The human mind (or intelligence) is a property (power of the soul) of the person. The person exists with all his properties. The concept, (idea) is the product of his rational abilities to abstract the idea, or concept from things in the real material world. .
God has no dreams, or ideas- he creates them. His mind is not like ours, it is not His property, it is His Essence, IOW, He is Intelligence, He IS His attributes. We are not our attributes, we were GIVEN intelligence as one of our properties. This spiritual rational intelligence make us different from the animals, it is a property(power) of the spiritual soul, the animating principle of the body (form) God is the direct Creator of the soul made to His image and LIKENESS.
We are not God’s ideas- ideas are created concepts, God gave them existence Ideas are mental concepts abstracted from the material world, they are mental representations of the material world. Instead of having a material tree in our mind, which is an impossibility, we have the spiritual concept or idea that represents the material tree, pretty efficient isn’t it, God is great.
God is uncreated intelligence, and His intelligence is not a separate power as it is in us, His Intelligence is His Essence, as is Existence, as is Goodness, as is Truth, as is Will. In us all these things are separate properties, created. So in a limited sense, effectively our intelligence is like God’s, and not identical. (We are made to the image and likeness of God) and we are spiritual in our souls like Him who is Pure Spirit. We have to discern what is created and what is not created, and this takes some metaphysical thinking to distinguish the difference.
To help in making this distinction it is a fact that things created are always changing, they have the characteristic of Potency and Act, they are subject to time (change), Their essence is not existence, and they are dependent, they do not move themselves but are moved by another. They are not their own cause, but caused by another. They have a beginning in time. By these truths one can determine whether they were created, or always existed, and if they always existed they were not created, and are subsistent Ony God is subsistent because existence is His Essence, (I Am Who Am) We can say, "We who are not, are, because of He Who Is)(We who were made from nothing, are something because of He who gave us existence)