Ex-Communication of Hitler

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I just wanna ask, why the catholic church did not ex-communicate adolf hitler?.. I have read an article that mossulini, sent a letter to vatican asking the Pope to ex-communicate Hitler…
I do not know this for sure, but I suspect the letter by Mussolini is a fiction.

The church did not excommunicate Hitler because he was not Catholic. Hitler had long since abandoned the Catholic faith of his childhood. There was no need to excommunicate him.
Also had the Pope made a formal excommunication hitler would have had the SS take it out on the laity, clergy, and religious already in prison camps.

Also john hagee likes to make reference to this during his pro isreal , anti-catholic diatribes.
I just wanna ask, why the catholic church did not ex-communicate adolf hitler?.. I have read an article that mossulini, sent a letter to vatican asking the Pope to ex-communicate Hitler…
Hitler was never baptized nor confirmed. His parents were not practicing Catholics.

Excomunicating Elizabeth I throwed her into the arms of the protestants.
Excomunicating Napoleon did not stop him for sacking Rome and taking the Pope prisioner.
The Church was well aware that a formal excomunion of Hitler was going to backfire. And he has left the Church long ago.
Formally excomunicating politicians oftem backfires that is why the CC have not formally excomunicated prochoice politicians.
They excomunicate themselves.
Hitler was never baptized nor confirmed. His parents were not practicing Catholics.

I believe he *was *baptized, but then, so was everyone in France and Austria. So were Darwin and Huxley, in the Anglican Church. Being baptized was a lot like being registered at a Shinto shrine: that’s just what you did, it was the national religion.
Well that is a very anti-Catholic and anti-US Gov. website. They even have on article on how the Vatican had prior knowledge and helped organize 9/11…:rolleyes:
Yeah, I agree it’s very obvious it is an anti-catholic website… But we cannot deny the fact, that the pictures shown there is true and authentic… But we do not know the story behind that pictures…

Should the Catholic Church formally ex-communicated Hitler during those times?
I read an article that says: “I am now as before a catholic, and will always remain so” - Adolf Hitler
He said that in 1941 to Gerhard Engel.

That Hitler professed the Catholic faith is undeniable. At the very least, he was certainly the worst example of one in modern times (and possibly ever); it’s also possible he maintained a consistent facade of Catholicism for political reasons while privately believing otherwise.
But the option was discussed and the examples of Elizabeth I and Napoleon discuraged the Church. In the end evarybody decided that the best way to stop Hitler was to win the war fast.
Hitler was never baptized nor confirmed. His parents were not practicing Catholics.

**Actually he was baptised into the Catholic Church and was confirmed at the age of 15. He did have a catholic education in adolesence but had fallen away from the Church by the time he was 21. **
I just wanna ask, why the catholic church did not ex-communicate adolf hitler?.. I have read an article that mossulini, sent a letter to vatican asking the Pope to ex-communicate Hitler…
It would be completely wrong to excommunicate Hitler as he had rejected the faith already.

This is like saying you have rejected the faith, but now we recognized you as Catholic to say you have rejected it. That makes no sense, by his actions he rejected the faith.

All it would have done would be to make innocent people suffer by bringing extra attention to them and targeting them for retribution.

Hitler might have recognized that no honest person can reject the Catholic faith and not be doing evil, but he still did evil. He didn’t care he was rejecting the truth and goodness.

God Bless
Yeah, I agree it’s very obvious it is an anti-catholic website… But we cannot deny the fact, that the pictures shown there is true and authentic
… But we do not know the story behind that pictures…Are they? Do you know that for sure? Just because the captions say something do not make them factual and I have seem some of those shots before under different captions. I’m a photographer and used to do some photo-journalism for a local newspaper and am well aware of how misleading photo captions can be. A very good example fop this is on the cover of the book Hitler’s Pope where it is cropped to make it appear to be something that it is not.
Should the Catholic Church formally ex-communicated Hitler during those times?
And what specifically good would that have done? Aside from taking Catholic clergy out of positions where they could do some good for the Jews they did manage to assist against the Nazis.

Ever read the story of St. Maximilian Kolbe? You should…
I read an article that says: “I am now as before a catholic, and will always remain so” - Adolf Hitler

I found this pictures in the internet…

As I expected, a site of lies. As most of that type are. The VERY FIRST PHOTO caption
“Reich CATHOLIC Bishop Ludwig Muller and Nazis”

Muller was not, and never had been a Catholic. As a matter of fact, his title was Reichsbischof (bishop of the reich), and he was an evangelical bishop at that. He was a Nazi supporter from nearly the beginning of the party’s existance.

But the most important thing to know about all this garbage is that most, if not all of those photos were taken in the early to mid 30s. By 1934 Hitler was becoming a hero to the German people for bringing the country out of severe depression. He was looked highly upon by the vast majority of Germans, common man and intellectual alike, and too, by many in other countries.
He hadn’t even attacked Poland until late 1939, let alone began his “final solution”, so no one knew of his evil yet. He was even Time magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. German historians will agree that had Hitler died in 1938, he undoubtedly would have gone down in German history as the greatest statesmen of all time!
First, be aware that the link you provide is that of the church (cult) of Tony Alamo (real name: Bernie Lazar Hoffman), a polygamist who had taken an 8-year old little girl as one of his wives, and who was arrested by the FBI in Flagstaff, AZ as a fugitive and convicted on July 24, 2009 for 10 counts of interstate transportation of minors for illegal sexual purposes, rape, sexual assault, and contributing to the delinquency of minors, He is currently serving a 175 year sentence in federal prison for his crimes against children. His followers are the ones who post all those anti-Catholic flyers under your windshield wipers in public parking lots.

If you want to see what he’s up to now, you can pull up his current whereabouts on the United States Bureau of Prisons website:


You might not want to use this guy as a source of information about Catholic history. I mean, you can use him if you want but you’ll look like a total ninny.
Secondly, Hitler was excommunicated.

Excommunication does not require formal excommunication by the Church. You excommunicate yourself the instant you allow the heresy in your soul, latae sententiae. Canon law just recognizes the fact and imposes a formal penalty, separation from your community. Excommunication by the Vatican would have been met with a sneer by Hitler, and would have resulted in reprisals against Catholics in occupied countries under Nazi domination.

Hitler may have been baptized, but so were a lot of atheists. Presumably, they don’t consider themselves Christians and/or Catholics.
Thirdly, Hitler by actions and explicit speech, and the the orders he gave to his party, clearly renounced Catholicism in favor of a new system that worshipped the power of the state (which can only be called secular atheism), with some followers adding neo-pagan elements to the new Nazi belief system.

Due to the traditional Catholic and Protestant backgrounds of the power base Hitler had to fool to gain power, some of his early statements were conciliatory to Christianity. He admitted the truth to his followers in private, however, and expected to use an atheistic view of “science” to destroy Christianity. Hitler said it was “not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances if science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that’s left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic.” (Hitler’s Table Talk, p. 59)

In his nightly diatribes to his lieutenants, faithfully transcribed by a stenographer under the command of Martin Bormann, and printed in the aforementioned book, Hitler was revealed not to hold Catholic values by any stretch of the imagination, and not even the neo-paganism that popular culture imagined him to hold (that was an obsession of some of his subordinates), which Hitler dismissed ("“But there will never be any possibility of National Socialism’s setting out to ape religion by establishing a form of worship. Its one ambition must be scientifically to construct a doctrine that is nothing more than a homage to reason.” (p. 39).) . Hitler actually sounds quite a lot like one of the New Atheist writers:

(“Here Christianity sets the example. What could be more fanatical, more exclusive and more intolerant than this religion which bases everything on the love of the one and only God whom it reveals?” (p. 397), “What is this God who takes pleasure only in seeing men grovel before Him?” (p. 143). “While we’re on this subject, let’s add that, even amongst those who claim to be good Catholics, very few really believe in this humbug. Only old women, who have given up everything because life has already withdrawn from them, go regularly to church.” (p. 342). “The catastrophe, for us, is that of being tied to a religion that rebels against all the joys of the senses.” (p. 142). “A negro baby who has the misfortune to die before a missionary gets his clutches on him, goes to Hell!” (p. 69). “And what nonsense it is to aspire to a Heaven to which, according to the Church’s own teaching, only those have entry who have made a complete failure of life on earth!” (p. 419). “What hasn’t the Church discovered as a source of revenue, in the course of these fifteen hundred years?” (p. 90). “One cannot succeed in conceiving how much cruelty, ignominy and falsehood the intrusion of Christianity has spelt for this world of ours.” (p. 288). “Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone…” (p. 322). “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.” (p. 343).

Hitler’s actions also revealed his hatred of Christianity. He banned religious charity, as he wanted the state to be the sole purveyor of largesse through social welfare programs. Clergy were put under state salaries, tying their livelihoods to the government, and created an official Nazi-sanctioned German national church that taught “just as Jesus liberated mankind from sin and hell, so Hitler saves the German Volk from decay,” to pervert traditional Christian teachings. Hitler’s treated his own pet ministers with ill-disguised contempt: “The parsons will be made to dig their own graves. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable little jobs and incomes.” By 1935, he abolished mandatory prayer in schools, and banned Christmas carols and Nativity plays. In 1941, Hitler banned religious instruction for any child over the age of 14, and the mandatory Hitler Youth were taught the new secular atheism of Hitler. Here’s one of their campfire songs:

*We are the happy Hitler Youth;
We have no need for Christian virtue;
For Adolf Hitler is our intercessor
And our Redeemer.
No priest, no evil one
Can keep us
From feeling like Hitler’s children.
No Christ do we follow, but Horst Wessel! [a deceased Nazi activist]
Away with incense and holy water pots!

Singing we follow Hitler’s banners;
Only then are we worthy of our ancestors.
I am no Christian and no Catholic.
I go with SA through thick and thin.
The Church can be stolen from me for all I care.
The swastika makes me happy here on earth.
Him will I follow in marching step
Baldur von Schirach [head of he Hitler Youth] take me along.*

Okay, can anyone read that and think Hitler or the Nazis were Catholic???

I’m only scratching the surface of the evidence here. I know many will not be happy to hear it, but the evidence is irrefutable: Hitler was an atheist.
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