know that there is carbon-14 in any sample of coal. But that with a half life of 5,700 years, after 60,000 years there is not enough for anything approaching a meaningful result.

As a geology student you would have had that explained to you.
He’s constricted to a few thousand years so he starts with a fundamental interpretation of the bible and then builds everything around that. That’s not science.
Darwin’s constricted to a few observations of microevolution so he starts with a wild speculation of macroevolution and then builds everything around that. That’s not science.
Gee, I thought you’d headed of to wait for the next evolution thread.

Anyway, if you don’t accept Darwin’s proposals and don’t accept the countless proposals that have been made to bolster his theory over the following 160 years, perhaps you can give us your alternative proposal.
Exactly. We are talking about language development. You are the only one conflating language development with evolution. Evolution is a biological process; language development is not.
Yet language is a trait specific to the human species. Which theory deals with species diversification?
The dog ate my homework kind of excuses.
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Carbon dating wood found in a coal seam in Crinum Coal Mine, Queensland; and the K-Ar dating of the basalt around it. Bit varied between the two, don’t you think?

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This falls on the younger side of 60K, so there is a meaningful amount left, right?
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Yet language is a trait specific to the human species . Which theory deals with species diversification?
Is it though? Don’t other primates signal, especially for danger? Don’t bees tell each other where the nectar is in a highly structured form of communication? Language is not restricted to what we would call intelligible speech. As for the second sentence, of course that is evolution. But a new language does not a new species make, so the analogy fails. Evolution is a biological process; language development is decidedly not.
The dog ate my homework kind of excuses.
Can you translate this? It doesn’t make sense to me.
Is it though? Don’t other primates signal, especially for danger? Don’t bees tell each other where the nectar is in a highly structured form of communication? Language is not restricted to what we would call intelligible speech. As for the second sentence, of course that is evolution. But a new language does not a new species make, so the analogy fails. Evolution is a biological process; language development is decidedly not.
A bee does not tell another bee, it just releases some chemicals, all species have a gene based communication method including man - and would you believe this, human share the crying gene with our so called ‘close relatives’. This might be the same gene responsible for their communication (grunts in different pitches).

If our ancestor lost the tail as evolution purports, where is the explanation of how we lost the grunts and decided that speech is better, doing away with ineffective evolution.
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Carbon dating wood found in a coal seam in Crinum Coal Mine, Queensland; and the K-Ar dating of the basalt around it. Bit varied between the two, don’t you think?
Now you wouldn’t have got that from a creationist site by any chance? Is this an example of what you are going to need to do as we alluded to earlier? Omitting the sources for your ‘evidence’?

I’ll leave it to you to explain where it came from.
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