What do you all think about evolution?
It’s a fascinating theory. It is big news here in Kansas and is the source of much political fighting and power struggles on school board elections. Some creationists want creation taught in public schools, or evolution banned. More moderate ones don’t mind evolution being taught as long as it is taught as a theory, and competing theories are at least acknowledged.What do you all think about evolution?
However, time is irrelevant to God, for whom every day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day. For God, a million years could be a whiff of time. God exists in all times at the same time. Why would He need 6 days as outlined in Genesis, if in fact He could just snap His fingers and instomatically create everything. I do not deny the fact that God has this power, just that His ways are not our ways.There are a few opinions as to how old the world is. But most are arrived at by thinking of how much time it would take to “evolve” from point a to point b. If it took one million years to “create” the Grand Canyon from level land for example.
But this rationale is troublesome. It’s like saying it had to take a million years cuz God wouldn’t/couldn’t create things in an instant which would then appear to already be a million years old.
Sure, they are lying. Make them prove it to you. Make them cough up their verified, emipirical sources that undesputedly prove that there are “transition” species in the fossil record. Until the “evidence” is no longer disputed legitimately, then it is considered spurious and cannot be used to prove anything, only to hypothesize.Can somebody help me here. I have gotten into debates with atheists on campus about evolution. I said from the catholic sources I have read, there are no fossils that prove that macro-evolution is true. They said there are. Can somebody please provide me with info?
And if we *did * evolve from the apes - presumably because we were more fit to survive - why are there still apes that have not evolved?The answer has been discovered. Has man evolved from the apes? **Not yet.**