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What do you all think about evolution?
It’s a fascinating theory. It is big news here in Kansas and is the source of much political fighting and power struggles on school board elections. Some creationists want creation taught in public schools, or evolution banned. More moderate ones don’t mind evolution being taught as long as it is taught as a theory, and competing theories are at least acknowledged.

As a scientist, I have heard a great deal of circumstantial evidence in support of evolution. Although it is compelling and fascinating, the evidence is, in fact, circumstantial. This is in regard to so-called “macroevolution,” where one species actually evolves into another. Although I cannot deny that phenomenon, before I would bet too much on macroevolution I’d like to see a lot more “in-between” species, such as the “missing link.” I think it is perfectly OK to teach it in public and private schools, as long as it is presented as a theory and not a fact. My son just graduated from Catholic high school where they taught macroevolution in science class, as a theory.

As far as “microevolution,” I think it is undeniable. Adaptation of a species to its environment happens, and can be demonstrated in controlled experiments. One example is the ability to insects or bacteria to become resistant to certain chemicals. My son says that his high school teachers presented this as proven fact.

So as far as evolution, I agree with what the Catholic High School taught my son. Macroevolution is a scientific theory, and microevolution is a scientific fact.

Some say macroevolution is an insult to God because it denies intelligent design. I say it doesn’t; why could God not have used macroevolution as one of His tools? Others say macroevolution is an insult to God because it conflicts with Genesis. I say it doesn’t, for several reasons, but I’ll leave it at this for now to keep this post size down a bit.

I don’t believe we came “out of the trees” nor do I believe one species changed into another.

God created the universe and ALL life. That being said. I DO believe that species haved changed over the years. To me , evolution simply means Changing to ADAPT to an environment. Using that as my working definition, I see no problems with evolutioin.
This is all based on the assumption that our identity as people is dependent on our physical form, which it isn’t. Our bodies are just temporary vehicles for our souls, which is the distinguishing characteristic of us as humans. As to whether we evolved along the primate line or not is simply irrelevant. I am not this mortal shell that I walk around in. It is part of me, but not all of me. I, me, the brother and co-heir of Jesus Christ is much, much more than that. So, as to how this flawed, imperfect, decaying, and degenerating vehicle for my soul came to be is immaterial to me. Do I buy into macroevolution, not as it is propagated by the scientific community, simply because it is not supported by enough empirical evidence. The fossil record is incomplete, and there are too many “gaps” between species to prove that one species mutates into another, i.e., there are no “transition” species.

Each species of animal is a distinct creation in its own right. One could look at the fossil record for donkeys, mules, and horses and try to conclude that a mule is a transition species from donkeys to horses, except for the fact that we know that a mule is the sterile offspring of a horse and a donkey. So, if you don’t know the fossil record in context, you could make false assumptions. Since we will never know the true context of what happened to species that existed 60+ million years before the advent of humanity, all we can do is guess. And anytime you guess, you have a chance of getting it wrong. Remember, if you start with an incorrect premise, all conclusions based on that premise will be similarly wrong.
There are a few opinions as to how old the world is. But most are arrived at by thinking of how much time it would take to “evolve” from point a to point b. If it took one million years to “create” the Grand Canyon from level land for example.

But this rationale is troublesome. It’s like saying it had to take a million years cuz God wouldn’t/couldn’t create things in an instant which would then appear to already be a million years old.

There are a few opinions as to how old the world is. But most are arrived at by thinking of how much time it would take to “evolve” from point a to point b. If it took one million years to “create” the Grand Canyon from level land for example.

But this rationale is troublesome. It’s like saying it had to take a million years cuz God wouldn’t/couldn’t create things in an instant which would then appear to already be a million years old.

However, time is irrelevant to God, for whom every day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day. For God, a million years could be a whiff of time. God exists in all times at the same time. Why would He need 6 days as outlined in Genesis, if in fact He could just snap His fingers and instomatically create everything. I do not deny the fact that God has this power, just that His ways are not our ways.
Not exactly a good topic for a poll, particularly since the poll fails to differentiate between macro and micro-evolution - a very important distinction.

However, as the Pope has noted, even irrefutable proof of macro-evolution (species to species) would not affect Catholic teaching on the origin of Man, for who are we to propose a limit on God’s methods for bringing us into this world?
Can somebody help me here. I have gotten into debates with atheists on campus about evolution. I said from the catholic sources I have read, there are no fossils that prove that macro-evolution is true. They said there are. Can somebody please provide me with info?
Can somebody help me here. I have gotten into debates with atheists on campus about evolution. I said from the catholic sources I have read, there are no fossils that prove that macro-evolution is true. They said there are. Can somebody please provide me with info?
Sure, they are lying. Make them prove it to you. Make them cough up their verified, emipirical sources that undesputedly prove that there are “transition” species in the fossil record. Until the “evidence” is no longer disputed legitimately, then it is considered spurious and cannot be used to prove anything, only to hypothesize.
I have so many Darwinistic Atheist professors on my campus. One professor mocked philosophy because it is not emperical. Well to be sceintific, you have to base your beliefs on emperical things. If there are no fossils, then macro-evoloution is not emperical, thus making it unscientific. Yet they force us to learn it, but deny us religious education. Is this fair?
The answer has been discovered. Has man evolved from the apes? **Not yet. 😃 **
The answer has been discovered. Has man evolved from the apes? **Not yet. 😃 **
And if we *did * evolve from the apes - presumably because we were more fit to survive - why are there still apes that have not evolved?

And any theory of evolution that doesn’t explain the existence of Michael Moore is unscientific to begin with. 😃
I think that some evolution has taken place in nature is pretty much a given. I mean in my life time I have seen people get on average taller. It was not too long ago that 6 feet was considered tall now it is not so tall after all. That is evolution I think.
It is my understanding that if you were to classify man, as we do animals, man didn’t really evolve from apes, man is an ape, or more specifically man would be classified as a primate.

I believe God exists outside of time. What we call a day did not exist until the third day of Genesis. What we call a day and a year, or method of timekeeping, is ultimately inaccurate and in fluctuation, not what I think God would use.

Plus the Bible indicates that a day to God is a thousand years to man.

I believe while the bible tells us God created the universe, it doesn’t really explain how. That is were the theories of evolution come in.

I believe the abilities of evolutionary adaptation are part of the miracle of Gods creation. That life on the planet continues on despite numorous climat changes (ice age for example).

I believe that the theories of macro evolution are interesting and could be correct, except when the reject or dimiss the role of God in our creation.
Always define Evolution. Many people use the term to mean very different things.
Correct me if I am wrong, but a year or two ago I remember hearing that the Pope opened the study of evolution up for discussion stating it does not matter how we got here, the important thing was that God breathed the soul into Man.:confused:
Correct me if I am wrong, but a year or two ago I remember hearing that the Pope, opened the study of evolution up for discussion, stating it does not matter how we got here, the important thing was that God breathed the soul into Man.:confused:
Hello all,

I believe that God Spiritually lives outside of the confines of physical time. Physical time is the measurement of the change between mass, energy and empty space. God created all these physical things upon creation. Our Omni present to the whole of physical time God looks at the whole of physical time as like looking at a picture on a wall.

Before the week Adam was made, there was nothing. During the week Adam was made, not too many thousands of years ago, God brought into existence a universe with billions of years of past and billions of years of future, if not infinite physical time forward and past.

As a potter molds his pot, each day he works with his creation, the whole pot grows and changes form. The pot maintains some aspects of previous days of work. The whole of creation, billions of years past and billions of years forward, must bend, change and mold to the awesome power of God’s, Omni-present to all physical time, Hand. Thus the seven days of creation to create a universe with infinite physical past and future “time”.

The first free willed being of creation, God named “man”. If a series of amebas to neaderthals evolving homosapiens fit into the billions of years of past that flowed out into the past from the creation of Adam, I do not have a problem with that. Adam was the first man and our Omni-Present to all physical time God, created outward into the past and future from His focal point of Adam.

Adam and the earth may not be at the center of the physical universe. However, Adam and our earth are at the center of our God’s focal point of which the creation of the universe flows out from.

God creates from the focal point of Adam because Adam is the first free-willed being who can choose to love God. Producing the fruit of free willed love for God is mankind’s purpose in life. Gaining Love for God from another being is God’s reason for creation.

Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten
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