I do not agree with this assessment of the reading of the Book of Genesis. The wording of the Creation account certainly lends itself to being literal to a primitive audience. However, the wording also suggests that there is a passing of an age. There is no evidence to support a literal 24 hour 6 day period for the creation of the world. On the other hand there is evidence to support that the Genesis account is an account of the eras through which the world passed before man became conscious of his own being, and his relationship with God.Well what I think you really mean is that God and evolution can be mutual. However the problem is, with the Jewish and Christian creator God, this is not how He claims He did it…
Evolution assumes long ages, billions of years. Genesis states 6 days and a seventh day to rest. There is no indication that the Hebrew means anything else other than literal 24 hour days.
Genesis tells us that God is the Creator. It also tells us that there was an orderliness in the Creation. The rythym of the Genesis account actually suggests the orderliness of Creation, thus at the end of each verse we read " There was evening and there was morning, the first day" etc. The fact that it states that there was evening and there was morning tells us that there is a passage of time, but there is no elaboration upon the actual time period.
When looking at the Genesis account we need to seek the intention of the author, that is the man who was inspired by God to edit this account and put it into writing. What are the Christian concepts that are found in the Genesis Creation account?
- God created man in His image - that is human beings were created for the Truth. We are created to respond to God.
- Male and female He created them - Genesis speaks of the couple, not just of man or of woman. There is no division of the sexes as we see in our world today. Love has first place in God’s plan.
- Let them rule - man is meant to be the husband of all other creatures i.e. the farmer and keeper. Man was not created to be tyrannical.
- Be fruitful and multiply - this is a blessing that comes with responsibility.
5.God rested on the seventh day - that day is a holy day and different from all others.