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How many Catholics here believe birds evolved from dinosaurs or are now still in the category of dinosaurs? If not, can you link me to a current, up to date article that says they aren’t?
Birds were created on the fifth day of creation. Land animals (I assume dinosaurs too) were created on the sixth day of creation. So birds came before dinosaurs.
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We have to define “evolution” as there are many varieties.

Godless, Darwinian evolution = no good.
I’m definitely talking about God guided evolution.
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How many Catholics here believe birds evolved from dinosaurs or are now still in the category of dinosaurs? If not, can you link me to a current, up to date article that says they aren’t?

Edit: Look, there’s already a popular thread you’ll generally find near the top of of the philosophy section called ‘Creationism and Evolution’. Why not ask your question there? Those who believe in creationism will have plenty of people to support your views.

And yes, you are allowed to actually believe that God created the planet in a week.
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Good! So many things we simply cannot know in this life.

As with so many other subjects, I’m dying to know.
In this life, there are many more questions than answers. Sometimes, only questions. But, when we enter eternity, all things will be clear to us.
In this life, there are many more questions than answers. Sometimes, only questions. But, when we enter eternity, all things will be clear to us.
My suggestion is to not wait. Check out the answers now. It’s fun!
Well, I do, but I refuse to believe stuff that’s made up. There as far too much nonsense in life as it is.
Well, I do, but I refuse to believe stuff that’s made up. There as far too much nonsense in life as it is.
So very true, Po. But you have to know what the truth is before you can decide what’s been made up.

Education is a candle in the darkness of ignorance.

Hey, I had to Google that to see if someone else had said it first. But Sagan takes the prize when he said that science is the candle in the dark. That’s close enough. I bow to the greater intellect…
[Well, I do, but I refuse to believe stuff that’s made up. There as far too much nonsense in life as it is.]

Exactly! And how is one supposed to know what’s right when there’s at least two sides,if not more.

Edit: Look, there’s already a popular thread you’ll generally find near the top of of the philosophy section called ‘Creationism and Evolution’. Why not ask your question there? Those who believe in creationism will have plenty of people to support your views.

And yes, you are allowed to actually believe that God created the planet in a week.
That thread is enormously long. I decided to start a new one centered on this particular question.
I’ll acknowledge what the latest studies say. I trust the scientists on this subject.
The best current available information points to that dinosaurs came first.
If new data comes forth, then that’s okay too.

It doesn’t affect my day to day life.
We listen to the Church, as there is good science ad bad science. As well, in the area of the unknown, we are allowed substantial latitude in many areas.
We listen to the Church, as there is good science ad bad science. As well, in the area of the unknown, we are allowed substantial latitude in many areas.
Now back to my OP; how many here believe birds came from or are dinosaurs? And anyone have any links written recently that disproves this belief?
In this life, there are many more questions than answers.
Very true. With regard to the theory of Darwinian natural selection, the question is: why is the wheel only human while electricity generation and storage is not? there should be species with retractable wheels out there.
Could birds have evolved from dinosaurs? sure. Did it happen by chance, that is blind ‘natural’ forces only? heck no.
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