EWTN does the current Mass, using Latin for segments of it.
There is flexibility in how much or little Latin is used, some places do everything in Latin but the homily, others only do small bits.
I haven’t seen an EWTN Mass in awhile, but I think the parts that they do in Latin include the:
- Introduction to Mass
- Penitential Rite (Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy) If they do the Confiteor ("I confess to almighty God…) as part of the penitential rite, I think that is in English.
- Introduction/closing of the reading and gospel (“Dominus vobiscum” the word of God… etc) the people then intone the response in Latin as well.
- "Our Father" (Pater Noster)
- Lamb of God (Agnus Dei)
- Dismissal from Mass
I think the preface/Eucharistic Prayer is in English, except possibly for the “Mystery of Faith” response (Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again)… but that could be Englsh too.
I haven’t seen their Sunday Mass, but I would assume that the Gloria would also be done in Latin then.
Basically, the unchanging parts of the Mass are said in Latin. The changable parts, either due to the day (memorial, feastday, Sunday, weekday) or due to the fact that there are numerous prayers for the priest to choose from, are all said in English.
Thus, the opening/closing prayers, the readings/gospel, the intercessions, and the Eucharistic Prayer are all (I think) in English.
Hope this helps!