I am replying without respect to reading the links because I just don’t have the time…so if I argue anything that is redundant then please don’t strangle me over it.
Evolution, scientifically speaking, if we allow only the evidence and natural deduction of what it means, can really only establish a couple things, a) that nature changes, sometimes dramatically, and b) that nature is complex beyond comprehension.
Now, science establishes other principles like natural selection, spontaneous mutation, etc. as mechanics of the two aforementioned principles. Evidence suggests these mechanics, but the mechanics of nature have nothing to do with the existence of God anymore than water turning to ice due to a cold temperature can disprove the ‘uninvolvement’ of God. In other words, because life is shown to operate under the law of cause and effect does not reduce the reality of a First Cause or Necessary Mover (changer).
Evolutionists, both past and present, make an extremely fatal error that is so self-defeating it is beyond absurdity. They claim that life began and changes according to random forces. For science to claim, scientifically, that any mechanic or operation is ‘random’ only means that science does not presently know anything about it. Therefore, for science to say that life began ‘by accident’ or ‘by random forces’ only begs the question and answers nothing at all. It is much like looking up at the stars and claiming ‘there are no patterns…nothing holding them there - they must be a random smear of tiny lights. Therefore, the heavens can’t contain any God’.
Genesis aside, the theory of evolution, as presently understood, does nothing at all to religious faith. It may harm its extreme counterpart, Creation Science, but it certainly doesn’t harm our Faith in any way. That’s really what the Pope what saying as well…we have no need to fear science, but we should definitely be careful how much we trust ‘scientists’.
Evolution, scientifically speaking, if we allow only the evidence and natural deduction of what it means, can really only establish a couple things, a) that nature changes, sometimes dramatically, and b) that nature is complex beyond comprehension.
Now, science establishes other principles like natural selection, spontaneous mutation, etc. as mechanics of the two aforementioned principles. Evidence suggests these mechanics, but the mechanics of nature have nothing to do with the existence of God anymore than water turning to ice due to a cold temperature can disprove the ‘uninvolvement’ of God. In other words, because life is shown to operate under the law of cause and effect does not reduce the reality of a First Cause or Necessary Mover (changer).
Evolutionists, both past and present, make an extremely fatal error that is so self-defeating it is beyond absurdity. They claim that life began and changes according to random forces. For science to claim, scientifically, that any mechanic or operation is ‘random’ only means that science does not presently know anything about it. Therefore, for science to say that life began ‘by accident’ or ‘by random forces’ only begs the question and answers nothing at all. It is much like looking up at the stars and claiming ‘there are no patterns…nothing holding them there - they must be a random smear of tiny lights. Therefore, the heavens can’t contain any God’.
Genesis aside, the theory of evolution, as presently understood, does nothing at all to religious faith. It may harm its extreme counterpart, Creation Science, but it certainly doesn’t harm our Faith in any way. That’s really what the Pope what saying as well…we have no need to fear science, but we should definitely be careful how much we trust ‘scientists’.