EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Border State Police Officer Caught Leading Gulf Cartel Cell

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In one of my rare shout outs to Al Gore, I must give him and his ex-TV station (he was part owner of a Marxist TV station. He may still be as far as I know?).

Gore’s TV outfit uncovered this corruption connection between the police and the drug cartels long ago.

The story below is a microcosm of what is going on, on a larger scale.

The fights that you DO hear about between the Mexican Government and the Cartels are often internecine wars faked by the media as Mexican Police/military battling “Drug Cartels”.

Hats off to the leftists (some of them) for exposing that many years ago.


EXCLUSIVE: Mexican Border State Police Officer Caught Leading Gulf Cartel Cell​


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Breitbart Border / Cartel Chronicles

Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby

24 Dec 2020

A border state police officer was identified as the leader of a cartel cell as turf wars in northern Mexico continue to escalate. The arrest revealed a recent spike in the recruitment of police officers by the Gulf Cartel in Nuevo Leon.

Last week in General Bravo, Nuevo Leon, state police officers arrested one of their own during an operation targeting cartel cells, U.S. law enforcement sources operating in Mexico revealed to Breitbart Texas. Authorities were carrying out sweeps in response to a series of high-profile shootouts involving armored vehicles. The gunfights are part of an turf war where the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) faction of Los Zetas is trying to take territories previously held by the Gulf Cartel.

During one of the sweeps, Nuevo Leon’s Fuerza Civil arrested German Cordero Romo, who identified himself as a high ranking law enforcement official and tried to intimidate the arresting officers by claiming connections with even higher officials. Breitbart Texas confirmed that Cordero Romo is no longer employed with Fuerza Civil, however, it remains unclear when his relationship with the agency ended. . . .

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There are some “good” reasons why it is hard to get accurate media from there (unfortunately in America, CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times have no such excuses) . . . .

Mexico is ‘Most Dangerous Western Country for Journalists,’ Says Press Freedom Group​


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Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby

23 Dec 2020116


One of the most prestigious press freedom groups labeled Mexico as the most dangerous country for journalists in the Western Hemisphere. The country continues to see widespread impunity in attacks and murders against journalists in direct retaliation for their work.

The revelations come in the latest report from the Committee to Protect Journalists that documented 45 murdered worldwide. The international press freedom organization recorded 30 killed in 2020, with 21 of those being targeted for their work. The group also documented the murder of 15 other journalists while trying to confirm if they had been killed in connection with their work.

In Mexico, CPJ documented the murder of four who were targeted for their work while a fifth died in a shooting attack while filming. The press freedom group is currently investigating the murder of four other journalists. In addition to the murdered journalists, the CPJ also recorded the murders of two bodyguards who died protecting two journalists. Breitbart Texas has reported on a total of nine journalists being murdered in 2020 in Mexico. Two were enrolled in a federal protection program.

According to the CPJ, the violence continues to climb even after President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) claimed in 2018 to take action to protect media workers. . . . .

Mexico is just plain dangerous for anyone.

An California fireman had a home in Rosarita. The family could not reach him after he went down to check on the property. They found blood and signs of an altercation. About a month later his body was found.

There is not enough money in the world they could pay me to visit there. It is especially dangerous for journalists, police chiefs, mayors, governors and priests.
A lot of Priests very sadly have been killed.

Just in the last 10 days, an EX-Mexican Governor (he was ex-governor of Jalisco where Guadalajara is and now, where the nation’s most powerful cartel is, Cartel Nuevo Generacion of Jalisco with “El Mencho” in charge, top dog now) was assassinated on the beach at Puerto Vallarta:

I was watching a documentary on Mexico, “The Bribe or the Bullet” made in 1996, they have had these problems for a long time but since about 2005 or so, I think it’s gotten totally out of hand. The movie can be viewed online, just search for it.

So, Mexico will chug along, I don’t see how things can really get better in the next 10-20 years whereas at one point, I think there was some hope and then, all heck broke loose.
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